Execution Plans Archives - DigitalMarketer https://www.digitalmarketer.com/./execution-plans/ Fri, 05 Jan 2024 17:46:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 https://www.digitalmarketer.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/gearsNew-150x150.png Execution Plans Archives - DigitalMarketer https://www.digitalmarketer.com/./execution-plans/ 32 32 2024 AI Marketing Frontier: GPT Wonderland Unveiled https://www.digitalmarketer.com/blog/2024-ai-marketing/ Mon, 08 Jan 2024 16:00:00 +0000 https://www.digitalmarketer.com/?p=166995 Early 2023 DigitalMarketer dropped Marketer Vision for GPT-4..and let me tell you, it's like strapping a jetpack to your marketing strategies.

The post 2024 AI Marketing Frontier: GPT Wonderland Unveiled appeared first on DigitalMarketer.


The Golden Brick Road

Listen up, marketing adventurers! We’re  back, this time to hand you the keys to a kingdom of knowledge that’s as vast as it is deep. 

Think of this as your express lane to marketing mastery…the sweet stuff.

The GPT Revolution

Early 2023 DigitalMarketer dropped Marketer Vision for GPT-4..and let me tell you, it’s like strapping a jetpack to your marketing strategies. 

Each version is a leap forward, making your predecessors look like they were riding tricycles. Stay sharp…this is the evolution you don’t want to miss !!

Exclusive Invitation: Unlock Your Special GPT Bonuses Now!

For the sharp and fortunate few, I’m revealing a treasure trove of special bonuses! 

These aren’t for everyone, only the keenest minds and the luckiest souls will get access to these extraordinary secrets and tools. 

If you’re reading this, you’re already ahead of the pack. Seize your advantage and claim your rightful bonuses, designed exclusively for the astute and the fortunate. 

Act now and be one of the select few to elevate your success.

Captain Habit Hack, Mastering the Habit of Habit Formation

Embark on a transformative journey with Captain Habit Hack, your guide to mastering the art of habit formation in the dynamic world of 2024 marketing. 

Imagine a habit as more than just routine..this is about embedding a powerhouse strategy into your daily world.

Aligning Your Deepest Wants to Skyrocket in Life and Business

( GPT’s are more limited than GPT-4, and getting full performance may require an extra regeneration. )

The Arsenal of Habit Formation:

Routine Reconnaissance: Identify small, impactful actions. These are your daily wins that compound into monumental success.

Strategic Scaffolding: Build your habits like a seasoned architect. Start simple, then escalate to complex strategies, reinforcing your foundation of success.

Feedback Finesse: Navigate adjustments like a captain steering through changing tides. Each tweak is a step closer to perfection.

Automation Alliance: Make consistency effortless. Integrate habits so seamlessly they become second nature, propelling you forward on autopilot.

Laughing with Logic, Meet Steven Wright Bot

Want a sidekick that’s as quick with a joke as it is with a meme? Steven Wright Bot is your guy.

Imagine having the wit of a stand-up comedian in your back pocket, ready to lighten the mood and engage your audience.

It’s not just fun… it’s strategic genius.

The Brilliant Benefits of Infusing AI with Humor

Meme Challenge

When posed with a meme challenge, Steven Wright Bot rose to the occasion with the simple prompt of the uploaded image itself. 

What resulted was nothing short of brilliance.

( GPT’s are more limited than GPT-4, and getting full performance may require an extra regeneration. )

Winner !! -( on the first try too!  fortune of GPT’s )

It’s easy to see how one can begin to appreciate the power of GPT’s.

The Value of Humor in Marketing:

Engagement Boost: Captivate your audience with humor that makes your message stick.

Emotional Connection: Forge deeper bonds by sharing a laugh, building brand loyalty and love.

Stand Out: Use wit to cut through the noise and make your brand the one they remember.

Viral Potential: Funny content is shareable content…get ready to go viral!

Complexity and Nuance: Navigating the subtleties of humor is tough for AI, but mastering it can mean a big payoff.

Risk and Reward: With great jokes come great responsibilities—avoid the pitfalls and reap the rewards.

The Ultimate Goal: Imagine AI that doesn’t just understand humor but creates it, transforming engagement.

Controlled Chaos of Creative Marketing

Ever dreamed of a marketing strategy so deliciously creative it feels like a trip to Wonka’s factory?

 We’re talking about ideas that pop, strategies that dazzle, and campaigns that leave your audience craving more. This is where imagination meets results.

Creative Campaigns Inspired by Fiction

( GPT’s are more limited than GPT-4, and getting full performance may require an extra regeneration. )

The Power of Wacky Marketing and Lateral Thinking:

Breaking the Mold: Dare to be different and watch your brand become the talk of the town.

Creative Sparks: Step out of the box and into a world of endless possibilities and fresh ideas.

Risk-Takers’ Reward: Embrace the unusual and discover the unique appeal that sets you apart.

Lateral Leaps: Sidestep the conventional and surprise your audience (and yourself) with brilliance.

Signature Style: Be bold, be quirky, and become unforgettable.

Capturing Magic: When you hit that creative jackpot, it’s not just luck; it’s strategy.

Consistent Innovation: Tools and tricks to keep the creativity flowing and the ideas fresh.

Marketer Vision GPT, AI Consultant Framework

Here’s the crown jewel, the secret weapon I promised Marketer Vision GPT. 

Think of it as your personal marketing oracle, deep and wide with knowledge, ready to tackle the nitty-gritty. 

This isn’t your average tool…it’s the heavyweight champion in a world of featherweights.

Super Power of Dynamic Real-Time Knowledge

Imagine an all knowing savant guiding you through the corpus of material.

( GPT’s are more limited than GPT-4, and getting full performance may require an extra regeneration. )

Instant Research & Knowledge for Campaign Building with DigitalMarketer Resources:

On-the-Spot Insights: Tap into a treasure trove of knowledge and turn data into decisions.
Strategy at Speed: From research to reality faster than ever before.
Diverse Toolkit: Broaden your horizons with a plethora of perspectives and tactics.
Stay Ahead: Ride the wave of the latest trends and tactics.
Seamless Integration: Enhance your campaigns with authoritative resources at your fingertips.
Tailored to You: Customize content to perfectly suit your brand’s unique voice and vision.
Edge of Excellence: Equip yourself with the knowledge to outshine and outperform.

In Short.
You’re smart, you get it. These aren’t just tools..they’re your ticket to the top.

Together, we’re not just riding the wave of innovation, we’re creating it.

Stay tuned, stay sharp, and remember, in this fast paced world, being quick on the uptake isn’t just smart…it’s essential.

Welcome to the future of marketing, where you’re always one step ahead.

Captain Habit Hack:
Steven Wright:
Willy Wonka:
Marketer Vision GPT:

The post 2024 AI Marketing Frontier: GPT Wonderland Unveiled appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

Disruptive Design: Raising the Bar of Content Marketing with Graphic Design https://www.digitalmarketer.com/blog/content-marketing-with-graphic-design/ Thu, 04 Jan 2024 18:25:21 +0000 https://www.digitalmarketer.com/?p=166980 What if I told you that your content marketing strategy is only half as effective without using graphic design? It's like serving a gourmet meal on a trash can lid - the quality is there, but the presentation is all wrong.

The post Disruptive Design: Raising the Bar of Content Marketing with Graphic Design appeared first on DigitalMarketer.


What if I told you that your content marketing strategy is only half as effective without using graphic design? It’s like serving a gourmet meal on a trash can lid – the quality is there, but the presentation is all wrong.

Imagine that you’re scrolling through your favorite online platform – what stops your thumb in its tracks? Is it the lengthy posts, or the visuals that tell a story without even a single word? I think that answer is more obvious now than ever. As a digital marketer and graphic design veteran who has witnessed the evolution of the industry over the last 17+ years, I’ve come to a realization: in our rush to improve the process of content creation, most creators often underestimate the profound influence that graphic design has on their content.

Every marketer knows that we live in a digitally dominant era where content is king, but what is missed is that it’s the visual elements that truly command attention, and get the coveted click.

Along my journey, from creating award winning brands to crafting successful marketing strategies, I’ve observed a pivotal shift in the way content marketing is done. Content marketing is not just about polarizing words on a screen; it’s about the powerful interplay of text and visuals.

So, I want to pose to you an often overlooked but crucial question: Is our content truly engaging people without graphic design to breathe life into it?

In this article I want to dive deeper into the often-underrated role of graphic design in the content marketing world, and discover how it’s not just complementing, but revolutionizing the way we connect and build value with our audiences online.

