social media advertising Archives - DigitalMarketer Thu, 04 Apr 2024 16:11:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 social media advertising Archives - DigitalMarketer 32 32 12 Facebook Ad Metrics Worth Your Attention Thu, 04 Apr 2024 16:11:26 +0000 Discover the essential Facebook Ad metrics crucial for maximizing your campaign's success. Avoid common pitfalls, understand the true value of data, and learn how to integrate insights from various platforms for a comprehensive understanding of your digital marketing efforts.

The post 12 Facebook Ad Metrics Worth Your Attention appeared first on DigitalMarketer.


Did you know there are about 200 Facebook Ad metrics? That’s way too much to keep your eyes on. A smarter approach is to focus on a few metrics and ignore the rest until you need them. But how do you know which ones are really worth your constant attention? Let’s find out…

Every Facebook Advertiser Struggles with Metrics

You are not the only one who is lost in the maze of Facebook ad metrics. Every day, my team at answers dozens of questions from business owners and agencies about this topic.

  • I read somewhere that metric X is important but is that true?
  • Why would I even track metric Y?
  • Can I really ignore metric Z? 

These kinds of questions are important, but they are often asked at the wrong moment. 

The key to understanding which Facebook Ad metrics matter the most to you, is to see them as possible answers to questions you have about Facebook campaigns.

Let’s dive in…

Are my Facebook Campaigns Profitable?

Paid ads are like an investment. You pour money into ads and hope that you will get more money back. 

But like any other investment, there is a difference between hope and reality. 

One metric in Facebook Ads Manager will partially answer whether your ads are performing as you had hoped.

Return On Ad Spend (ROAS)

This metric tells you how much money you get back from every dollar you spent on Facebook ads. 

It is calculated with the following formula:

Revenue / Ad spend

For example: (your revenue) $1,000 / $500 (spent on ads) = ROAS 2

That means that for every dollar you spent on Facebook ads, the platform  generated $2 revenue. 

All that sounds great, but keep the following in mind:

  • Revenue and profit are different things. So, you will have to do your own calculations to find out if your Facebook ads are actually making profit for you.
  • To calculate the real Return On Investment (ROI) of Facebook paid campaigns, you need to include costs for setting up and managing your ads. 
  • This metric is especially useful to ecommerce stores because they sell directly and know for which price. For service providers, ROAS is harder to calculate because it is hard to assign a price for someone who, for example, signs up to a newsletter. 
  • Facebook knows a lot about you, but you need to assign values to conversions. I cover that a bit further below. 

How Much do My Facebook Ads Cost?

Running ads costs money. To keep track of how much, you can use over 60 Facebook Ad metrics. Here are some interesting ones that can give you valuable insights.

Amount Spent

This metric tells you how much money you have already spent on a Facebook ad or campaign. 

Although you can set daily budgets to keep your budget under control, it is absolutely worth checking this metric regularly. If the amount is low, for example, that can mean nobody is seeing or clicking on your ads. 

Cost Per Mille (CPM)

This metric answers the question how much it costs to show your ad 1,000 times. If you run awareness campaigns, it is useful for two reasons:

  • CPM is a metric that is used by other ad platforms or websites that sell advertising space. It makes it easy to compare the price to advertise on different platforms. On the other hand, it doesn’t tell anything about how profitable the ads are. 
  • The CPM also lets advertisers easily compare the cost of different campaigns on the same platform. If, for example, the CPM for one Facebook campaign is $10 and $5 for another, it is worth diving deeper to understand what causes this price difference. Is it because of the timing? The copy of the ad? The audience? The frequency? Etc.

Cost Per Impression

This metric tells you how much every impression of an ad on Facebook costs you. It is not a very important one from the digital marketer’s helicopter point of view. 

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But I included it anyway to illustrate that Facebook has metrics that can give answers to more complicated questions you didn’t come up with before. 

Prices per unit also put things in a different perspective. Knowing that every bite you take from, let’s say a Philly Cheesesteak (Can you tell I’m from Philly?!?), costs you 0.25 cents, may either spoil or add more taste to your meal. 

Cost Per Click (CPC)

Facebook has two metrics for clicks. CPC links are more important than CPC All, because it tells you how much a link to your landing page costs. A click that is, for example, included in CPC All is when someone clicks to see more of your ad copy. 

CPCs fluctuate and the price Facebook charges you depends on factors such as timing, audience size, the services or products you promote, and so on. 

