brand awareness Archives - DigitalMarketer Wed, 24 Apr 2024 19:16:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 brand awareness Archives - DigitalMarketer 32 32 Navigating the Video Marketing Maze: Short-Form vs. Long-Form Wed, 24 Apr 2024 19:16:02 +0000 Wondering whether to use short-form or long-form videos for your marketing campaign? This article sheds light on the best video format for your marketing goals.

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Are you torn between using long-form or short-form videos for your small business marketing campaign? Well, you are not alone. Despite 89% of consumers wanting to see more brand videos, there is no one-size-fits-all answer about the ideal video length.

However, this should not deter you from creating an effective video strategy. In 2023, people watched an average of 17 videos per day, highlighting the influence of video content in today’s digital landscape.

Both short-form and long-form videos offer unique advantages and come with their set of challenges. Join me as I uncover the benefits and limitations of each video format to help you make informed marketing decisions.

What are Short-Form Videos?

Short videos typically range from 30 seconds to less than 10 minutes long. They are popular on social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube.

Short-form videos deliver brief yet engaging messages that quickly capture the viewer’s attention. Here are some popular types of short-form video content.

  • TikTok Challenges
  • Instagram Reels
  • Snapchat Stories
  • YouTube Shorts
  • Twitter Video Ads

Benefits of Short-Form Videos

A previously cited report shows that 39% of marketers find short-form videos, ranging from 30-60 seconds long, more successful. The same study reports that 44% of customers prefer watching a short video to learn about a brand’s offerings.

So, it is evident that short-form videos have their benefits. Let’s take a closer look at some of them.


Short-form videos capture attention quickly, making them ideal for the fast-scrolling nature of social media platforms. Your audience is more likely to watch them in their entirety compared to longer content.

Cost-Effective Production 

Creating short-form videos requires less time and resources compared to longer videos. As a small business owner with a limited budget, using short-form videos can be cost-effective. 

Increased Engagement

Short-form videos engage viewers due to their crisp and concise nature. This results in more likes, comments, and shares that boost your content’s visibility and increase brand awareness. 

Integrating short-form videos into your influencer marketing campaigns can further amplify your reach to new and diverse audiences. 

Highly Shareable

Short videos are highly shareable. This makes it more likely for your viewers to share them, increasing their virality. 

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There are multiple benefits of adding video to your website including increased engagement, improved SEO, and enhanced user experience.

Limitations of Short-Form Videos

While short-form videos offer many advantages in content marketing, they also present some challenges.

Limited Message Depth

Due to their brief duration, short-form videos may struggle to convey complex or detailed messages. Longer videos might be more suitable if you need to communicate intricate information.

Competition for Attention

Standing out on platforms flooded with short-form video content can be challenging. You must create content that stands out to avoid becoming lost in the sea of other videos.

Shorter Lifespan 

Short videos may lose their relevance with time. They can quickly get buried in users’ feeds, leading to a shorter visibility and engagement period than longer, evergreen content. 

This means you must consistently create short-form videos to maintain audience interest over time.

Limited SEO Impact

Short-form videos may be more challenging to optimize for search engines than longer, more keyword-rich content. This can affect the discoverability of your content outside the social media scene.

What are Long-Form Videos?

Long-form videos are typically longer, ranging from a few minutes to several hours. They extend beyond a few minutes to several hours, providing ample time for in-depth topic exploration and detailed content. 

These videos are particularly suitable for educational content, product demonstrations, and narrative-driven storytelling. Long-form videos are common on platforms like YouTube and Vimeo. Common types of long-form video content include:

  • YouTube Series
  • Webinars
  • Educational Tutorials and Courses:
  • Behind-the-Scenes Content 
  • Interviews and Conversations

Advantages of Long-Form Videos

Long-form video content is the fastest-growing segment, with videos above 30 minutes experiencing tremendous growth over the years. Let’s explore some of the benefits behind this growth.

Establishes Expertise and Credibility

Long-form videos allow you to provide in-depth information about various subjects, establishing your brand as an authority. Potential customers will likely trust and rely on your insights when you consistently deliver valuable content.

Builds Strong Audience Connections 

The more your audience watches your videos, the more they become familiar with your content and brand. This consistent engagement promotes trust and loyalty, helping you create deeper connections with your audience.

Provide SEO Optimization Opportunities

Long-form videos keep your audience engaged for a longer duration than short ones. This signals search engines that your content provides value, resulting in higher rankings and increased visibility. 

Besides, these videos provide opportunities to optimize for relevant keywords. This Attrock guide offers more insights into the value of SEO for your small business. 

They Are Sustainable

Unlike short videos, well-produced and valuable long-form videos have an extended shelf life. They can continue to attract views and engagement over an extended period, contributing to a sustainable content strategy.

Instagram reels are also a part of short videos and you can get benefits from this platform by integrating it with your website. You can learn how to embed Instagram Reels on websites and get extra benefits from your Reels.

Drawbacks of Long-Form Videos

Despite their benefits, long-form videos also have certain limitations, including:

Attention Span Challenges

Between distractions, juggling tasks, and information overload, user attention span quickly diminishes. Viewers may lose interest and disengage from your long video before its conclusion.

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Complex Production Process

Creating high-quality long-form videos requires more resources, including time, equipment, and skilled personnel. This can be disadvantageous, especially for small businesses with limited budgets.

Platform Limitations

Some social media platforms and video hosting sites may limit video length, making it challenging to distribute long-form video content. You may then be forced to repurpose your content to suit various platforms. 

Short-Form or Long-Form Videos: Which Are Better?

Now that you know the benefits and limitations of each format, which one should you choose? Short-form or long-form videos?