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In observing strategies employed by industry leaders like Chris Do, Gary Vee, Mark DeGrasse and many
others, it’s really obvious that graphic design is at the forefront of today’s most engaging content marketing tactics. A great example is how we’ve seen a huge surge in the use of image carousels, which not only capture attention but also tell a captivating story through a sequence of 2 to 10 visual slides.

These are more than just a graphic; they’re chapters of a bigger narrative, each slide enticing the viewer to keep swiping, leading usually to a call to action at the end of the Carousel. Equally impactful are the cleverly crafted memes that have become a staple in not just social media but all digital communication.

These aren’t just jokes or passing trends; they represent a brilliant form of graphic design that combines humor, relatability, and sharp commentary, making them irresistibly shareable.

True story, when I first came back into contact with my now wife, the way our relationship rekindled after over a decade of being out of touch was through animated meme’s many of us know as GIF’s. Whether it’s to express a feeling, make someone laugh, or even piss someone off, meme’s and animated Gifs are one of the most disruptive pieces of content marketing we’ve ever seen.

It’s a blend of storytelling and visual appeal that sets apart mundane content from the articles and posts that go viral, driving home the point that graphic design is no longer just an aesthetic choice – it’s a strategic one. I’m using thoughtfully designed images in my stories, my LinkedIn Posts, my Facebook and Circle group, on my Google Business Profile, landing pages, and even on my YouTube Channel.

These days, just about anyone can create images that make people stop scrolling and take notice. It hasn’t always been this easy, though. The rise of user-friendly design tools, like Canva, has significantly changed the game in content marketing. With Canva, and tools like it, creating attractive content isn’t just for professional designers anymore, even my wife uses Canva for her business constantly. Now, almost anyone can put together visually appealing designs, it’s opened up a whole new world of possibilities for how we create and share our messages.

Canva’s emergence as a serious contender to Adobe’s suite highlights a growing trend: graphic design is no longer the exclusive domain of professional designers. With user-friendly interfaces and an abundance of resources, these platforms empower even non-designers to create visually appealing content. However, this ease of access has presented a new challenge.

The online space is now saturated with visually appealing content, making it increasingly difficult to create graphics that not only grab attention but also compel the viewer to click and engage. As a result, the bar for what is deemed ‘eye-catching’ design is constantly being raised.

This oversaturation draws attention to a critical area of my expertise: in an era where high-quality design tools are at everyone’s fingertips, the true differentiator is no longer just about having visually appealing content. It’s about crafting designs that are not only visually stunning but also uniquely tailored to cut through the noise and resonate with your target audience.

It’s a delicate balance of aesthetics and strategic thinking, where understanding the nuances of your brand and target avatar or audience’s preferences becomes as important as the design itself. This is a far cry from the early days of content marketing, so let’s journey back a bit in time to understand how we transitioned from a text-heavy approach to one where visuals are not just complementary but central to our messaging.

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It’s important to look back at how this fits into the bigger picture of content marketing’s evolution. This shift from detailed text to striking visuals didn’t happen overnight. It’s a change that’s been brewing for a while, driven by our audience’s growing preference for quick, visually engaging content over long, text-heavy posts.

We’ve come a long way from the days of text-dominated marketing, I can still remember writing my first long articles on Blogger trying to build my personal brand. Everyday we are moving more towards a world where vibrant images and graphics do most of the talking and at least give the first impression, good or bad.

The Evolution of Content Marketing: A Visual Journey

So let’s dive deeper. In the beginning, the internet was a frontier of mostly text. Content marketing was
primarily about words, like articles, blogs, and emails. There was no social media, it was a world dominated by lengthy web pages filled with paragraphs of information, where visuals played a minimal role, often just an afterthought. The primary aim was to inform and educate, with businesses and marketers relying heavily on written content to reach their audience.

Graphics and images were used sparingly, primarily due to technological limitations. Slow internet speeds and less sophisticated web design tools meant that visuals were often basic and not the focal point of content.

The art of marketing was more about telling than showing, with the emphasis placed on the power of words to paint a picture. This text-heavy approach aligned with the audience’s expectations of the time, as they were accustomed to receiving information primarily through reading.

As the digital landscape began to evolve, so did the tools and platforms at our disposal. The introduction of more sophisticated graphic design software marked a turning point in content marketing. Suddenly, creating amazing visuals wasn’t just for the pros. Tools that were once complex and inaccessible began to transform, becoming more user-friendly and widely available.

This popularization of design tools coincided with the rise of broadband internet, making it easier to upload and share high-quality images, graphics and even videos.Websites became more visually appealing, and the audience’s expectations began to change as well.

Around the same time, the birth of social media platforms added fuel to this growing fire. Platforms like
Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter were not just about connecting people; they were (and still are) visual
mediums at their foundation. They allowed for the sharing of images and videos, leading to a more dynamic form of engagement.

Content that included compelling visuals or eye-catching graphics started to see higher engagement rates. Consumers began to crave and expect a visual component in their online interactions, gradually moving away from the text-heavy content of the past.

This period was a game-changer for me and as a creative person. It wasn’t just about the availability of better tools or faster internet; it was a shift in consumer behavior. People started to prefer quick, visual snippets of information over lengthy textual content. The quick consumption of information became the norm, and content marketing had to adapt.

Visuals were no longer just an embellishment; they became essential to capturing and retaining our audience’s attention. This transition phase has set the stage for a new era in content marketing, one where visuals are not just important but often the main attraction.

In today’s digital marketing landscape, the prominence of visual content creation is unmistakable. Tools like Canva and Midjourney have not only simplified the process of creating visually appealing content but have also raised the bar for what audiences expect. Canva, with its user-friendly interface, empowers even those with little to no design skills to create professional-looking graphics.

Midjourney, takes things even a step further by harnessing the power of AI (artificial intelligence), allowing creators to bring complex visual ideas to life quickly and easily, simply by typing in a text command of what you want. These tools are more than just conveniences; they represent a fundamental shift in how content is created and consumed. They enable brands to produce high-quality visuals quickly, ensuring that their digital presence is both vibrant and engaging.

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The visual shift is most evident on social media platforms, where the battle for attention is fierce on these free to use sites. Platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, and TikTok thrive on imagery and video content, pushing brands to think visually first. This visually-driven approach isn’t just about making designs that look pretty; it’s about communication and true connection.

Brands are now telling their stories through images, infographics, meme’s and videos, creating content that is not only visually captivating but also Emotionally impactful. I believe this trend has set a new standard in content marketing, the ability to convey a message through compelling visuals is just as important as the message itself. The transformation of content marketing from its text-dominated beginnings to the visually-rich experience we see today is a clear indication of how audience preferences have evolved. In the current landscape, content is evaluated not just on the information it conveys but also on its visual presentation.

Brands that acknowledge and adapt to this evolution, utilizing tools like Canva and Midjourney to craft engaging, visually appealing content, are the ones that truly stand out. As we forge ahead in the dynamic world of digital marketing, our ability to effectively communicate through visuals has become a fundamental skill.

This move towards a more visual approach in content marketing is a signpost of future trends, making it critical for every brands to stay current and embrace this change to make a meaningful impact. Brands that stay ahead of the curve and integrate this change into their strategies are the ones that will make a lasting mark in the marketplace and digital world as a whole. By embracing these evolving trends, companies can ensure they remain relevant, compelling, and connected with their audiences.

Simply put, the key to success in this era is clear: embrace the visual, and let it amplify your brand’s voice in the digital conversation.

Graphic Design: The Unsung Hero of Content Engagement

At the heart of every successful content marketing strategy lies an often-overlooked hero: graphic design. Beyond mere aesthetics, graphic design has a profound psychological impact on an audiences engagement. It’s not just about looking good; it’s about feeling right. Visuals can evoke emotions, stir memories, and influence decisions, making them a powerful tool in capturing and maintaining your audience’s attention.

Studies and statistics reinforce this concept. For example, according to Forbes, content with relevant images gets 94% more views than content without images. On top of that, social media posts with visuals see significantly higher engagement rates than those without. These figures highlight a simple truth: in the realm of digital marketing, a picture doesn’t just complement your message; it can be the message.

But what makes a graphic design so effective in content marketing? It’s more than just choosing the right images. It’s about having a deep understanding of color psychology, typography, imagery, and layout design. Each of these elements plays a role in how your content is perceived and received. For example, color can influence mood and brand perception, while typography affects readability and the tone of your message.

A well-designed piece of content can tell a story, create a mood, and convey a message in a way words alone can just can’t do. A compelling infographic can simplify a ton of complex information, while a well-crafted social media graphic will make your content shareable and memorable. As we explore these elements, we’ll see how graphic design is not just supporting content but is often driving its success.