Yet, the CPC is a powerful metric that is worth keeping your eyes on:

  • It gives you a clear idea of how cheap or expensive clicks to your site or web shop are.If, for example, you pay $10 per click to sell a $3 product, it may be time to rethink your paid advertising strategy completely. 
  • A high CPC may also be a sign that your landing page has an issue. I will get back to that further below. 
  • CPC is also a useful metric to compare the performance of campaigns over time, or to find out which ads are repeatable or need optimization. 

Cost Per Action (CPA)

Ideally, people take action when they see your Facebook ad. That can, for instance, be a click to your landing page, watching a video, sharing your page, and so on. 

The CPA metric shows you how much these actions cost. It is also good to:

  • Use the CPA as an internal benchmark. Simply put: if you can decrease it, you will get more at a lower cost. 
  • Compare the CPAs of different actions. If you  take the bigger picture into account, it may turn out that you have been running ads to trigger people to take actions that don’t boost your business.

Cost Per Conversion

Another metric that is definitely worth your attention is the Cost Per Conversion. If you know, for example, that your paid ads cost you $5 for someone to add a product to the shopping cart, that will give you a good idea whether the campaign is profitable or requires fine-tuning.  

Do My Facebook Ads Actually Contribute to My Goals?

The best way to find out if your Facebook ads help you actually achieve your campaign goals is to look at conversion metrics. 

Conversions are important actions that people take, like adding a product to the basket, filling in a form, signing up for a trial account, and so on.

Conversion Rate

The conversion rate is the percentage of people who click on your ad and do what you want them to do. Let’s assume 100 people click on your product ad and 50 of them add the product to your cart, the conversion rate will be 50%.

That may sound exciting, but if none of them actually buys your product, the conversion rate for your sales goal will be 0%.

It is therefore important to think about your goals and conversions before you dive into metrics. 

How Much Value do My Facebook Ads Generate?

In Facebook Ads, you can assign a ton of conversion values for every goal you want to achieve.

Even if you don’t sell products or courses online, you may profit from assigning a value to conversions, like the Contact conversion value or Leads Conversion Value.

Total Conversion Value

The total conversion value is self-explanatory. But it can also be misleading. If you define, for example, a Content views conversion Value or App activations conversion value, you may get a total skewed version of what your conversions actually are worth. 

Is My Facebook Target Audience Even Interested in My Ads?

Although Facebook is a great advertising platform to reach your ideal audience, your ads may not be appealing to them. The following metrics can help you find that out quickly.

CTR (Click Through Rate)

The click through rate metrics is the calculated percentage of clicks compared to how many times your ad was displayed.

If, for example, your ad was shown 1,000 times and the link to your site was clicked 10 times, your CTR is 1%. 

The toughest part is to decide whether your CTR is good or bad. One way to know this is to run several ads simultaneously and see which one has the highest CTR. 

But this approach is risky too. A higher CTR may not result in higher conversions.

Relevance Score

Facebook assigns a relevance score between 1 and 10 to your ads. The higher the score, the more relevant the ad is for your audience, according to Facebook.

Ads can break or make your campaigns. A picture, the copy, but also how many times it is shown are all details that can make or break your campaign. The following metrics help you better understand how your ads are doing.

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Ad Frequency

This metric tells you how many times the ad has been displayed on average in the Facebook feed of your target audience. 

Mind that this metric can mean many different things depending on the type of campaign you are running.

  • With brand awareness campaigns, you can show your ad more before people get tired of it.
  • If you are running a lead gen campaign, people usually get annoyed when they see the same ad too many times in a short period of time. 

The list of metrics will help answer the important questions you, your business or customers have about paid marketing campaigns on Facebook

Alas, these metrics cannot give all the answers you need to run successful paid campaigns… 

The 4 Biggest Mistakes Facebook Advertisers can Make

The team has taught and supported hundreds of businesses with measuring and optimizing their marketing campaigns for success. 

There are 4 mistakes that keep returning and I figured it’s worth dropping them here so you won’t need to make these mistakes yourself…

Mistake 1: Misunderstanding Metrics

Like any other industry, digital marketing is filled with jargon. It’s easy to misunderstand what something is and is not.

Metrics are often confused with: 

  • Business goals 
  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  • Dimensions
  • Segments

Metrics are just the numbers you add, subtract, multiply, and divide.

Dimensions, on the other hand, are how you sort those numbers.

For example, you might have a “Dimension” that is the Traffic Source and then the “Metric” might be the number of users from that traffic source.