Well, it all boils down to considering several factors, such as: 

Content Objectives

What do you want to achieve from your video marketing campaign? Short-form videos are highly effective for quick brand exposure and generating buzz. Long-form videos, on the other hand, contribute to a more in-depth understanding of the brand.

Target Audience Preferences

Audiences with short attention spans likely prefer short-form videos, while long-form videos appeal to those seeking a more immersive experience.

Similarly, short-form videos may appeal more to younger audiences, while older demographics may prefer the depth of long-form content.

Platform Dynamics

Various platforms support different content formats. Short-form videos are well-suited for platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat. On the other hand, platforms like YouTube and Vimeo are better for hosting longer videos.

Industry Type

Short-form videos would be ideal if your industry thrives on trends, entertainment, and quick messages. However, long-form videos are effective for industries requiring in-depth explanations or educational content.

Bottom Line 

Ultimately, choosing short-form or long-form videos depends on your business’s specific needs and goals. Since both formats have advantages and limitations, making a choice may prove difficult. 

However, it doesn’t have to be an uphill task. The key lies in recognizing when to incorporate each video format into your marketing strategy. Understanding your audience and its needs allows you to combine both formats strategically, maximizing the benefits of each. 

Continuously analyze performance metrics and adapt your video marketing strategy accordingly to ensure optimal engagement and conversion rates.

The post Navigating the Video Marketing Maze: Short-Form vs. Long-Form appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

Mastering Reddit for Brand Awareness & Reputation Management Thu, 21 Dec 2023 19:46:59 +0000 Discover the untapped potential of Reddit in 2024 for brand awareness and reputation management.

The post Mastering Reddit for Brand Awareness & Reputation Management appeared first on DigitalMarketer.


First, think of how vast the internet is, and how impossible it is to reach every crack, corner, and crevice.

Now, imagine a place where millions of people endlessly sift through this vastness, promoting what’s worthy of the front page and removing what’s rubbish.

That’s Reddit.

If you’ve spent only a few minutes redditting, you may be thinking it’s a place for cute cats and ridiculous memes…

However, Reddit is also a place for the president, for customer support, and just about anything else you can imagine. Reddit pulls at least two billion unique visitors a month and normally powers thousands of active communities per day, ranging from science, music, and politics to specialties like tech support and homebrewing.

If you are not paying attention to your niche subreddits, you don’t know your audience.

But there is more to Reddit than its own huge audience you need to be listening to. Reddit is getting a huge visibility in Google’s organic search.

Reddit is becoming an inevitable part of just about any buying journey. Just about any brand triggers [PRODUCT/BRAND NAME REDDIT] suggestion in Google’s Autocomplete results:

[Reddit] comes up in many brand-driven Google’s Autocomplete suggestions prompting consumers to search it even if they didn’t initially intend to.

There’s also a new SERP feature for Reddit called “Discussions and forums”:

Not being on Reddit means missing this huge organic search opportunity and failing to control this narrative.

Four More Reasons to Use Reddit for Digital Marketing

1. User-testing and New Product Feedback

Do you have a new website or product coming out soon? Is there anything in the beta stage? 

Reddit is a great place to get quality (and free) feedback.

Continuing from the previous example, find the proper subreddit relevant to your business. Make sure you are operating within the subreddit rules and guidelines before submitting anything. If you’re unsure, consult one of the moderators by sending them a private message.

Here’s an example:

Further down the comment section, we see real feedback:

Boom! Redditors are happy to help each other in more niche subreddits – pretty cool right?

2.  Extend Customer Service Reach

In the same vein, we can extend our customer service efforts by researching threads where our business or product is mentioned.

Be optimistic – sometimes Redditors are complimenting your service! Find them, thank them, and contribute to the positivity. This ties into increasing brand reputation as well.

A word of caution: do not jump head-first into the comment sections, especially if you’re representing a company. Instead, get your feet wet by observing how people talk about brands and how a representative responds. 

Practice reddiquette (which is often different from subreddit to subreddit) and combine this with your observations. There are many stereotypes about redditors, but these only apply to the masses. 

When you’re in a niche subreddit it’s much easier to identify the tone of voice and sentimental atmosphere. Plus, we’re able to target potential customers who have already expressed interest in our industry.

3. Community Building

Creating a subreddit (a sub-community) is practical for many reasons. We can create private subreddits for an internal office team or an exclusive community for your clients. Public subreddits allow anyone to view content and comment if you allow it.

With an active subreddit, businesses can provide useful information (such as resources, advice, guides, and feedback) to current and new customers. Expect to see a detailed post on creating and maximizing a subreddit from me in the future.

4. Increasing Awareness

While not every business will adopt a whale and host a naming contest, Reddit is a vast opportunity mine.

Take note of which content gets upvoted the most and ask your team, “Can we do something like this?” If the answer is yes, go for it.

There’s even a subreddit for small businesses where you are allowed to promote your business.

Step 1: Start Monitoring Reddit

Products and brands are being talked about in every corner of the internet. Identifying all of these mentions is a pretty simple process; it just takes a bit of time to set up.

Reddit is an excellent medium for providing current social monitoring tactics to aid in brand management and data collection.

I constantly see social media marketers saying they don’t “get” Reddit. They always say it’s too confusing or a place all businesses should avoid. If you call yourself a social media marketer and you don’t at least acknowledge the value of subreddits, you’re doing something wrong. It’s one of the top 50 websites in the world. The branding, social monitoring, and community benefits are undeniable.