In wrapping up this exploration of using graphic design to increase content engagement, it’s clear that its role is pivotal. From the way colors and typography influence our emotion and perception, to how layouts and images drive interaction and shareability, graphic design is at the heart of effective communication. It’s not just about making content look cool; it’s about making it resonate with your audience on the deepest level possible.

As we continue to navigate the evolving landscape of content marketing, the importance of understanding and leveraging these design elements cannot be overemphasized. The brands that do this well will not only capture massive attention but also create lasting connections with their audience which turn into massive ROI. Graphic design in content marketing is more than just an aesthetic choice; it’s a strategic necessity.

Graphic Design & Brand Identity: Telling a Brand’s Story

Moving beyond content engagement, graphic design also plays a fundamental role in shaping and
communicating your brand’s identity. It’s a powerful tool that goes beyond visual aesthetics, encapsulating a brand’s values, personality, and story. In our over saturated digital marketplace, where consumers encounter countless new brands daily, graphic design helps brands distinguish themselves.

Take, for example, Apple. Their minimalist design approach, with clean lines and a sleek, monochromatic color scheme, isn’t just about looks. It conveys elegance, simplicity, and innovation, which are core to the brand’s identity and it’s that identity that has created a cult-like following, people that will blindly buy anything that Apple makes. Their design philosophy extends beyond their products to their advertising, website, and even retail spaces, creating a consistent and powerful brand experience that’s instantly recognizable.

Another notable example is Coca-Cola. Their use of bold reds and the dynamic ribbon, along with the classic typography of their logo, creates a sense of familiarity and nostalgia. These design elements are consistent across all of their marketing materials, reinforcing their brand identity as one that’s timeless yet always current.

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Alongside the commercial brands, consider America as a brand itself. This might seem unconventional, but America, or the United States of America, stands as one of the most globally recognized and powerful ‘brand’ entities. Its brand identity extends far beyond just a name; it embodies concepts of freedom, prosperity, and opportunity. This brand image isn’t a product of mere coincidence or financial might; it’s a result of carefully crafted symbols and narratives.

From the iconic red, white, and blue colors symbolizing valor, purity, and perseverance to symbols like the bald eagle, the American flag, and the Statue of Liberty, each element tells a part of the American story. These elements resonate with people not just within the country, but around the world. They are visual reminders and representations of the values the brand ‘America’ stands for.

Just like Apple and Coca-Cola, America’s brand strategy highlights the importance of a cohesive narrative in design, where every visual element contributes to the overall identity and message of the brand.

Graphic design from the perspective of brand identity is about more than creating a visually appealing logo or choosing the right colors. It’s about weaving a visual narrative that tells your brand’s story at every touchpoint, engaging all of the 5 senses. It’s the subtle nuances in design that communicate a brand’s ethos and values to the consumer, building a relationship beyond the product or service.

Graphic design is a key player in the storytelling aspect of brand identity. The brands that excel in this are the ones that understand the power of visual storytelling and harness it to build a strong, cohesive, and enduring identity. As we progress in the digital age, our ability to tell a compelling visual story will become increasingly crucial in establishing and maintaining a robust brand presence.

The Synergy Between Graphic Design & SEO

While it’s super clear that graphic design is crucial in telling a brand’s story and engaging audiences, there’s another, often overlooked aspect where it plays a vital role: Search Engine Optimization (SEO). At first, graphic design and SEO might seem like distant cousins, but in reality, they work hand in hand together to boost a brand’s online presence. Good design isn’t just about catching the eye; it’s about being found in the massive red ocean of the online marketplace.

I want you to consider the role of user experience in SEO. Search engines, like Google, favor websites that provide a positive user experience, and graphic design is at the heart of this. A well-designed website with intuitive navigation, responsive layouts, and engaging visuals keeps visitors on the site longer, reducing bounce rates and signaling to search engines that your site is valuable.

This is where mobile-friendliness comes into play. With the majority of online browsing happening on mobile devices now, having a mobile-responsive design isn’t just nice to have; it’s crucial. According to Forbes As of Q2 2022, 58.99% percent of all web traffic came through mobile phones Websites that aren’t optimized for mobile viewing suffer in search rankings and performance overall, but you probably already know that unless you’ve been living under a rock.

Then there’s the power of infographics. Infographics are SEO gold – they present information in an easily
digestible, visually appealing format, making them highly shareable. A well-crafted infographic will earn
backlinks, a key factor in SEO, as other websites use it as a reference. This not only increases your site’s
visibility but also establishes your brand’s authority in your field. Are you using infographics on your website?

To optimize your visuals for search engines, start with the basics: ensure all your images have descriptive, keyword-rich file names and alt text. This helps search engines understand and index your visuals, improving your content’s visibility. Also, keep an eye on image file sizes. Large images will slow down your site, negatively impacting user experience and, by extension, your SEO.

Bridging the gap between graphic design and SEO may seem challenging, but it’s a connection that will
elevate your content marketing strategy to a new level. By integrating thoughtful, SEO-friendly design elements into your digital presence, you not only enhance user experience but also improve your chances of ranking higher in search results, making your content more discoverable, impactful, and most importantly profitable.

The Future of Graphic Design in Content Marketing

As we’ve explored the dynamic relationship between graphic design and SEO in reshaping our approach to content marketing, it’s essential to turn our gaze to the horizon, and to what lies ahead. As I’m reflecting on themes from my previous article about the future of design, the influence of AI on graphic design and content marketing is undeniably profound. We’re stepping into a new era where technology meets creativity, opening exciting new possibilities for both marketers and designers.

The role of AI in graphic design is already making waves, with tools that create impressive visuals and layouts with little human input. But this is just the beginning.

Looking forward, AI is expected to revolutionize not just how we create designs but also introduce a new level of personalization and interaction in content. Imagine having content that morphs according to the viewer’s preferences or interactive infographics that evolve based on user interaction – this is the potential that AI and emerging technologies are bringing to the forefront.

Augmented reality (AR) is another thrilling area to watch. AR in content marketing could drastically alter how brands engage with their audiences, offering immersive, interactive experiences beyond the conventional screen. Visualize a scenario where consumers can virtually interact with a product, or where storytelling extends beyond traditional media to become an immersive encounter.

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Another groundbreaking example of where design meets futuristic technology is in the use of augmented reality (AR) by glass companies to create ‘Smart Glass.’ This innovative application is transforming the retail experience, particularly in fashion storefronts. Imagine walking past a store and seeing a display window equipped with Smart Glass.

As you look into the glass, AR technology projects clothing from the store onto your reflection, allowing you to see what the outfit would look like on you, without ever stepping into the store or trying on the clothes.

This interactive experience is not only engaging and convenient for customers but also opens up new avenues for brands to showcase their products in a personalized and interactive manner. By integrating AR with graphic design, retailers can create a dynamic and immersive shopping experience that blends the physical and digital worlds, offering a glimpse into the future of retail marketing.

The move towards personalized visuals is expected to accelerate. Where customization reigns supreme, the capability to tailor content to individual tastes and behaviors is crucial. This means crafting graphics and visuals that not only appeal to a broad audience but also connect intimately with each individual viewer.

For those of us in content marketing and graphic design, it’s crucial to keep pace with these trends and begin weaving them into our strategies. The future of graphic design in content marketing is ripe with opportunities for groundbreaking innovations and deeper connections with our audience.

Embracing these emerging trends and experimenting with novel technologies will help us craft content that is not just viewed but deeply experienced in completely new and exciting ways.

Disruptive Graphic Design: Thinking Outside the Box

Let’s dive into some real-life examples where audacious design choices made a real difference. Imagine a campaign that boldly went against the grain, perhaps using a strikingly unconventional color scheme or an offbeat layout to make a statement. For instance, ‘Lions Not Sheep’, founded by Sean Whalen, transcends being merely a clothing line; it embodies a lifestyle.

Its success lies not in intricate designs but in its straightforward, bold messaging with army-style lettering. Phrases like ‘Lions Not Sheep’, ‘Free Man’, and ‘Free Woman’ have driven millions in merchandise sales monthly, proving how simplicity paired with a strong message can captivate an audience.

Another example of such disruptive design is Robinhood, the stock trading and investing app. By deviating from the complex interfaces of traditional stock platforms, Robinhood offers a simple user-friendly app with a clean, intuitive design. This approach not only disrupted the stock brokerage industry but also made investing more accessible, highlighting how innovative design can simplify and transform user experience.

Adopting a trailblazing approach in your design work means stepping into uncharted territory. It’s about
experimenting with bold contrasts, innovative layouts, or unique imagery while staying true to your brand’s essence. Striking the right balance is key.