Always remember though, you’ll always first start with a question in mind and then you jump into the data to find the answer (never the other way around!).

Mistake 2: Ignoring Data from Facebook 

Most businesses understand that data is important. But in two situations, it is tough to make data-driven decisions.

Analysis Paralysis

Facebook Ad Manager contains a lot of data, but that is often overwhelming. Not all businesses have the know-how or resources to even look at numbers, charts, graphs and therefore simply ignore them.

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Focus on just ONE THING at a time.  I like to take the advice I learned from my buddy Jeff Sauer at…

“Assign one KPI per team member.”

This keeps it really simple.  If it’s just you, focus on the ONE metric that needs the most improvement.  As your team grows, you can expand your focus (because you’ll have more people to help!).

No Access to Real-Time Data 

This happens, for example, when an external party is running ads and reports monthly. By the time decision makers know what’s going on, the monthly Facebook marketing budget is already gone. 

Businesses that ignore, or don’t have access to Facebook data, lose a lot more than money.

The target audience may, for example, have seen a Facebook ad too many times. It will be an expensive challenge to turn that around.

Mistake 3: Focus on the Wrong or too Many Metrics

Facebook, and other ad platforms, make it very easy to set up your first campaign. They promise you will get results without having to lift a finger. 

And then reality kicks in. 

At one point, you need to understand the true value of data. 

But as I said in the beginning of this article, it can feel overwhelming, confusing or for some, not enough. 

The opposite reaction of analysis paralysis is wanting to have even more data to make complete data-driven decisions. 

Facebook Ads has a ton of them available, like 

  • Photo views
  • Unique achievements unlocked
  • Unique ratings submitted
  • Cost per unique level completed
  • Etc. 

The question is…

Do you really need all that data to drive your business forward?

In other words, ask yourself, “Is this useful?”

This brings us to the last mistake (which actually might sound contradictory)…

Mistake 4: Ignoring Data from Other Sources

Customers start their journey after they have clicked on your Facebook ad. But as you know, a lot can go wrong when the user lands on a site or web shop.

Think, for example, of:

  • The contact form may not be working. 
  • The site might not be optimized for a specific device.
  • The conversion tracking may not be set up correctly.
  • The landing page may not be aligned with the message of the ad.
  • Your actual revenue may differ from what Facebook or other platforms, like Google Analytics 4, shows. 

I am not claiming that Facebook Ad metrics are worthless, but you need to pick them carefully. 

Sometimes the best “source of truth” will definitely be Facebook Ads.  But sometimes (often!) it won’t be the best source for the answers you’re looking for.

To measure your actual revenue, for example, it is wiser to rely on data from your cart, or (even better!) your merchant processor (platforms, like PayPal, Stripe,, etc.).


Facebook Ad metrics are very powerful to 

  • Measure the performance of your campaigns
  • Get insights on how to improve your campaigns
  • Control your paid ads budget on the biggest social media platform
  • Reach the right audience with the right message at the right moment
  • Achieve your business goals

But Facebook Ad metrics reveal only one part of the complicated customer journey. 

If you want to stay ahead of your competitors, as a business or marketing agency, then make sure you:

  • Track only the most valuable Facebook Ad metrics
  • Include metrics from other platforms and tools to make profound decisions
  • Give your team access to the data they need to do their job
  • Present everything in a shared dashboard that’s explains itself

This is the secret sauce of businesses that thrive in the complicated digital marketing landscape. 

I hope this information will help you become a better Facebook marketer or give your business a better understanding of Facebook Ad metrics and how they fit in the bigger picture of digital marketing.

The post 12 Facebook Ad Metrics Worth Your Attention appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

7 Things You Need to Do AHEAD of Your Black Friday Facebook Ads According to Meta Thu, 17 Aug 2023 19:45:57 +0000 This is THE time of the year when shopaholics are hunting for the best offers, so you need to make sure your Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads campaigns are ready to attract hungry buyers. 

The post 7 Things You Need to Do AHEAD of Your Black Friday Facebook Ads According to Meta appeared first on DigitalMarketer.


Are your Facebook Ads strategy ready for Black Friday? 

This is THE time of the year when shopaholics are hunting for the best offers, so you need to make sure your Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads campaigns are ready to attract hungry buyers. 

So, do you have your Black Friday Facebook Ads strategies all planned out? No? Well, you’d better get on that, because the big day is just around the corner! 