Reddit is a medium that doesn’t have everything spelled out. So, some users give up easily after having a bad experience which could have been avoided if they had invested enough time to learn the social norms and history of the platform. By dismissing the platform, they’re dismissing target audience groups that are:

  • already bunched together
  • already talking about relevant industry topics
  • asking questions YOU know the answer to

There are inside jokes, thematic content (i.e.; weekly contests), in-depth quality discussions, beginners looking for help, and much more. A local business – a plumber or an HVAC, for example – can be incredibly useful on subreddits. It’s an extension of customer service.

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The challenge: Social media marketers and business owners need to be flexible when experimenting with new platforms. Becoming a community member in a subreddit is the perfect way to get started. It’s such a simple concept but it gets twisted when you try to approach it from a traditional marketing perspective.

The benefits of being a contributing member include being able to extract social data, learning more about potential customers, the market, the interests, and demographics, and once you’ve gotten your fill, putting it all together in an accepted form of advertising. Or a contest. Or a game. 

Every subreddit is different.

Take advantage of free tools. Here are some useful options:

  • Google Alerts and Search Operators + Google Sheets/Excel
  • Buzzsumo Alerts

Start off by opening up your preferred spreadsheet program. I recommend Google Sheets because it’s free and in the cloud, but Excel is also fine.

Let’s say your business is a homebrewing supply store – a local business with a large enough operation to handle online orders.

Run searches using “keywords” in Google. Record each thread link on Reddit that you can contribute to, such as offering expertise, solving a problem, asking your own questions, or being a part of an event/evolving discussion. Then make a column to keep track of which threads you haven’t responded to yet. For more collaboration capabilities, consider using tools like Slack to make Reddit marketing a cross-marketing strategy.

The tools you can use are:

  • Google Alerts
  • Buzzsumo

Here’s a screenshot of creating a new alert using Buzzsumo:

Step 2: Create a Brand-Driven Subreddit

Owning a subreddit is your first step to owning a brand-driven narrative. Luckily anyone can create and moderate a subreddit.

If your customers are going to discuss your product on Reddit, they’d better do it in a space you can control.

Here comes the SERP management benefit of that: This should help you control [your product name+Reddit] results better. Some brands are doing that very well, e.g.:

Comcast-driven search triggers “Reddit” suggestion at #2.

As a result, Comcast owns those search results thanks to their official subreddits:

Controlling your brand-driven SERPs is the only way to ensure your customers will end up buying from you. It is your ultimate digital business card.

Additionally, they also successfully show up in Google’s AI snapshot (SGE) answer:

That’s your goal.

It takes time and effort to maintain a quality subreddit but your customer support team will likely enjoy it because it has a rewarding community-building aspect to it.

Make sure you set up your GA4 correctly to be able to measure the traffic from your new subreddit.

Step 3: Participate Outside of Your Subreddit

After you do some thorough reddit monitoring, set up your brand-driven subreddit and learn to talk to your customers in that space, you can start participating outside of it, in other relevant subreddits.

Reply to questions, make comments, and be genuinely active. Consider hosting an AMA (“Ask me anything”) to tell your story, use Reddit for content brainstorming, and learn more about your target audience.

Reddit is great for link building once you get a feel of it and understand what your niche reporters and bloggers are looking for when monitoring Reddit. It is great for competitors’ evaluation, product gap analysis, email marketing strategy and so much more. Stop ignoring Reddit as a marketing tool but approach it with care.


We have been doing all kinds of Reddit analysis and strategy implementation for clients. We managed to control [brand name reddit] search results within 2 months of setting a brand-driven subreddit. For another client, our Reddit-driven viral marketing campaign brought in hundreds of clicks, links and shares, as well as positioned it as a trending search in Google:

Our client was a brand-new startup that barely produced any results for brand-driven searches. Google associated our client’s brand name with the biggest brands in the industry within a week of the Reddit-driven marketing campaign. This is the strongest signal you can build.

Reddit is one the most powerful tools you can use for brand awareness and beyond!

The post Mastering Reddit for Brand Awareness & Reputation Management appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

Barbie Movie Boosts: How the Barbie Movie Redefined Brand Marketing Mon, 24 Jul 2023 20:47:15 +0000 Graphs can help to visualize complex data sets and identify patterns that may not be immediately apparent when looking at raw data.

The post Barbie Movie Boosts: How the Barbie Movie Redefined Brand Marketing appeared first on DigitalMarketer.


In 2023, the renowned toy company Mattel, famous for creating the iconic Barbie doll, faced challenging times amidst a competitive market. However, a recent development has the potential to reshape the company’s trajectory and revitalize its brand presence: the release of the much-anticipated Barbie movie. This article explores how this cinematic venture has impacted Mattel’s stock performance and discusses the potential implications it may have for the company’s survival.

Overview of Mattel & the Barbie Brand 

Mattel is a globally recognized toy company that has been a pioneer in the industry for decades. Established in 1945, the company quickly rose to prominence with its innovative and beloved toys. However, its most iconic creation, the Barbie doll, was introduced in 1959.

Barbie became an instant cultural phenomenon, capturing the imagination of millions of children worldwide and setting a standard for fashion dolls. Over the years, Barbie has undergone various transformations, adapting to changing times and promoting diversity and inclusivity

Despite these efforts, Mattel faced challenges in recent years, struggling to keep up with digital entertainment and other competitors.

Mattel’s Struggles & Stock Performance

In the early 2020s, Mattel experienced various setbacks that impacted its financial performance and stock value. 

With the rise of digital toys and entertainment options, traditional toy manufacturers faced stiff competition. Mattel’s revenues were affected as children’s play patterns shifted toward online gaming and virtual experiences. 

The company also faced difficulties with supply chain disruptions and rising production costs. These challenges culminated in a decline in Mattel’s stock performance, raising concerns about the company’s ability to stay relevant in an evolving market.