Test out new ideas, seek feedback, and be ready to refine. It’s not just about being different; it’s about being authentically you, in a way that connects with your audience on a deeper level. This journey is about finding that sweet spot where your brand’s voice and unconventional design meet.

Wrapping up, the essence of standout content marketing often lies in the courage to be different in your design approach. For me, disruptive graphic design is an invitation to challenge the status quo, to be boldly creative, and to stretch the limits of what’s possible.

As you integrate these ideas into your marketing, remember that the most memorable designs often emerge from a willingness to be bold and original. I want to encourage you and your team to break the mold, to experiment fearlessly, and to embrace the exciting possibilities that come with innovative design. It’s in this space of creativity and daring where your brand can truly make its unique mark in the digital landscape.

Integrating Graphic Design in Your Content Marketing Strategy

My mentor Nicholas Bayerle says that “information plus application creates the transformation”, integrating graphic design isn’t an afterthought; it’s a necessity. As we’ve seen through my examples, the impact of well- thought-out design can elevate content from ordinary to extraordinary. This integration isn’t solely about making content look good; it’s about enhancing your message and engaging the audience more effectively.

Effective collaboration between content marketers and graphic designers is pivotal. This synergy can be
achieved when both parties understand and appreciate the strengths of the other. Content marketers should communicate the core message and target audience clearly, while designers need to bring these narratives to life visually.

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Regular meetings and brainstorming sessions will help align these two creative processes. Using collaborative tools and platforms can also streamline the process, ensuring that both design and content complement each other seamlessly.

A big step in integrating graphic design into your content marketing strategy is to conduct an audit of your existing content. Evaluate your current assets and identify where design can play a more significant role.

Does your blog have appealing featured images? Are your social media posts scroll stopping? Look for opportunities to incorporate more graphics, such as infographics in blog posts or visually rich stories on social media. Remember, the goal is to enhance and not overshadow the content’s message.

Actionable Tips for Stronger Design Integration

To effectively integrate graphic design, consider these actionable tips:

  1. Consistency is key – maintain a consistent design language across all platforms to strengthen brand
  2. Understand your avatars – design with your target audience in mind, ensuring the visuals resonate with
  3. Use design to clarify and enhance your message – visuals should complement and elevate the content,
    not confuse or distract.
  4. Keep up with design trends – but only adopt those that align with your brand’s voice and message.
  5. Test and get feedback – use analytics and user feedback to understand what works and refine your
    approach accordingly.

Different content types require different approaches. For instance, social media posts might benefit from bold, eye-catching graphics, while whitepapers will need more subtle, informative visual elements. Videos can be enhanced with branded animations and motion graphics. It’s about finding the right visual approach for each content type while ensuring it aligns with your overall branding and strategy.

Integrating graphic design into content marketing is more than just a combination of words and visuals; it’s the creation of a cohesive, compelling narrative that speaks to your audience. By effectively blending these two elements, you can elevate your content marketing strategy, making your message not only seen but also felt and remembered. It’s this synergy that will set your content apart in the digital realm.

As we wrap up our journey through the multifaceted world of graphic design in content marketing, it’s clear that design is much more than just an aesthetic element. From the evolution of content that prioritizes visuals to the innovative integration of AI and AR, graphic design has proven to be vital in engaging and resonating with audiences. The demand for disruptive design further illustrates our need for creativity and boldness in an increasingly competitive online world.

The fusion of graphic design with content marketing is not just a trend but a fundamental shift in how we
communicate and connect with our audience. Whether through the seamless collaboration of designers and content creators or the strategic use of emerging technologies, integrating graphic design effectively can dramatically enhance the impact of your content.

As you move forward in your content marketing efforts, I encourage you to view graphic design not just as a tool, but as an essential partner in storytelling. Audit your current content, identify opportunities for stronger design integration, and dare to experiment with unconventional approaches. Stay abreast of the latest trends and technologies, and remember that in the realm of digital marketing, the most powerful content is that which can captivate both visually and narratively.

In closing, ask yourself this: how can you further intertwine the art of design with the science of marketing to craft content that is not only informative but also visually compelling? The future of content marketing is a canvas awaiting your creativity, and graphic design is the brush with which you can paint a story that leaves a lasting impression.

In the digital arena, it’s not just about creating content; it’s about designing experiences that resonate and engage.

The post Disruptive Design: Raising the Bar of Content Marketing with Graphic Design appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

Mastering The Laws of Marketing in Madness https://www.digitalmarketer.com/blog/laws-of-marketing/ Mon, 27 Nov 2023 17:10:41 +0000 https://www.digitalmarketer.com/?p=166779 Navigating through the world of business can be chaotic. At the time of this publication in November 2023, global economic growth is expected to remain weak for an undefined amount of time.

The post Mastering The Laws of Marketing in Madness appeared first on DigitalMarketer.


Navigating through the world of business can be chaotic. At the time of this publication in November 2023, global economic growth is expected to remain weak for an undefined amount of time.

However, certain rules of marketing remain steadfast to guide businesses towards success in any environment. These universal laws are the anchors that keep a business steady, helping it thrive amidst uncertainty and change.

In this guide, we’ll explore three laws that have proven to be the cornerstones of successful marketing. These are practical, tried-and-tested approaches that have empowered businesses to overcome challenges and flourish, regardless of external conditions. By mastering these principles, businesses can turn adversities into opportunities, ensuring growth and resilience in any market landscape. Let’s uncover these essential laws that pave the way to success in the unpredictable world of business marketing. Oh yeah, and don’t forget to integrate these insights into your career. Follow the implementation steps!

Law 1: Success in Marketing is a Marathon, Not a Sprint

Navigating the tumultuous seas of digital marketing necessitates a steadfast ship, fortified by a strategic long-term vision. It’s a marathon, not a sprint.

Take Apple, for instance. The late ’90s saw them on the brink of bankruptcy. Instead of grasping at quick, temporary fixes, Apple anchored themselves in a long-term vision. A vision that didn’t just stop at survival, but aimed for revolutionary contributions, resulting in groundbreaking products like the iPod, iPhone, and iPad.

In a landscape where immediate gains often allure businesses, it’s essential to remember that these are transient. A focus merely on the immediate returns leaves businesses scurrying on a hamster wheel, chasing after fleeting successes, but never really moving forward.

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A long-term vision, however, acts as the north star, guiding businesses through immediate challenges while ensuring sustainable success and consistent growth over time.

Consider This Analogy: 

Building a business is like growing a tree. Initially, it requires nurturing, patience, and consistent care. But with time, the tree grows, becoming strong and robust, offering shade and fruits—transforming the landscape. The same goes for business. A vision, perseverance, and a long-term strategy are the nutrients that allow it to flourish, creating a sustainable presence in the market.

Implementation Steps: 

  • Begin by planning a content calendar focused on delivering consistent value over the next six months. 
  • Ensure regular reviews and necessary adjustments to your long-term goals, keeping pace with evolving market trends and demands. 
  • And don’t forget the foundation—invest in robust systems and ongoing training, laying down strong roots for sustainable success in the ever-changing digital marketing landscape.

Law 2: Survey, Listen, and Serve

Effective marketing hinges on understanding and responding to the customer’s needs and preferences. A robust, customer-centric approach helps in shaping products and services that resonate with the audience, enhancing overall satisfaction and loyalty.

Take Netflix, for instance. Netflix’s evolution from a DVD rental company to a streaming giant is a compelling illustration of a customer-centric approach.

Their transition wasn’t just a technological upgrade; it was a strategic shift informed by attentively listening to customer preferences and viewing habits. Netflix succeeded, while competitors such a Blockbuster haid their blinders on.

Here are some keystone insights when considering how to Survey, Listen, and Serve…

Customer Satisfaction & Loyalty:

Surveying customers is essential for gauging their satisfaction. When customers feel heard and valued, it fosters loyalty, turning one-time buyers into repeat customers. Through customer surveys, businesses can receive direct feedback, helping to identify areas of improvement, enhancing overall customer satisfaction.


Engaging customers through surveys not only garners essential feedback but also makes customers feel valued and involved. It cultivates a relationship where customers feel that their opinions are appreciated and considered, enhancing their connection and engagement with the brand.

Product & Service Enhancement:

Surveys can unveil insightful customer feedback regarding products and services. This information is crucial for making necessary adjustments and innovations, ensuring that offerings remain aligned with customer needs and expectations.

Data Collection:

Surveys are instrumental in collecting demographic information. Understanding the demographic composition of a customer base is crucial for tailoring marketing strategies, ensuring they resonate well with the target audience.