With so many changes to how we advertise on Facebook and Instagram in a post-iOS world, the Meta algorithm is going through some growing pains of its own. So, how can you be sure you’re setting your ads for success? Well, we talked to ACTUAL engineers at Meta and created a checklist with everything you need to have your target audience open their wallets for you!

7 Meta Tips & Updates You Need to Know BEFORE Creating Black Friday

#1. 20 is the New 50

Everyone has heard that an ad set needs at least 50 conversions in a 7-day period. And yes, that was true a while ago, but now things have changed. 

In the past, the Facebook Ads Learning Phase ended when, in a 7-day period, an ad set reached 50 events (whether it is conversions, lead gen, landing page views, etc). However, the Meta Ads Manager has evolved and improved. Now to exit the learning phase for optimization, your campaigns need 20 completed events in a 7-day period.

What does that mean? 

Now, a campaign can leave the Learning Phase after it reaches 20 events, again, depending on the objectives you select. The algorithm will gather data until that time to help you make better decisions in a simplified, quicker way, and make it easier for you to be successful on the platform. 

But what happens if my campaign doesn’t achieve that goal? Then, after the 7-day period *and not a minute before*, you can edit your campaign to optimize it! The algorithm will still learn based on successful events, but to hit true Meta Ad success velocity, you’ll want to consider increasing your budget so that you can achieve the 20 events Meta needs your campaign to hit for optimization in a 7-day period.

#2. Keep Your Cold & Warm Audiences Separated

Let’s think of our cold and warm audiences like a dating process. 

Cold traffic is like when you’re interested in someone you don’t know and want them to swipe right back at you. Your profile pic and information is all they have on you to make a snap judgment decision on whether they’ll engage in a convo and maybe give you their number.  

This is the same for an IG ad. They have 1-3 seconds MAX to decide whether or not your ad is worth ‘swiping right’ via engaging with your content by stopping their scroll. 

Meanwhile, our warm traffic is geared to those that have already engaged with your profile and is either mid-convo or mid-first date. Like a Facebook ad, you’ve already captured their attention, and now you’re ‘courting’ them. Asking them to get to know you more and ideally make some sort of commitment. With dating, you’ll want to ‘make it official’ and with ads you want that lead or purchase! 

They’re totally different, right? 

  • Cold Traffic’s primary goal is to get them to swipe right or engage with your content (and maybe purchase!)
  • Warm Traffic’s primary goal is to get them converted into being Facebook officials by subscribing to your list and actually purchasing a product

When you blend warm and cold audiences in your campaigns, you’re giving the algorithm the chance to favor warm audiences as they’re more likely to convert to a more cost-effective bidding strategy. This means, using our last example, that it’s more likely for someone that already had a first date with you to say “yes” to a second date because they already know you. Thus slimming down the chance of new swipes showing up on your feed.

Taking this into account, at the top level of your campaign, for cold audiences, you’re teaching the Meta Ads algorithm which cold audiences are yielding conversions. A successful conversion sends a signal to the platform to find more humans like the user who just converted. 

When you’re using cold audiences in a campaign, and excluding warm ones, you’re forcing the platform to find new people *aka people that don’t know anything about your product/service* that will make the desired conversion event.

Should you blend the audiences and include warm audiences in the campaign, Meta will favor the warmer audience time and time again because an abandoned cart purchaser is more likely to convert than someone who doesn’t yet know, like, or trust your offer. 

And Meta is always optimizing for the easier (more cost-effective) win in their algorithm.

That’s why at Mongoose Media we recommend not mixing these audiences in the same campaign. When you throw cold and warm audiences together you’re not teaching the algorithm to specifically find new prospects, you’re asking your algorithm to find the best buyers possible, allowing it to cheat and deliver the ads to people that already know who you are. So, instead, build a campaign for prospecting and another for retargeting warm traffic. 

#3. Know What CPA You’re Willing to Pay for Your Cold & Warm Audiences

The algorithm is listening to you, so you have to tell it exactly what you want. And this applies to anything you set up in Facebook Ads, but it is especially important for the CPA.

Let’s suppose that you are willing to pay $85 per CPA (cost per acquisition) for a skincare customer, but you capped the bid budget at $75. In this case, the algorithm doesn’t have the means to know that you have more money than what you put, so you’ll be forcing it to optimize your ads for a $75 budget. Which can mean you’re limiting your audience reach to forced CPAs that fit within your lower budget. Meaning, you’re missing out on potential customers that you’d be willing to pay for but your bidding strategies say otherwise.

Why is this so crucial? Because there may be better people with potentially higher order value or propensity to purchase available to you, but because you told the algorithm that $75 is your spend limit, your ad may not reach those people. 