Mattel Reports First Quarter 2023 Financial Results

Mattel’s Second Quarter 2023 financial results will publish on Wednesday, July 26, 2023.

The Barbie Movie: A Cinematic Triumph 

To rejuvenate the Barbie brand, Mattel embarked on an ambitious cinematic venture – the release of a Barbie movie on July 21, 2023. The movie promised a fresh take on the iconic doll, featuring a compelling storyline and modern themes to resonate with today’s audiences.

Leading up to the premiere, even Google got all dolled up for this star studded movie of the summer, turning shades of pink for the brand’s famous color scheme. As the film hit theaters, it garnered widespread praise from both critics and viewers alike. 

The film exceeded all projections, grossing an impressive $155 million during its opening weekend in domestic markets and an additional $182 million internationally. The movie’s tremendous start was fueled by $22.3 million in previews on Thursday, making it one of the top 25 all-time preview performances and securing the highest opening of the year.

Comparing Barbie’s performance to other recent releases, it outshined the Super Mario Bros. Movie, which had a $146.3 million weekend but also benefited from a $58.2 million gross on Wednesday and Thursday, resulting in a $204.6 million five-day start.

Barbie’s remarkable Friday, combined with Wednesday and Thursday figures, totaled $70.5 million, setting a new record for the highest Friday (including previews) opening of the year.

What makes Barbie’s triumph even more noteworthy is that it boasts the best opening ever for a film co-directed or directed solely by a woman. Notably, both Captain Marvel ($153.4 million) and Frozen II ($130.2 million) had male co-directors, whereas Barbie stands as a pioneering example with a female solo or co-director.

This marks only the second time in cinematic history that a solo female director has achieved an opening weekend gross of over $100 million, with the other instance being Patty Jenkins’ Wonder Woman ($103.2 million).

The Barbie movie’s success was attributed to its captivating storytelling, stunning visuals, relevant play on nostalgia and positive messages promoting empowerment and self-expression. Not to mention all the city wide press this movie has created. 

Market Reaction and Stock Surge

Following the movie’s release, Mattel experienced a significant surge in its stock value. Investors responded positively to the success of the Barbie movie, recognizing it as a game-changer for the company’s prospects. The rise in stock value was not only indicative of renewed investor confidence but also a testament to the movie’s ability to revive the brand’s allure and profitability.

Barbie’s Appeal to Adult Audiences

The Barbie movie unexpectedly found a substantial audience among adults. Beyond its traditional target demographic of children, the film resonated with older viewers, including nostalgic adults who grew up with Barbie.

The movie’s ability to evoke a sense of nostalgia and connect with adult audiences created an unexpected marketing advantage for Mattel. This newfound appeal among adults potentially translated into increased interest in Barbie-related products and memorabilia.

Expanding Merchandising Opportunities

The success of the Barbie movie opened up new avenues for Mattel to capitalize on merchandising and licensing opportunities. With the movie’s characters and storyline capturing the hearts of audiences, Mattel had an opportunity to introduce a wide range of spin-off products and tie-ins. 

Collaborations with other companies for limited-edition Barbie merchandise, such as clothing, accessories, and collectibles, provided an additional revenue stream and reinforced the Barbie brand’s relevance.

Impact on Mattel’s Future Strategy

The triumph of the Barbie movie significantly influenced Mattel’s future strategic decisions. The success of the entertainment-driven approach demonstrated that storytelling and engaging narratives were vital components for the company’s product development. Consequently, Mattel might prioritize partnerships with filmmakers, screenwriters, and animators to create compelling content that goes beyond just physical toys.

Marketing Lessons from Mattel’s Barbie Movie Campaign

The release of the Barbie movie in 2023 marked a turning point for Mattel, reviving the company’s brand image and stock performance. The success of the film not only brought renewed interest from children but also unexpectedly resonated with adult audiences, further bolstering the Barbie brand’s status. 

With this newfound momentum, Mattel now has a unique opportunity to leverage the success of the Barbie movie to explore new horizons and ensure its survival and success in the ever-evolving toy industry.

Take Action

  • Understanding the Power of Brand Nostalgia: Mattel tapped into the nostalgia associated with the iconic Barbie brand, resonating not only with children but also with adults who grew up with the doll. Marketers can leverage nostalgia by revisiting and reimagining their brand’s heritage to evoke emotional connections with their target audience.
  • Effective Audience Segmentation: The marketing campaign demonstrated a deep understanding of its target audience, recognizing both children and adults as potential consumers. Businesses should segment their target audience effectively to craft tailored messages that address specific needs and preferences.
  • Leveraging Cross-Platform Promotion: Mattel maximized the impact of its marketing efforts by employing cross-platform promotion. Businesses can learn to integrate their campaigns across various channels, such as social media, television, print, and online advertising, to reach a wider audience and reinforce their brand message.
  • Inclusivity and Diversity in Storytelling: The Barbie movie emphasized themes of empowerment and inclusivity, promoting diverse representations of characters. Marketers can learn from this approach and incorporate diverse and authentic storytelling that reflects the varied experiences and backgrounds of their audience.
  • Building Anticipation with Previews: The use of previews to create buzz around the Barbie movie generated excitement and anticipation. Marketers can apply this tactic by offering sneak peeks, teasers, or exclusive content to build anticipation for their product launches or events.
  • Collaborating with Influencers and Partners: Mattel collaborated with influencers, celebrities, and other partners to amplify the movie’s reach and create additional hype. Businesses can explore partnerships with influencers and other brands to extend their brand visibility and tap into new audiences.
  • Emphasizing Female Leadership: The success of Barbie, directed by Greta Gerwig, highlighted the impact of female-led projects. Businesses can embrace gender diversity and empower female leaders within their organizations, signaling their commitment to inclusivity and equality.
  • Storytelling as a Central Element: The Barbie movie’s success was driven by compelling storytelling that resonated with the audience. Marketers can prioritize storytelling in their campaigns, creating narratives that connect emotionally with consumers and elevate their brand message.
  • Measuring and Analyzing Results: Mattel’s campaign likely involved thorough monitoring and analysis of marketing efforts, allowing them to optimize their strategies. Marketers should invest in data analysis and performance tracking to measure the success of their campaigns and make data-driven decisions.
  • Building a Comprehensive Merchandising Strategy: The success of the Barbie movie extended beyond the film itself, with a robust merchandising strategy. Businesses can learn to capitalize on their campaigns by offering related products and tie-ins to enhance brand exposure and generate additional revenue streams.