Operational Efficiency:

Customer feedback can also shed light on a company’s operational aspects, such as customer service and website usability. Such insights are invaluable for making necessary enhancements, improving the overall customer experience.


Consistent surveying allows for effective benchmarking, enabling businesses to track performance over time, assess the impact of implemented changes, and make data-driven strategic decisions.

Implementation Steps:

  • Regularly incorporate customer feedback mechanisms like surveys and direct interactions to remain attuned to customer needs and preferences.
  • Continuously refine and adjust offerings based on customer feedback, ensuring products and services evolve in alignment with customer expectations.
  • In conclusion, adopting a customer-centric approach, symbolized by surveying, listening, and serving, is indispensable for nurturing customer relationships, driving loyalty, and ensuring sustained business success.

Law 3: Build Trust in Every Interaction

In a world cluttered with countless competitors vying for your prospects attention, standing out is about more than just having a great product or service. It’s about connecting authentically, building relationships rooted in trust and understanding. It’s this foundational trust that transforms casual customers into loyal advocates, ensuring that your business isn’t just seen, but it truly resonates and remains memorable.

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For instance, let’s talk about Oprah! Through vulnerability and honest connections, Oprah Winfrey didn’t just build an audience; she cultivated a community. Sharing, listening, and interacting genuinely, she created a media landscape where trust and respect flourished. Oprah was known to make her audience and even guests cry for the first time live. She had a natural ability to build instant trust.

Here are some keystone insights when considering how to develop and maintain trust…

The Unseen Fast-Track

Trust is an unseen accelerator. It simplifies decisions, clears doubts, and fast-forwards the customer journey, turning curiosity into conviction and interest into investment.

The Emotional Guardrail

Trust is like a safety net or a warm embrace, making customers feel valued, understood, and cared for. It nurtures a positive environment, encouraging customers to return, not out of necessity, but a genuine affinity towards the brand.

Implementation Steps:

  • Real Stories: Share testimonials and experiences, both shiny and shaded, to build credibility and show authenticity.
  • Open Conversation: Encourage and welcome customer feedback and discussions, facilitating a two-way conversation that fosters understanding and improvement.
  • Community Engagement: Actively participate and engage in community or industry events, align your brand with genuine causes and values, promoting real connections and trust.

Navigating through this law involves cultivating a space where authenticity leads, trust blossoms, and genuine relationships flourish, engraving a memorable brand story in the hearts and minds of the customers.

Guarantee Your Success With These Foundational Laws

Navigating through the world of business is a demanding odyssey that calls for more than just adaptability and innovation—it requires a solid foundation built on timeless principles. In our exploration, we have just unraveled three indispensable laws that stand as pillars supporting the edifice of sustained marketing success, enabling businesses to sail confidently through the ever-shifting seas of the marketplace.

Law 1: “Success in Marketing is a Marathon, Not a Sprint,” advocates for the cultivation of a long-term vision. It is about nurturing a resilient mindset focused on enduring success rather than transient achievements. Like a marathon runner who paces themselves for the long haul, businesses must strategize, persevere, and adapt, ensuring sustained growth and innovation. The embodiment of this law is seen in enterprises like Apple, whose evolutionary journey is a testament to the power of persistent vision and continual reinvention.

Law 2: “Survey, Listen, and Serve,” delineates the roadmap to a business model deeply intertwined with customer insights and responsiveness. This law emphasizes the essence of customer-centricity, urging businesses to align their strategies and offerings with the preferences and expectations of their audiences. It’s a call to attentively listen, actively engage, and meticulously tailor offerings to resonate with customer needs, forging paths to enhanced satisfaction and loyalty.

Law 3: “Build Trust in Every Interaction,” underscores the significance of building genuine, trust-laden relationships with customers. It champions the cultivation of a brand personality that resonates with authenticity, fostering connections marked by trust and mutual respect. This law navigates businesses towards establishing themselves as reliable entities that customers can resonate with, rely on, and return to, enriching the customer journey with consistency and sincerity.

These pivotal laws form the cornerstone upon which businesses can build strategies that withstand the tests of market volatility, competition, and evolution. They stand as unwavering beacons guiding enterprises towards avenues marked by not just profitability, but also a legacy of value, integrity, and impactful contributions to the marketplace. Armed with these foundational laws, businesses are empowered to navigate the multifaceted realms of the business landscape with confidence, clarity, and a strategic vision poised for lasting success and remarkable achievements.

Oh yeah! And do you know Newton’s Law?The law of inertia, also known as Newton’s first law of motion, states that an object at rest will stay at rest, and an object in motion will stay in motion… The choice is yours. Take action and integrate these laws. Get in motion!

The post Mastering The Laws of Marketing in Madness appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

AI’s Impact on Video Marketing in 2023 & Beyond https://www.digitalmarketer.com/blog/ai-impacts-video-marketing/ Fri, 22 Sep 2023 21:08:58 +0000 https://www.digitalmarketer.com/?p=166562 By improving customer experiences increasing engagement and providing content AI is reshaping video marketing strategies both now and, in the future.

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In a world dominated by video marketing, artificial intelligence (AI) plays a role, in transforming the industry. By improving customer experiences increasing engagement and providing content AI is reshaping video marketing strategies both now and, in the future.

Let’s start with some overall stats,

In fact, 96% of marketers have already witnessed the positive return on investment (ROI) that AI-powered video marketing brings. In general, nowadays, 75.7% of marketers are using AI tools for work.

So, let’s dive into how AI is transforming the landscape of video marketing strategies and explore its exciting future.

What is Video Marketing?

Video marketing is a tactic that companies employ to connect with their desired audiences showcase their offerings and transform viewers into customers. This approach encompasses the creation and dissemination of captivating videos, on platforms to convey messages and establish brand awareness.

The Impact of Video Marketing is Undeniable

Heightened Brand Awareness: Research reveals that video marketing contributes significantly to enhancing brand awareness, with 64% of marketers acknowledging its effectiveness.

Videos are dominating the content marketing industry!

Videos possess a unique power to captivate attention, narrate a brand’s story, and leave an enduring imprint on viewers. By leveraging visual and auditory elements, videos enable brands to stand out amidst fierce market competition.

Amplified Conversions: Valuable consumer insights from 2022 demonstrate the ability of video marketing to bolster conversion rates. Videos have the power to inspire and prompt viewers into action be it making a purchase subscribing to a newsletter or establishing a connection, with a company.

However, that depends on the production quality,

By showcasing products or services in action and addressing customer pain points, videos become a persuasive catalyst for driving conversions.

Elevated Engagement: videos, be short form or long, have the most power to keep audacious captivated for a long time. People spend an amount of time on social media watching videos, which demonstrates the appeal and effectiveness of this medium. Videos provide an experience by combining visuals, audio, and storytelling making it more engaging and interactive.

People spend an amount of time on social media watching videos, which demonstrates the appeal and effectiveness of this medium. Videos provide an experience by combining visuals, audio, and storytelling making it more engaging and interactive.

Unforgettable Brand Recall: Videos leave a lasting imprint in viewers’ minds, significantly enhancing brand recall. Compared to text or images alone, videos exhibit a higher recall rate.

Videos create a lasting impression, on viewers by using captivating visuals, storytelling techniques, and emotional connections. This ensures that the brand stays at the forefront of their minds when making purchasing decisions.

Heightened Social Media Activity: The pandemic has amplified the significance of video marketing, leading to a surge in social media activity. As social media platforms prioritize video content, consumer behavior has shifted accordingly.

Nowadays, it seems social media is treated as a marketplace,

Businesses have adeptly capitalized on this trend by crafting compelling videos that resonate deeply with their target audience, fostering stronger connections and interactions across social media platforms.

So we can say video marketing serves as a dynamic and immersive medium that enables businesses to artfully narrate their stories, showcase their offerings, and forge authentic connections with their target market! Its ability to evoke emotions, deliver captivating narratives, and provide valuable information sets video marketing apart as a pivotal strategy in today’s digital landscape.

How is AI Changing Video Marketing Strategies?

As we step into 2023, AI is paving the way for transformative changes in video marketing strategies. Here are eight key ways AI is reshaping the landscape of video marketing:

AI-Powered Video Editing for Efficiency & Quality

AI-powered video editing tools automate tasks such as shot selection, transitions, color grading, and sound mixing, saving time and improving video quality. AI enables marketers to concentrate on developing engaging content and providing seamless user experiences by streamlining the editing process.

With AI’s ability to analyze vast amounts of data and learn from patterns, it can even suggest the most effective editing techniques and styles based on audience preferences and industry trends, ensuring that every video is optimized for maximum impact.