Bear this in mind: if your CPA is too high, it will eat into your profits. Conversely, if your CPA is too low, you could be missing out on potential customers. 

Additionally, every day we get closer to Black Friday is a day that the auction experiences additional new competitors to the marketplace and more auction pressure that you’re competing against. So, start thinking about your CPA before the big day approaches. 

{important dates graphic: September 20th, the soft pressure increase in a ‘pre-Black Friday auction’. October 15th – the unofficial kickoff for Black Friday and the D-Day for heavy auction bids. November 15th – consider using different Meta objectives cause everyone and their grandmothers are doing ads.}

And, if you’re not sure what your CPA should be, working with a qualified Meta Ads consultant can help you to set a realistic CPA for your business!

NOTE: Your WARM CPA and COLD CPA should be different.

#4. Your Ads are a Marathon, Not a Place to Bet on Horses

I know that it is very tempting to look at your ad campaigns and ads like they are competing in a horse race. But you’re not betting on a pony, you’re marketing your products or services, so there’s no rush. 

What I mean is that even though you may want to perform a gazillion changes every time you check your ads statics and something seems off, you need to let it rest! As I said above, the Facebook Ads Learning Phase covers a 7-day period; however, if you edit your ad every other day, what will happen is that the time period will restart with every change and your campaign will be stuck in the Learning Phase *sounds like time traveling, right?*. 

Plus, you won’t be giving the algorithm enough time to optimize your campaign! Simply put, let’s suppose you launched your ad on a Monday, but by Wednesday you don’t get any of the results you wanted, so you turn it off. But, what you don’t realize is that, in a 7-day period, the algorithm is working to understand your campaign, so it may take time to reach your target audience and generate conversions. 

And don’t worry! 

Everyone is tempted to edit or stop a campaign when it is not achieving what we want! In fact, at Mongoose Media we used to make that decision after a 4-day period. However, we realized that, by doing this, we were potentially wasting the effort the algorithm is making to optimize a campaign, so now we wait a full 7 days before touching anything. 

So, walk away and go back in a week… But wait, there are a few things you need to be mindful of before you sit back and relax. Here’s a quick ads checklist

  • Tracking: 

For Facebook Ads to be effective, it is essential that you have your tracking set up correctly. Without tracking, you will have no way of knowing whether your ads are succeeding or failing during the Holiday season. 

  • Creatives: 

During Black Friday, brands compete for consumers’ attention with ads that are often loud, colorful, and eye-catching. As a result, it’s important to make sure that your ads are designed to be thumb-stopping.

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One way to do this is to start working on your ad creatives well in advance of Black Friday. This will give you time to experiment with different designs and ensure that your advertising campaigns are truly eye-catching. 

  • Winning offer

Have you already put some thoughts into your Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals? It is important to craft a must-click offer that your specific audience is going to love. 

Remember that Facebook, unlike Amazon, is like walking into the mall during the holiday season. There are a lot of options you can pick and different offers that sound appealing, so, with many competitors out there, it is important to create deals that really persuade your audience!

  • Work within a comfortable budget

Have a budget that you’re comfortable spending daily with a long-term goal of success. If you’re coming to Meta ads for a silver bullet, a single solution in your company’s bottom line, you better have a budget to back up the investment for data and the algorithm to find your target audience.

Meta Ads are great to-scale offers that work and as a discovery tool for new audiences. When Meta Ads stand on their own without a cohesive marketing plan for omnichannel remarketing, subscriber engagement, and more, expect to pay high acquisition costs to cover your marketing gaps. 

{Meta Ads on a CVJ image? Meta ads drive awareness, meta ads help subscriber acquisition, Meta Ads can drive excitement and loyalty, but Meta Ads aren’t Atlas, holding the weight of the company alone – that’s my graphic recommendation…. People think Meta Ads are the Atlas holding the world, but instead, it’s the offer that’s atlas and Meta is the muscle on the one bicep only}

#5. The Algorithm Assumes the Data is True

This may sound like a no-brainer, but it is important to understand that the algorithm can’t read your mind, so it learns from the data you give it. 

That’s why it is so important to be mindful about what you tell it. From your target audience to your ad spend, that algorithm will take everything you put as a fact and, if you’re not careful, it can affect your campaign negatively.

#6. Advantage+ Placements & Advantage Campaign Budget & Why They Matter

Placements are also known as the different platforms on which Meta can show your ad. An example of this is running your ads on Instagram, Facebook, or Messenger.