By drawing inspiration from Mattel’s successful marketing campaign for the Barbie movie, businesses can apply these valuable lessons to enhance their own marketing strategies and ultimately achieve greater brand impact and success.

The post Barbie Movie Boosts: How the Barbie Movie Redefined Brand Marketing appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

8 Ways that Video Marketing is a Game-Changer for Digital Marketers in 2023 Mon, 24 Jul 2023 17:23:41 +0000 Explore why video marketing has become an indispensable weapon in the digital marketer's arsenal in 2023 and how it can effectively capture the attention and engagement of today's consumers.

The post 8 Ways that Video Marketing is a Game-Changer for Digital Marketers in 2023 appeared first on DigitalMarketer.


As a dedicated digital marketer, you pour countless hours into gathering data, conducting market research, and fine-tuning your client’s marketing campaigns. Your goal is to develop extremely powerful strategies that engage with the target audience and deliver exceptional results. In this dynamic and ever-evolving landscape, one marketing tool has consistently risen above the rest: video marketing. 

In this blog, we will explore why video marketing has become an indispensable weapon in the digital marketer’s arsenal in 2023 and how it can effectively capture the attention and engagement of today’s consumers.

What is Video Marketing?

But what exactly is video marketing? Simply put, video marketing strategically uses visual content to promote products, raise brand awareness, and generate engagement. Unlike traditional marketing methods like blogs or infographics, videos leverage the strength of visual storytelling to captivate viewers and deliver compelling messages.

Statistics from Wyzowl reveal that an astounding 91% of businesses will be utilizing video marketing tools in 2023. This widespread adoption is driven by the immersive and engaging experience videos offer, making them more effective than text-based content. In an era of shrinking attention spans, videos provide concise and visually appealing ways to convey information.

Types of Video Marketing Every Business Need to Use

Now, let’s explore the various forms of video marketing and how they can bring significant benefits to your business:

Produce High-Quality Product Featuring Video

To start, a product video serves as a captivating medium to showcase the unique features and advantages of your product. By visually illustrating its functionality and emphasizing its value, a product video allows potential customers to grasp its capabilities and envision how it can enrich their lives.

Live Stream to Show You Care for Customers

Moving on to live videos, which encompass webinars and Q&As, they offer real-time interaction and engagement opportunities. Live video allows businesses to provide demonstrations, address queries, and gather feedback directly from viewers, fostering authenticity and establishing a stronger connection with the audience.

Tutorial/How-to Video to Explain Product Usage

Next, let’s delve into tutorial videos. These invaluable resources provide step-by-step instructions and practical guidance on using a product or accomplishing specific tasks. By offering clear and concise instructions, tutorial videos empower viewers to make the most of the product’s features, enhancing their satisfaction and minimizing potential obstacles.

Video Testimonials for Showing Trustworthiness

When done right, a compelling video testimonial can do wonders for selling your product. These testimonials cultivate trust and credibility by featuring satisfied customers who share their genuine experiences and opinions. Prospective customers can witness real individuals expressing their contentment, enabling them to make informed decisions and choose your product over competitors.

Social Media Videos to Reach Targeted Customers

Last but certainly not least, let’s discuss the power of social media videos. In this social media-driven era, where people spend significant time on various platforms, crafting engaging videos tailored to specific audiences can be an incredibly effective strategy. You may increase the reach and potency of your marketing campaigns by regularly sharing both sponsored and organic videos.

Social media videos are short and more catchy, so by simply producing those kinds of videos, you can get a targeted audience that engages with your service or products. And those short social media videos give you an advantage to embed on your website or pages; even you can embed your TikTok feed on your website.

Top 8 Reasons why Video Marketing is so Powerful in 2023

1. Amplifying Conversions and Driving Sales

Video marketing has a significant impact on driving conversions and increasing sales. In fact, a business’s landing page’s conversion rate can rise by an impressive 80% by including a product video.

Based on research findings, it has been determined that a substantial 74% of viewers exhibit a higher likelihood of making a purchase after watching an informative video that explains a product or service. Engaging viewers with visual content, videos effectively communicate the value of your offerings and motivate them to take action.

For instance, consider a clothing brand utilizing video to showcase its latest collection. Through visual presentations of designs, fabrics, and how the clothes fit on real models, potential customers can easily imagine themselves wearing the products. This visualization dramatically enhances the chances of converting a viewer into a customer.

2. Google Loves Videos

Videos play a crucial role in search engine optimization (SEO) by significantly impacting website rankings. Websites with integrated videos have a 53 times better probability of appearing in search engine results.

Furthermore, videos contribute to reducing bounce rates as they keep visitors engaged for longer durations. This prolonged engagement rate informs search engines that the content on your website is worth a while.

It is crucial to SEO-optimize your videos to maximize these benefits. The probability that your videos will appear in search results increases when relevant keywords are used in the videos’ descriptions, titles, and tags. This optimization enhances your online visibility, drives organic traffic to your website, and expands your reach to a broader audience.