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Some of the Best AI-Powered Video Creators and Editors

Let’s mention some of the interesting AI-powered platforms that help to create and edit marketing videos for marketing purposes.

  1. DeepBrain AI: It’s an innovative AI platform that provides a one-of-a-kind solution for making AI Avatar videos in a matter of minutes. DeepBrain AI generates natural-sounding speech with various accents and tones, resulting in a realistic and engaging user experience.
  1. Pictory: Pictory is one of the best AI-powered video creation tools, with plenty of interesting features. The platform is popular among marketers, including YouTubers, bloggers, course creators, and agency owners.
  1. Elai: Elai is an ideal video marketing solution for digital marketers who want to generate interesting videos. The AI-powered system can produce accompanying text from the inputted audio, making it easy to add subtitles, voiceovers, and other features.

AI Voiceovers and Animation: Enhancing Visual Appeal

AI advancements in voiceovers and animation bring a new dimension to video content, enhancing visual appeal and increasing audience engagement. AI-generated voiceovers can provide seamless narration that matches the tone and style of the video, creating a more immersive and professional viewing experience. 

Additionally, AI-powered animation tools enable marketers to bring complex ideas to life with visually stunning graphics and effects. By leveraging AI in voiceovers and animation, brands can elevate their storytelling capabilities, grab viewers’ attention, and effectively convey their messages.

Some of the Best AI-Powered Voice-Over Generators

So, nowadays a lot of marketers create marketing videos without recording themself. AI makes it too easy to create voice-overs, so marketers just need to write their script and these AI platforms generate interesting voice-overs for their videos.

  1. Lovo: It’s a professional content production tool that generates high-quality voice-overs and synthetic speech using Generative AI and text to speech technology. The platform is intended for marketers, HR professionals, sales teams, and content service providers of all sizes.
  1. Synthesys: It’s an AI-powered platform and a leader in the creation of algorithms for commercial applications that transform texts into voices and videos. Imagine adding a real human voice to your social media videos or online courses.
  1. Murf AI: It’s another great tool, AI voice-over and text to speech are two of the essential features of the Murf.AI platform. Murf gives you the option to create high-quality synthetic voices for a variety of applications, regardless of whether you require male or female voices and support for many languages.

Personalized Content: Deepening Engagement with Audiences

AI algorithms analyze customer data to deliver highly targeted and personalized content. This personalized approach enhances engagement, boosts conversion rates, and fosters more vital customer satisfaction and loyalty.

By leveraging AI-driven insights, marketers can understand customer preferences at a granular level and create video content tailored to their specific needs, pain points, and aspirations. 

From personalized product recommendations to individualized storytelling, AI enables brands to forge deeper connections with their audiences and provide them with valuable content that resonates personally.

Advanced Analytics: Insights for Data-Driven Decisions

AI-powered analytics tools provide valuable insights into video performance, tracking metrics like views, engagement rates, and conversion rates. These data-driven insights can aid marketers in making wise choices and enhancing their tactics.

AI algorithms can go beyond surface-level metrics and dive into more nuanced aspects of video performance, such as audience sentiment analysis, emotional response tracking, and attention heatmaps.

With these insights, marketers can fine-tune their video content, iterate on successful elements, and experiment with new approaches, all to continuously improve performance and drive desired outcomes.

Hyper-Personalization with AI Recommendations

AI algorithms deliver hyper-personalized video recommendations based on individual preferences, interests, and browsing history. This focused strategy promotes brand loyalty, consumer happiness, and engagement.

By analyzing vast amounts of data, AI can identify patterns, behaviors, and affinities, enabling marketers to deliver video content that aligns with each viewer’s specific interests. 

Whether it’s recommending related videos, personalized playlists, or tailored product suggestions, AI-powered recommendations create a highly personalized viewing experience, keeping audiences engaged and coming back for more.

AI-Driven Targeting & Optimization

AI enables precise targeting and optimization of video marketing campaigns by analyzing data on past search history, previous purchases, and social media interactions. This precise strategy maximizes conversion rates by ensuring that video content is delivered to the appropriate audience at the optimal moment.

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AI algorithms can segment audiences based on demographic factors, interests, and behaviors, allowing marketers to create tailored video campaigns that resonate with specific customer segments. 

Through continuous analysis and optimization, AI-driven targeting empowers marketers to allocate resources effectively, refine messaging, and achieve better campaign performance and ROI.

AI-Generated Content Creation

AI facilitates content marketing especially content creation in video marketing through generated scripts, automated production, and AI-assisted editing. Marketers have the opportunity to utilize AI to delve into concepts improve their work processes and boost productivity.

Scripts generated by AI can serve as a foundation, for video ideas enabling marketers to streamline the process of creating content. Automated production tools powered by AI can effectively manage tasks such, as creating scenes tracking objects, and rendering which ultimately results in a reduction of time and effort involved in video production.

AI-powered editing tools provide suggestions, for transitions, visual enhancements, and pacing to ensure that the end result of a video aligns, with the intended goals and connects effectively with the target viewers. In addition, nowadays, a lot of AI-powered platforms are available that can generate successful (high conversion) banner and video ad creatives.

AI-Powered Interactive Video Experiences

Interactive video experiences empowered by AI captivate audiences with personalized branching narratives and interactive decision-making. These captivating elements help to hold the attention of viewers resulting in increased levels of engagement and loyalty, towards the brand.

By using AI algorithms it becomes possible to analyze how viewers respond and behave while interacting with videos. This analysis allows for adjustments to the content ensuring a personalized experience, for each viewer.

Interactive videos powered by AI enhance viewer engagement and empowerment by providing options, quizzes, and personalized storylines. This fosters a bond with the brand. Boosts the chances of viewers taking desired actions.

The Future of Video Marketing with AI

As we gaze into the future the potential, for video marketing with AI appears bright. The latest trends suggest that AI technology will continue to progress presenting marketers with possibilities, for creative breakthroughs. Here are key ways video marketing with AI will continue to evolve in the near future:

  • Enhanced deep learning algorithms for improved content personalization
  • AI-powered real-time video analytics for instant insights and adjustments
  • AI-generated dynamic video ads tailored to individual viewers in real-time
  • Voice-controlled video experiences powered by AI voice assistants
  • AI-driven emotional analysis for personalized video recommendations based on mood
  • Automated video translations for seamless global audience reach
  • AI-powered influencer marketing matching algorithms for effective collaborations

AI Changing the Video Marketing Quick Wrap-Up

Undoubtedly, AI is changing the video marketing strategy and will only be more popular in the future. As we enter 2023, AI is set to revolutionize video marketing and overall social media strategies in various ways. From AI-powered video editing and personalized content delivery to advanced analytics and interactive video experiences, AI brings innovation and efficiency to the field.

With AI’s capabilities, video marketing will continue to evolve and create highly impactful and immersive experiences for audiences. It’s an exciting time for video marketing as AI takes it to new heights of success.

The post AI’s Impact on Video Marketing in 2023 & Beyond appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

Are Skill Gaps Holding Back Your Social Media Marketing Team’s Potential? https://www.digitalmarketer.com/blog/growing-your-social-marketing-team/ Thu, 21 Sep 2023 22:00:24 +0000 https://www.digitalmarketer.com/?p=166548 Are gaps in your social media marketing team hindering productivity and growth? Identify gaps and empower your team to thrive with Digital Marketer.

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Social media is one of the most quickly evolving areas of digital marketing. So, your social media marketing team needs to keep pace with customers and competitors alike. 

From new social platforms and changing algorithms to the latest technologies and trends, marketing is unforgivingly fast-paced. It comes as no surprise that social media marketers are struggling to keep up. 

In a recent survey by The Social Club, it was found that the accelerated pace of social platforms is becoming overwhelming for social media marketers. 81% admitted that it was a struggle to stay on top of the latest trends and technologies.

Other marketers struggle to develop the wide range of must-have marketing skills needed to perform the diverse role. 

As a result, performance, knowledge, and skills gaps can grow within social media marketing teams—and they can wreak havoc. Luckily, you can combat gaps by identifying and addressing them in a variety of ways.

So, let’s discuss how you can identify and tackle gaps within your team. And in doing so, how you improve productivity, future-proof your business, and equip your team to meet social media marketing goals.

Evaluate Your Team’s Skill Sets & Experience

Before you can identify skills gaps, you need to establish the skills and experience your team currently possesses. 

So, start by conducting an in-depth evaluation of your team’s current skill sets, experience, and knowledge. This will present you with a comprehensive inventory of skills that you can align with your business goals. 

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Ultimately, it helps you determine where your team thrives and where it falls short.

But how do you go about this? 