In this case, choosing multiple placements is a great idea if you want your ads to reach your target audience across different platforms. Meta’s platform is going to try and serve your ads on the placement your targeted audience is most likely going to engage and convert.

Taking this into account, by using Advantage+ placements, you’ll be allowing Meta to find the best conversion opportunities for your ad in all the placements.

This not only will help you to get the optimization events at a low cost (because Meta’s delivery system will analyze the data from all available placements and choose placements that are both cost-effective and high-performing) but also will help you make the most out of your campaign budget!

Another way of automating your campaign is by using the Advantage Campaign Budget. This is a feature that allows Meta to distribute your budget depending on the placements where each ad set will get the most optimization events at a low cost. 

With both features, you can make sure that your budget is effectively invested, Advantage+ placements and Advantage Campaign Budget are godsend help during the Black Friday season

#7. Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns

If you were looking for a way to increase your campaign’s performance without having to stick to your computer 24/7, the new Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns, launched on August 15, 2022, is quickly becoming my favorite new roll out from Meta. This new Meta product can automate an entire ad campaign with machine learning, so you can focus more on the general aspects of your online store and less on managing campaigns.

Just imagine being able to automate EVERYTHING from creatives and placements to audiences. With Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns you can maximize your ads’ performance throughout the Black Friday weekend (and beyond) without all the manual work it used to require. 

Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns allow business owners and paid media buyers to use AI to automate a campaign from end to end and make the best out of their ad budget by finding the best placements in which your ad will get the most conversion events at a lower cost.

And, if that wasn’t enough, this new feature can also automate creatives to analyze which ones are more effective in a specific audience! 

Finally, if you have a Facebook or Instagram Shop, Meta is using AI to drive traffic to the most converting destination for your eCommerce store. Either your in-platform store (FB or IG shop) or your website, depending on which one will generate the most optimization events in a certain audience! 

There’s nothing you can’t achieve with this tool and, even though it’s still in its Beta version, acting on it now will give your campaigns a lift as most other brands and advertisers aren’t taking advantage of this new campaign!

What’s the Best Time to Run Facebook Ads for Black Friday?

As soon as possible! Taking into account that you have to wait for the Learning Phase 7-day window, help the algorithm understand and optimize your campaign, and make edits if necessary, at Mongoose Media we recommend our clients to start their Black Friday Facebook Ads campaigns between July and September. 

However, this doesn’t mean that you should have launched your sale months ago! What you should have done is launch campaigns to find your audience and build a warm list.

The idea is to build a list of buyers that want your product/service and are eager to get a good deal, so you can offer them early access or another offer if they signup or register ahead of the big day. 

Why is this so important? Because even though Black Friday and Cyber Monday may seem like a weekend events, more and more people start craving good deals and offers even before November starts, so it is crucial *and cheaper* to start warming up your traffic early

But wait! If you’re reading this in October/November, that doesn’t mean everything is lost. You just need to be mindful that, when you launch your Facebook ad campaign, there’s going to be a lot more auction pressure. 

Ready to Start Preparing for a Successful Black Friday?

Planning your Black Friday campaigns with time is the key to not only crafting profitable ads that catch the attention of your target audience and persuade them to click the “Buy now” button, but it also helps the algorithm understand your brand and put your deal in front of the right people. And now you have a checklist with everything that has changed in Facebook Ads and you need to keep it in mind to set your campaigns up for success. 

Do you feel already overwhelmed with all the preparations pre-Black Friday? Fear not, you’ve come to the right place! At Mongoose Media we have a team of Facebook experts, copywriters, designers, and strategists that will help you with the planning while you worry about running your business!

So, meet with us and start your journey to a successful Black Friday Facebook Ads strategy!

The post 7 Things You Need to Do AHEAD of Your Black Friday Facebook Ads According to Meta appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

How to Use Social Media to Find and Hire the Right Talent Tue, 01 Aug 2023 20:27:31 +0000 Building a powerful and talented team is the most essential step to creating a successful business.
Hiring the right people is the most important part of that process.

The post How to Use Social Media to Find and Hire the Right Talent appeared first on DigitalMarketer.


Building a powerful and talented team is the most essential step to creating a successful business.

Hiring the right people is the most important part of that process.

But there’s one huge dilemma in finding the right new employees: All the great ones are already hired, and more often than not valued in their companies, simply because they are awesome.

How to find them and lure them to join your brand?