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Additionally, if you use videos on your sites or embed social media feeds, you need to be sure you’re using the right server.  Using a Linux VPS server for websites that embed videos offers numerous advantages.

Linux is known for its stability, security, and flexibility, making it an ideal choice for hosting multimedia content. With a VPS server, website owners have dedicated resources to ensure smooth video playback and faster loading times.

3. Building Trust & Raising Brand Recognition

Trust is the foundation for successful business relationships, and video marketing builds trust by establishing an emotional connection with the audience. Videos effectively engage viewers, evoke emotions, and contribute to the authenticity and credibility of your brand.

Video testimonials hold a particular influence in fostering trust. Customers tend to place more trust in the experiences shared by fellow customers rather than traditional sales pitches. Potential customers can see real people expressing their joy with your product or service by including video testimonials in your marketing strategy. This authentic feedback establishes trust and credibility, as viewers can see real people discussing their positive experiences. 

Video testimonials provide valuable social proof and can greatly influence decision-making, increasing customers’ likelihood of choosing your brand.

Imagine a scenario where a technology company features video testimonials from satisfied customers on its website. Seeing and hearing genuine users discuss how the product solved their problems and enhanced their lives instills confidence in potential buyers, making them more inclined to select that specific brand.

4. Higher Engagement and Retention Rates

Video marketing stands out with its ability to engage and retain viewers more effectively than other content formats. Nowadays, creating a YouTube channel is more highly preferred than starting a blog.

According to studies, people only retain 10% of information when reading text and 95% when watching a video. In videos, the storytelling, audio, and visual elements work together to draw in viewers and keep them interested throughout the content.

For instance, let’s consider a travel agency that creates a captivating video showcasing popular tourist destinations. The agency establishes an emotional connection by immersing viewers in breathtaking visuals of picturesque landscapes, cultural experiences, and local attractions. This connection not only enhances engagement but also ignites a desire in viewers to explore the agency’s offerings further.

5. Mobile-Friendly and On-the-Go Consumption

With the increasing use of smartphones, video marketing is perfectly suited for on-the-go consumption. By creating mobile-friendly videos, businesses can reach their audience anytime, anywhere.

Consider a food delivery service promoting its app through video marketing. By showcasing how users can easily order their favorite meals through the app and have them delivered to their doorstep, the video appeals to busy individuals who rely on mobile devices for convenience.

The visual demonstration of the app’s user-friendly interface and seamless ordering process encourages potential customers to download and use the service. And there are plenty of good platforms that make the video creation process easy and interesting for video marketers.

6. Personalized & Targeted Messaging

Videos offer the opportunity to deliver personalized and targeted messages to specific segments of your audience. Leveraging advanced analytics and data-driven insights, businesses can create customized videos tailored to individual preferences, interests, and demographics.

Think about a fashion retailer using personalized video recommendations based on their customers’ past purchases or browsing patterns. By showcasing products that align with each customer’s style preferences, the retailer provides a personalized shopping experience, enhancing customer satisfaction and increasing the likelihood of repeat purchases.

7. Everything is Easily Explained

Launching a new product or service can be challenging when it comes to explaining its features and benefits. Videos excel at simplifying complex concepts and making explanations more accessible. Research indicates that 96% of users have watched explainer videos to learn more about products or services.

For instance, suppose a software company introduces a new application that streamlines project management—creating an animated video demonstrating how the software works and highlighting its key features can effectively communicate its value to potential users. The visual representation simplifies the explanation and increases understanding, ultimately driving interest and adoption.

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8. Fostering Social Sharing for Wider Reach

In the era of social media dominance, video marketing plays a crucial role in reaching and engaging with your target audience. A substantial number of social marketers, around 60%, employ video content to promote their brands, underscoring the significant impact of videos in social media marketing.

Creating engaging and captivating videos is crucial to promoting social sharing. By crafting videos that grab viewers’ attention and entertain them, you significantly increase the chances of your content going viral, thereby organically expanding your brand’s reach.

Imagine a sports equipment company creating a video showcasing jaw-dropping trick shots using their products. Viewers who find the video entertaining and impressive will likely share it with their friends, potentially sparking conversations and generating interest in the brand. 

Video marketing has emerged as a powerful and indispensable tool for businesses and marketers in 2023. And in the coming years, it will just continue to expand. So by leveraging the power of video, businesses can captivate their audience, raise brand awareness, and achieve their 2023 digital marketing goals effectively.

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Key Steps for Building Strong Brand/Customer Relationships Thu, 20 Apr 2023 20:52:15 +0000 Want to boost your brand-customer relationship? Discover how an effective brand management strategy can improve customer loyalty and engagement.

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In modern business, standing out from the crowd isn’t easy. A strong brand-customer relationship is vital, as it drives customer loyalty and engagement. This can be the deciding factor in your business’s long-term success. 

This article will explore the importance of your brand-customer relationship. We’ll explain how the four principles of brand management can help you build and maintain that relationship.

What is a Brand-Customer Relationship?

Your brand-customer relationship is the connection between your business and its customers. It’s influenced by various factors, but is essentially formed through the perception and reputation of your brand. You build this relationship on trust, loyalty, and engagement. 

As well as the quality of the products or services you offer, your company’s reputation is also important. So is the customer’s overall experience with your brand. To put it simply, there are both tangible and intangible aspects to your brand-consumer relationship.  

The tangible aspects include the quality of your products and services, as well as your sales, customer service, and support. We measure and affect the intangible parts of the brand-customer relationship with brand management. 

Why is Brand-Customer Relationship Important?