As a best practice, consider using several different methods of evaluation to get a reliable picture of your team’s current skill set. For example, you might:

Create a Formal Test

Formal tests can be used to assess the technical and theoretical competency of your employees. For example, you can test how effectively employees are able to use a certain tool. Or, you can assess how aptly they identify a particular framework and apply it to a situation. 

While this is a popular evaluation method, there are some limitations to consider. 

Formal test conditions don’t always present a reliable picture of proficiency. Some people perform worse in test conditions due to stress and anxiety. Other people might display competency in test settings but are unable to apply this knowledge in real-life scenarios. 

So, consider using formal tests alongside the two other evaluation methods that we’re going to discuss below.

Conduct On-the-Job Observations

Observing real-world performance is one of the best ways to accurately gauge your team’s skill set. 

On the job, are your employees able to efficiently utilize technologies to meet goals? How effectively do they communicate and collaborate in fast-paced environments? Are they applying their skills, knowledge, and experience to a standard you’d expect?

In-person assessments allow you to observe your team within the everyday work environment. Compared to formal tests, they can give you a more accurate representation of employee performance. But, there’s still the risk that employees’ nerves may alter their performance, which can skew the results of your evaluation.

And of course, in-person observations simply aren’t possible if you’re a remote team. So, you might have to use another method: performance management technology.

Utilize Software to Measure & Evaluate Performance

Instead of relying on in-person observations, you can enlist the help of software to track your employees’ performance. This includes tracking whether employees meet project deadlines, reach benchmark KPIs, and are otherwise engaged in and attending to their responsibilities.

The data obtained from software can help you identify performance gaps. Performance gaps are just as critical to identify and address as skills and knowledge gaps, as they damage productivity and negatively impact your bottom line. 

In many cases, performance and skills gaps overlap in some way. 

For example, underperforming employees might lack the skills or knowledge they need to perform their roles effectively. Similarly, employees who regularly miss work might lack motivation or feel dissatisfied in their role, which can arise as a result of a skills gap. 

To combat this, an HR performance management system with an attendance tracker feature enables you to track performance and attendance in real-time. Attendance software automates the process by identifying absence patterns and quickly alerting you to potentially struggling employees. As a result, you can uncover and tackle performance gaps more efficiently and effectively, all while supporting your employees and earning their loyalty.

Establish Your Team’s Objectives

Setting realistic, unified team goals and objectives can close performance gaps that may be hurting your productivity. When team objectives are misaligned or unachievable, employees disconnect from them. This leads to disengagement and poor motivation. 

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However, when you set clear, realistic objectives and empower your team to achieve them, you can boost productivity and close performance gaps.

Establishing team objectives can also help you identify skills gaps. 

Let’s say that your team really wants to grow its followers on Pinterest. As you proceed to devise a Pinterest marketing growth strategy to meet this objective, you might discover that your team doesn’t know enough about Pinterest to execute this strategy effectively. So, you’ve identified a skills gap.

Armed with this knowledge, you can quickly target this skills gap by hiring a marketer with the relevant experience. Or you could upskill your employees—more on this later. 

Identify Areas for Skill Development

Now it’s time to dig a little deeper and identify any specific skills gaps that exist within your social marketing team. Chances are, you’ll find some—53% of companies currently have a skills gap, according to research by SHRM. 

Skills gaps can arise for a variety of reasons. Talent shortages, poor training, lack of experience, and failure to keep pace with new technologies can all result in skills gaps that put your company at a competitive disadvantage. 

With a fine-tooth comb, inspect your team’s digital marketing skills, experience, and objectives to illuminate any areas for improvement. For a social marketing team, the most pressing and common skills gaps include graphic design, videography, and photography.

Provided by The Social Club, here’s an example of what social media marketers deem to be essential skills, compared to how many marketers feel that they actually possess these skills.

Provide Continuous Training & Development 

Before you rush to fill your skills gaps by hiring new employees, consider upskilling your current employees first.

Upskilling is a learning and development strategy that involves providing continuous training to employees to help them learn new skills. There are a bunch of benefits to doing this—it’s more cost-effective, it boosts productivity, and it even increases employee satisfaction and retention. 71% of employees who took part in employer-provided upskilling opportunities say that it increased their overall job satisfaction.

That said, any old training program won’t do. Training content needs to be delivered strategically, with a focus on keeping it engaging and interactive to maximize knowledge retention. 

Here are some top tips for training your social media marketing team:

  • Create visually engaging and interactive online training videos
  • Utilize other interactive training methods too, like memory games, quizzes, and puzzles
  • Assign employees to a mentor for 1-on-1 training and development sessions
  • Create a centralized online knowledge base packed with valuable content (how-to’s, blog posts, indexes, etc)
  • Offer bitesize training modules to help employees retain knowledge
  • Most importantly, provide opportunities for them to exercise their new skills

Seek Feedback From Customers

Your customers are invaluable information sources. Their feedback can shed light on areas that your social media marketing team needs to improve on, driving learning and development initiatives in the right direction. 

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There are lots of different ways that you can request feedback from your customers. Follow-up emails, social media, and website surveys are just a few examples. And you can request feedback on pretty much anything you want, from the quality of your YouTube videos or Instagram photos to the consistency of your brand’s voice across your social channels. 

Just make sure to avoid common customer survey mistakes if you want to garner the best results.

If you’re still struggling to obtain customer feedback, there are different ways to tap into what your customers are thinking without asking them directly. 

Reviews left on third-party websites like Google and TrustPilot can be a source of valuable feedback. Try encouraging customers to leave reviews which you can use to accumulate useful information. For example, recurring pain points that come up in reviews may uncover hidden skills gaps or performance gaps within your team.

You can also use social listening tools to monitor what customers are saying about you online.

Review Your Team’s Workload

A heavy workload hinders productivity and is one of the leading causes of performance gaps. But it can exacerbate skills gaps, too. 

Without the means to undertake professional development, employees can quickly fall behind competitors. Remember, 81% of social media marketers struggle to stay on top of social media marketing developments. 

The same study found that 53% of social media marketers claim that it takes over an hour a week to keep on top of the latest marketing trends. 10% say that it requires over two hours of dedication a week.

Put simply—if your team has a heavy workload, keeping up just isn’t possible.

Assess your team’s workloads and, with the assistance of your employees, adjust them to free up time for learning and development. Through this process, you might also realize that you can reallocate resources to maximize skill utilization and reduce skill gaps. 

An employee who excels in paid advertising, for example, should invest more time in utilizing and refining those specific skills. Or, if various team members are tackling campaign management alongside their other duties, it might be wise to hire a dedicated social media marketing manager to unburden these responsibilities. This provides more time for learning and development while also closing a skills gap. 

Consider Hiring Additional Team Members

Sometimes, hiring new team members is absolutely essential. 

For example, it could be that your team completely lacks the necessary experience to fulfill duties in a complex area, like social media analytics. Or, it could be that your team’s workload is so heavy that it’s impossible for employees to leverage all of the necessary skills to their full capability. 

In these scenarios, look into bringing new team members on board. But be careful—a poor hiring process can result in bad hires and a host of other issues. Not only can this widen skills gaps even further, but it can seriously damage your team’s overall productivity. 

So, it’s critical that you precisely identify the skills and experience that you need a new hire to possess. From there, you can create job ads that accurately detail the responsibilities of the role, increasing your chances of attracting high-quality candidates. 
Using talent acquisition software, you can then leverage AI to automate the labor-intensive candidate sorting and screening process. Talent acquisition tools can match and score candidates according to your preset rules, dramatically reducing the time it takes to find the best candidates to interview.

Evaluate Your Team’s Culture

A team culture that is misaligned with your company’s values and objectives can contribute to performance and skills gaps. This is why it’s so important to continuously evaluate your team’s culture, nurturing positive cultural traits and weeding out any negative traits.

Performance monitoring and attendance tracking software can help you identify engagement issues and tackle their underlying cause. Gathering employee feedback via pulse surveys and eNPS surveys can highlight areas for improvement that you may have otherwise missed. And external employee review sites are also a useful way to glean honest, unfiltered insights into your team’s culture.

To effectively close performance and skills gaps within your social marketing team, work on fostering a culture that embraces knowledge-sharing, unity, collaboration, and continuous learning and development.

Key Takeaways

As the latest digital marketing trends, technologies, and platforms continue to emerge at an accelerated rate, knowledge and skills gaps are bound to crop up. It’s vital that you empower your social media marketing team to keep pace with competitors and meet marketing goals by identifying and addressing gaps.

Once you’ve identified gaps through observations and analysis, you can work on closing them the right way. The best ways to tackle gaps in your team include providing continuous training, hiring experienced employees, and adjusting your team’s workload.