If there’s one thing I’ve noticed about a successful hiring strategy, it’s that they tend to be super organized. Disciplined too.

Here are a few new tactics and trends to help you attract the right talent:

Using Social to Proactively Recruit

However, something else has been happening for ages too. Over a period of decades, headhunters have carefully nurtured their networks and positioned themselves to proactively approach candidates when the mandate is right. 

This allowed them to reach out to a hand-picked shortlist of candidates – and so put forward for consideration candidates that companies missed when relying on recruitment advertising alone.

One of the less talked-about aspects of social recruiting is the degree to which social media and social networking sites have made it possible for ANY recruiter to now source candidates this way. So in this article, I want to share with you 3 things you ought to investigate if you have any aspirations of attracting the right people to your company:

  • Using Twitter lists to create targeted candidate pools
  • Making use of LinkedIn contacts as your comprehensive recruiting database

Using Twitter Lists To Create Targeted Candidate Pools

Twitter lists have always been a powerful way of organizing the people you want to engage with. But for the purposes of recruiting, they’ve always been limited by the restriction of only being allowed 20 lists and a maximum of 500 Twitter accounts on each list.

The good news is, Twitter increased these limits, enabling you to create 1,000 lists and add up to 5,000 Twitter accounts to each list. That’s a massive change – and one that empowers you to really use Twitter as a proactive recruiting tool.

In all likelihood, there are specific companies that your company would ideally like to poach staff from. Imagine now that you can create lists of potential candidates for each and every specific skill/location/ company combination you might want to target in the future. By using a tool that searches Twitter users’ bios, you can quickly find and add candidates to relevant candidate lists. 

There are many out there, Followerwonk is one that I’ve been having a lot of joy using. By searching to find who’s been tweeting niche content in your sector, you’ll be able to add many more who don’t have this information in their bios but who you then come to learn about (and can populate the missing data by researching elsewhere). 

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You could also have lists of people who have expressed an interest in working at your company with particular skills/locations/company profiles.

Twitter lists also allow you to better target your daily engagements. You can create lists for niche experts that you really need in your team, and engage with them daily.

Just like with general branding, employer branding can take a lot of touchpoints before your dream candidate remembers your brand and starts considering it as a possible future workplace. You can also slowly but surely make them aware of your company culture and milestones.

You can also share your Twitter list with your current employees and let them interact with those experts as well. Not only will it help them to better understand your niche, but it will also demonstrate to your dream candidates that your whole company works as a team.

There are quite a few business phone apps and productivity apps that make this type of cross-team collaboration possible.

In your day-to-day Twitter activities, you now have a means of filtering who you’re engaging with and prioritizing those you can see your business is most likely to be targeting in the coming months. But now imagine that each time you start a new assignment, you can dig into your Twitter lists to identify candidates you’d like to approach.

Some you may see also appear on your lists of people who want to work at your company. Bingo! Others you can approach knowing already that they’re in your prime target market.

With 1,000 lists to play with, the possibilities here are huge. So if you’ve made Twitter part of your social recruiting activities, start getting organized with Twitter lists and position yourself to be ready to pounce as new requirements land on your desk.

Making Use of LinkedIn Contacts As Your Comprehensive Recruiting Database

Have you ever wished that you’d been organized enough that every candidate and client you’ve ever come into email contact with you’d added as a LinkedIn connection? Just think how powerful a database of headhunting contacts (and client prospects) that would be! Well with the new LinkedIn Contacts, this dream is in part fulfilled.

Alongside your existing LinkedIn connections, you can now import anyone whose email address you have. They’ll then appear as searchable contacts on LinkedIn, with their name and current occupational details populated from their LinkedIn profile. 

This is immensely powerful (and free!). Whereas your candidate database and Outlook address book are full of out-of-date candidate information, by importing those contacts into LinkedIn Contacts you now have a database – searchable by Company, Job Title, and Location – which references their very latest details. If their LinkedIn profiles are up to date, so too is your candidate database. It’s therefore more comprehensive than anything you could maintain in-house.

From within LinkedIn Contacts, you can track your activity with those candidates (or clients), plus set yourself reminders for when you should next contact them. So it’s also great as a candidate relationship management tool. The potential is immense for any recruiter wanting to more proactively source candidates in the future.

Another tool that consolidates several social media networks to help you participate in relevant discussions and find the right people is called Ddevi which is a browser extension that scans your Linkedin feed, Facebook Groups, Reddit, and Twitter discussions for your keywords to generate one consolidated feed for you to engage with.