It’s well-known that customer experience is one of the most critical factors in customer loyalty – and your brand-customer relationship is central to this. A good relationship encourages customer loyalty through engagement. 

Customers who have a positive experience with your brand, and thus a strong brand-customer relationship, are more likely to recommend your company to others and make repeat purchases. This drives higher customer lifetime values and can grow your revenue through word-of-mouth and social sharing. 

In addition, a solid brand-customer relationship helps to differentiate your business from its competitors. Positive associations with your brand make it easier for customers to identify and choose it over others.

The 4 Principles of Brand Management

So, now you know what we mean by a brand-customer relationship. But it probably still seems like a vague concept. Yet, whether you’re aware of it or not, you’re affecting it with everyday business decisions, advertising, and communications. 

That’s why many established businesses have dedicated brand management teams to build consistency across your brand. These four overlapping principles guide brand management strategy. Measuring them will show you the state of your brand-customer relationship.  

1. Awareness

This is how aware your target audience is of your brand versus others in your market. Think of synonymous brands such as Coke for soft drinks or Hoover for vacuums. These are the brands with the highest level of awareness in their respective areas.  

Most businesses won’t become household names, but there are other ways to measure brand awareness. Analyzing organic searches for your brand name, as well as social media mentions, content shares, and so on, can give you a good idea of your audience’s awareness level.

That said, raising brand awareness isn’t just about getting your brand name in front of people. Increasing and maintaining awareness means you must also stand out in the customer’s memory. For brand managers, this means creating a unique brand personality for your business. 

2. Reputation

Your reputation is what customers think about when they see your brand. This might be certain words or emotions they associate with your brand or product or a generally positive or negative sentiment.  

This has a significant overlap with your brand awareness. If you’re not working on maintaining your brand reputation while growing awareness, you can spread negative sentiments and do more harm than good for your brand. 

Building a positive reputation takes time. You can affect it through your communication, service, recruitment, and community projects. Your company culture, mission statement, and guiding principles can also tell external stakeholders about your reputation and values. 

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3. Loyalty

Research shows that loyal customers are five times more likely to make repeat purchases and four times more likely to recommend your business. That’s why customer loyalty is the goal of your efforts to improve your brand awareness and reputation.

Easier said than done? Perhaps. Customer loyalty can be challenging to build, partly because many customers look for different things to get their best experience out of a business. Some customers value convenience and price, while others want on-demand support. 

For example, customers who come to your brand for value might appreciate your customer service measures such as a toll-free number or online text chat for inquiries. On the other hand, those looking for convenience might appreciate a premium-rate line that guarantees instant access to support. 

That means that to increase customer loyalty, brand managers must analyze customer behavior and feedback. Personalization is a major driver of customer loyalty. When you listen to a customer’s needs and make changes based on feedback, you show that you value their contribution to your business.

4. Equity

Brand equity represents your brand’s perceived value. Think of it as the premium customers are willing to pay to access your brand over cheaper competitors. This leads to higher ROI on both new and developed products, as you can incorporate this into your pricing. 

In his book, “Strategic Brand Management: Building, Measuring, and Managing Brand Equity”, author Kevin Lane Keller describes four key steps to building your brand equity:

  • Establish your brand identity by identifying your target audience. Then, create your brand assets and stories around it. 
  • Define what your brand means. You do this by clearly stating your company values and through the projects you choose to support. 
  • Analyze how customers respond to your brand. What feelings and emotions does your brand evoke? Direct feedback and sentiment analysis are two good ways to judge this. 
  • Build your brand resonance by developing your existing customer relationships. Use your brand management to form deeper emotional connections with your customer base. 

High customer satisfaction and customer loyalty are key indicators that your brand equity is rising.  

How to Use Brand Management to Improve Customer Relations

Now you understand the principles of brand management, let’s look at how to use this in an everyday business setting to improve your customer relations.  

Start With Brand Basics

If you’re new to brand management, the first step to improving customer relations is establishing a clear and consistent brand identity. This means developing a brand strategy, mission statement, and brand identity that aligns with your business’s values and goals.

You’ll also need to make key decisions about core brand assets like your logo design. Simple assets or slogans can be crucial in reinforcing the emotions and values you want customers to associate with your brand. Give these decisions the time and thought they deserve. 

Share Your Stories

Whether we’re talking about your brand’s origin story, mission, or even employee journeys and customer testimonials, sharing these stories will help you make deeper emotional connections with your customers. 

For example, many companies make support content like video tutorials for their products. But one way to make your customers feel more connected to this process is to share user-generated content with success tips and product guides.  

Optimize Your Online Visibility

In today’s digital age, your business needs to have a strong online presence. Optimizing your online visibility can increase brand awareness and reach more customers. 

This includes developing a website and creating social media profiles, as well as covering other basics like listing your brand in online directories and review sites.

Create an Internal Branding Guide

A strong brand identity is not just built by communicating with customers. You also need to ensure that employees understand and align with the company’s branding efforts. You can achieve this by creating an internal branding guide. 

Use this as a reference for all employees to ensure consistency in tone of voice and other branding markers for all departments.

Focus on Your Customer Journey

It’s vital to understand how customers interact with your brand, from the awareness stage to post-purchase. By understanding the customer value journey, you can identify areas for improvement and tailor your branding efforts to meet the needs of your customers at each stage.

Engage Your Customers on Their Terms

Engaging with your customers on the channels they prefer is crucial to building a strong brand-customer relationship. Whether it’s social media, email, phone, or in-person interactions your audience prefers, make sure they can access your brand on those channels.

Personalize the Customer Experience

While we can fit customers into groups and demographics, each one is also unique. By analyzing a customer’s preferences as they interact with your business, you can give them a customer experience that meets their needs every time. 