The post Are Skill Gaps Holding Back Your Social Media Marketing Team’s Potential? appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

How to Create An Email Strategy https://www.digitalmarketer.com/blog/create-an-email-strategy/ https://www.digitalmarketer.com/blog/create-an-email-strategy/#respond Sat, 18 Dec 2021 02:31:58 +0000 https://www.digitalmarketer.com/uncategorized/create-an-email-strategy/ Your email marketing strategy doesn’t have to wait until things slow down, you “know more,” or you’re finally ready. It just requires taking the first step...choosing your type of newsletter.

The post How to Create An Email Strategy appeared first on DigitalMarketer.


Creating an email strategy feels like you’ll need a whiteboard, 5 different colored pens, your entire team, and 4 cups of coffee each.

It feels like a *big* task—something that your team needs to work on at *just* the right moment. 

We have some news for you…it’s actually the opposite. An email marketing strategy is less about an over-the-top, “started from the bottom now we’re here,” type of strategy and more about taking one step forward. Then, another. And, another.

There are 5 steps to creating an email strategy that encompasses your organic, newsletter content (that isn’t overly promotional), and your promotional content (that sells products).

And each one can be situated within a week (maximum!).

Your email marketing strategy doesn’t have to wait until things slow down, you “know more,” or you’re finally ready. It just requires taking the first step…choosing your type of newsletter.

Step 1: Choose Your Type of Newsletter

Our favorite part of email marketing is the relationship we can build with our audience without selling them anything. Using a weekly newsletter, we can create 52 touchpoints a year with our subscribers with the goal of giving them useful marketing information that helps their launches, campaigns, and business endeavors.

There are 4 types of newsletters to choose from:

#1: “Letter-from-the-editor” or “Featured Article” Style

This type of newsletter is best suited for: 

  • Brands with something to say and/or points to make
  • Companies wanting to take a stance on something happening in their industry (have an opinion, provide tactical advice, etc.)
  • Businesses willing to dedicate more resources and time to create a valuable newsletter

#2: “Link” or “Curated Content” Style

This type of newsletter is best suited for: 

  • Brands and businesses who want to provide quick value to their customers
  • Companies strapped for time and people power

#3: “Blog” Style

This type of newsletter is best suited for: 

  • Brands with a dedicated blog and/or content repository
  • Companies that want to drive A LOT of traffic to their content

#4: “Hustle” Style

This type of newsletter is best suited for: 

  • Brands with a dedicated content team that can really put pen to paper
  • Companies that are big on the affiliate side of marketing
  • Businesses that want to establish themselves as THE AUTHORITY in their industry

Action: Choose the type of newsletter you’ll send out on a regular basis (1-3x per week). If you’re having trouble deciding what your audience would like most, ask them!

Step 2: Create an Editorial Calendar for Promotional Content

Your promotional calendar is a big part of your email marketing strategy. We’re not saying you need to have your entire year planned out without any room for flexibility. You just need at least 3 months of a *decently* solid idea of what you’ll be promoting. Of course, as those weeks play out and if anything needs to shift, you can. But, your promotional calendar shows you what you have coming up and where your organic content can help you with campaigns.

Not only will our promotional content (email campaigns with copy specific to purchasing the Digital Mastery Certification) cover the offer, but we can also add it into our organic content.

The DigitalMarketer Insider newsletter can support this promotion by talking about the importance of being a T-Shaped marketer and linking out to our article explaining what it is and why marketers should care.

Action: Create a promotional calendar, so you know when offers and products are launching. Then, use that calendar to correlate your organic content with those offers and products to help support your campaigns.

Step 3: Schedule When Your Emails Will Go Live

Remember, your email marketing strategy is just as much about nurturing your audience as it is about selling your products. Here’s the rule of thumb we like to follow: publish a newsletter consistently (1-3x/week) and only run 3x promotional offers per month. If you run more than that, you’ll “fatigue” your email audience. This means they’re so bombarded with promotions and offers that they start to delete your emails the second they show up in their inbox.

Your open rates decrease, your click-through rates are minuscule, and your profits suffer. 

Since this is the worst-case scenario in email marketing, you need a plan to avoid it. That’s why you’ll schedule when your emails go live for your newsletter and promotional content.

For example, let’s say you have a weekly newsletter that goes out every Monday. You have 3 offers you’ll promote between November 29th-December 31st, and you have 3 emails per offer for a total of 9 promotion emails. 

These are general numbers, though. You can send more (or less) promotional emails depending on how many promotions you’re selling, when the final purchase date is, and how your campaign is doing (poorly = send more emails).

Action: Create an email calendar that shows when each email you plan to send each month will go live. You can also use this calendar to figure out when to have newsletter content, and promotional copy written, edited, and uploaded to your email platform.

Bonus Tip: Make sure you have someone on your team dedicated to email. It’ll be their job to make sure newsletters go out on time and promotional copy is written and scheduled for campaigns. This is the *only* way to avoid email falling through the cracks and reaching Q3 of 2022 and wondering what happened.

Step 4: Use Email for Market Research

In 2021, we lost a lot of data thanks to Apple’s iOS 14 privacy changes. This isn’t a bad thing (people should be aware and able to choose where their data is shared), but it did require a pivot in marketing. Instead of relying on third-parties to capture and use data in our campaigns for us—we need to start doing it ourselves.

And email marketing is the perfect place to start. Your email audience is more than hot leads. They’re a direct connection to your customer avatar and what they’re thinking, feeling, and looking for when it comes to your brand and products. They can tell you what type of newsletter they’re looking for, the products they want you to create, and how they feel about your current email strategy.

But, you have to ask them first.

Use your email platform to ask your subscribers market research questions. Now, here’s where we create an email marketing strategy out of this. Tag the subscribers based on their answers, build funnels for your specific products related to their interests, and send subscribers down funnels for products they actually care about. 

Or, as your promotional calendar starts rolling out, you now have lists of subscribers interested in those products or topics. Let’s say we surveyed our email subscribers and asked what they were struggling with the most and one of the answers was SEO. Every subscriber who answered SEO could be sent a DigitalMarketer Insider personalized to help them learn more about SEO, with content like this:

Action: Personalize your email strategy by surveying your audience to see what they’re most interested in and sending topic/product-specific content and funnels based on their answers.

Step 5: Test, Optimize, and Stay Flexible

If there’s one piece of overarching marketing advice that any business could take and apply, this is it. Marketing is all about testing, optimizing, and staying flexible. Great marketing plans aren’t written in stone. They’re adapted as needed based on the story the metrics tell them.

For example, if you start sending out an email newsletter with 4 curated links every week and your open rate goes from 30% to 10%—there’s a problem. Your audience doesn’t want curated links…they’re looking for something else. This is your sign to ask them what they’d like to see more of and integrate that into your upcoming emails.

Every year we take a look at our best performing email subject lines to figure out where we could do better and which subject lines to leave behind in the new year.

Action (Test): Try out different sections in your newsletter to see what your audience loves the most (keep tabs by looking at open rates and click-through rates on links in that specific section).

Action (Optimize): Ask your subscribers what they’d like to see more of through market research and tags, and pay attention to what topics get the most opens and clicks.

Action (Stay Flexible): Don’t take it personally if the marketing strategy you created doesn’t work out the way you’d hoped. Stay flexible and change it based on the new data you have. 

Email Strategy is a ‘One Step at a Time’ Game

Each step of creating your email strategy takes a week—maximum. That assumes your team is completely bogged down with other work and only has a minimum amount of time to put towards it. 

If your team has remotely a decent amount of time to allocate to your email marketing strategy, you’ll have it live in less than a month. And you don’t even have to feel overwhelmed by the process, because email strategy is a ‘one step at a time’ game. 

Step 1: Choose Your Type of Newsletter

Step 2: Create an Editorial Calendar for Promotional Content

Step 3: Schedule When Your Emails Will Go Live

Step 4: Use Email for Market Research

Step 5: Test, Optimize, and Stay Flexible

Once you’ve gone through these 5 steps, the next step is creating an Email Indoctrination Series that introduces your brand to your subscribers, tells them what to expect from your emails, and gives them a free gift. 

Ryan Deiss, CEO of DigitalMarketer, teaches the 10-Point Indoctrination Email Playbook: How to Welcome New Email Subscribers inside of DigitalMarketer Lab. Get access to the 10-Point Indoctrination Email Playbook, and Insider Trainings, Workshops, and Playbooks covering marketing topics like:

  • Email marketing
  • Building out your agency
  • Copywriting
  • And more…

The post How to Create An Email Strategy appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

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