This can be small, simple, gestures. For example, give your priority customers access to a separate business phone number to speed up their support experience.  

Analyze and Improve

Finally, to truly optimize your brand-customer relationship, you need to analyze your performance and make adjustments as you go. This includes tracking website traffic, monitoring social media engagement and sentiments, and analyzing customer feedback. 

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By using analytics, you can make data-driven decisions to improve customer relations and drive growth. 

Final Thoughts: It’s all in the Details

Your brand-customer relationship goes deeper than your surface interactions with your customers. When we’re talking about subjective factors like emotion and engagement, the little details can make the biggest difference. 

Even seemingly unrelated decisions like your choice of website hosting providers can have a knock-on effect. Does your domain name reflect your brand? Is it instantly recognizable to customers? When we think about it in these terms, it’s easy to see why a choice like this can have repercussions for your brand. 

Effective brand management means you don’t have to fret about the small details of every decision. Having a clear brand strategy and documents like an internal branding guide help ensure consistency, even up to the decision-making level.  

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How to Build Brand Awareness with Content Marketing Mon, 02 Jan 2023 11:50:42 +0000 People can’t buy from you if they don’t know your brand exists. That’s the purpose of brand awareness — to help people recognize and recall your business when they need you.

The post How to Build Brand Awareness with Content Marketing appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

How to Build Brand Awareness with Content Marketing

People can’t buy from you if they don’t know your brand exists. That’s the purpose of brand awareness — to help people recognize and recall your business when they need you. Making sure people know and remember your brand is where to use content marketing to build brand awareness.

Understanding Brand Awareness

Brand awareness is how readily consumers recognize your brand. Have they heard of it? Do they remember anything about what you do? Brand awareness is critical to your business’s growth because people can’t consider purchasing from you if they’ve never even heard of your brand.

But what you want from brand awareness goes beyond just an “Oh, that” moment. Yes, you want people to recognize your company’s name, but it’s also excellent if they associate specific details with your name.

For example, we don’t just recognize the name McDonald’s. We know what McDonald’s serves, how easy it is to find one, the consistency of their products, etc.

We tie thoughts, feelings, emotions, behaviors, and preferences to brands. Those things help us differentiate and prefer certain brands over others. But all of these positive benefits start with brand awareness.

Children don’t want that Happy Meal toy until they know McDonald’s exists and has Happy Meals.

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Content Marketing’s Role in Brand Awareness

Awareness is the first step in the customer journey. That means, without it, you can’t make sales.

Back in the day, companies like McDonald’s spent tons of money on traditional advertising to make people aware of their brands. They erected golden arches seemingly everywhere and made TV commercials featuring Ronald McDonald so children would beg their parents to go. But that’s not the way brands get recognized anymore.

Today’s buyers go online when they’re thinking about buying something. More than 65% of people research online before making a purchase. Enter content marketing’s role in today’s customer journey. By having a website and doing SEO content marketing, your brand is more likely to show up for customers when they search for products or services in your category.

For example, let’s say I have a problem. It’s getting colder outside, so I like to have a mug of green tea in the afternoon. Kind of a mid-afternoon pick-me-up. But I’ve noticed that I bring the tea to my desk, then get distracted by calls or emails.

My tea gets cold before I drink it. I mentioned this frustration to a friend, who recommended I get a mug warmer. I can set my cup on the warmer, and my tea will stay warm until I finish it. This product sounds like a perfect solution to my problem, but I have no idea where to buy a mug warmer. So, I head to Google and type it into the search bar. Here’s what I see:

I find brands I’ve never heard of, varying products and price points, and even a story from “The New York Times” recommending specific warmers. If I scroll down past the ads, I also find smaller businesses that have written posts similar to the one from the “Times” and have links on their sites to buy those products.

That is content marketing’s role in brand awareness! It leads me from a Google search to content that makes me aware of new brands and helps me eliminate my pain point. My afternoon tea will be warm from here on out!

As a bonus, the money spent on content marketing (much less than those television ads featuring Ronald McDonald) will keep those brands showing up in search results potentially for years, driving traffic and leads to those companies’ websites while creating greater brand awareness.

Advice for Using Content Marketing to Build Brand Awareness

Now that you understand how content marketing can drive awareness, you want it to happen right now! That’s understandable. Once you have a tool that you know can make big things happen for your business, you want to use it. But here’s some advice before you dig in.

When using content marketing to build brand awareness:

  • Know Your Audience. Understand your audience and their pain points. What are they likely to search for on Google? Be sure your content is anticipating their search intent.
  • Use Keywords. Once you know what your audience searches for that your brand helps with, build your keyword strategy around those specific searches. You want your site to pop up when they ask Google their questions.
  • Vary Your Content. Don’t focus on blog posts alone. You need product or service pages, emails, Google Business Profile, and a presence on social media. Post words, videos, graphics, photos, etc., to help people see, recognize, and consider your brand.
  • Show Up Regularly. You can’t post once and expect people to flock to your site. You have to show up regularly for your audience. That means having a strong website, posting on your blog at least twice a week, and posting and interacting daily on your social media channels. Use the content marketing methods you choose to best serve your audience regularly.
  • Be Patient. This piece of advice may be the most challenging. You have to be patient. SEO content marketing done right will always work for your brand, but it won’t work overnight. You have to trust the process and celebrate the steady increase in awareness.

The Lesson to Learn

Building brand awareness through content marketing takes a thoughtful approach but has lasting effects. Using content in these ways will attract more customers to your brand on social channels, your website, and even strategic partners who never heard of you before. Planning and executing a content marketing plan takes time, but the effort is always worth it.

The post How to Build Brand Awareness with Content Marketing appeared first on DigitalMarketer.