You can then use the built-in AI writer to post replies to relevant discussions. This is a great way to build stronger relationships with niche experts who you hope will join your team.

Concluding Remarks

A lot of the current media focus has understandably been on the visible side of what can be achieved with social media. How to engage, how to interact, whose messages are being best received, and so on. Hopefully, with this article, I’ve awoken you to the fact that there’s a whole other side to social networking. 

A side that – through preparation and organization now – can position you to proactively source candidates in the coming months. Good luck!

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5 Essential Skills to Include on Your Digital Marketing Resume Mon, 19 Dec 2022 13:22:57 +0000 According to LinkedIn, five out of ten jobs posted on the platform are in the digital space.
But, whether you’re a seasoned digital marketer or at the beginning of your career, you’ll need to showcase the following five critical digital marketing skills on your resume to secure a job in 2023.

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5 Essential Skills to Include on Your Digital Marketing Resume

Digital marketing specialists are in high demand, making 2023 the year to kickstart your digital marketing career. According to LinkedIn, five out of ten jobs posted on the platform are in the digital space.

But, whether you’re a seasoned digital marketer or at the beginning of your career, you’ll need to showcase the following five critical digital marketing skills on your resume to secure a job in 2023.

1. Digital Analysis

Digital analysis involves tracking and measuring the performance of a digital marketing campaign by leveraging data. It’s the only way you can tell which marketing strategies are working and which ones you need to course-correct.

There are numerous different digital analytics tools out there to help you perform such analyses and optimize your digital marketing strategy. In 2023, you should have a working knowledge of top analytical tools such as:

  • Google Analytics
  • Hotjar
  • Adobe Analytics
  • Clicky
  • Hootsuite

Digital analysis is key to making informed, strategic marketing decisions, so list these tools in your skills section when you make your resume to ensure that hiring managers immediately see that you fulfill the basic requirements of the role.

2. Graphic Design

Graphic design skills like creating infographics, animations, and visuals empower you to present content in different engaging formats.

Graphic design gives you an additional creative channel to incorporate more visual content in your marketing campaigns. It’s why over 50% of digital marketers say that visual content is very important to their marketing strategies.

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And with more companies looking to integrate visuals into their online marketing campaigns, having basic graphic design skills increases your competitiveness on the job market.

Graphic design skills also come in handy when designing social media presentations to pitch to new clients or to present to an audience at a conference.

Use platforms like Canva, Domestika, or Udemy to brush up on your design skills.

3. Strategic Planning

Given the dynamic and fast-paced nature of online marketing, you must first lay out a strategy before initiating a campaign. Any successful digital marketing campaign is grounded by a well-thought-out digital marketing strategy, and strategic planning involves:

  • Setting and defining SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound) goals
  • Audience research
  • Reviewing past and current campaigns
  • Integrating data into your approach

If you’re an experienced digital marketer, use your resume’s experience section to provide employers with examples of fruitful digital marketing campaigns you’ve completed in the past. Make sure to emphasize how strategic planning contributed to their success.

Or, if you’re new to the field, give examples of times when you applied your strategic planning skills in previous positions to achieve positive results. Look at digital marketing cover letter templates online to get a better idea of how to frame your experience in a way that appeals to hiring managers. And, to further strengthen your resume, quantify your achievements by using hard numbers and percentages.

4. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

CRM software helps companies manage all customer interactions across the entire customer lifecycle on one platform. As a digital marketer, CRM software is useful when you look for ways to improve your marketing campaigns because these tools make it easy to identify, categorize, and engage new leads from your website.

Additionally, CRM software enables you to optimize customer data in your possession to personalize your marketing campaigns. Overall, CRM software boosts your digital marketing ROI significantly by enhancing your lead-generation efforts and supporting personalized marketing.

Some of the CRM solutions you should be familiar with in 2023 include:

  • HubSpot CRM
  • Monday sales CRM
  • Pipedrive
  • EngageBay
  • ActiveCampaign CRM

5. Social Media Advertising

Social media advertising is capitalizing on social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok to promote brands and their products. This particular type of marketing is growing in popularity each day as social media plays an increasingly central role in our daily lives and transforms the way customers interact with businesses.

Because of this, companies are looking to boost their social media presence and attract social traffic, and that’s where social media marketers come in. Employers need marketers who can design and execute effective social media lead-generation strategies.

Show that you’re able to meet companies’ needs by demonstrating that you’re on top of the latest social media trends and understand how to target different audiences across multiple different platforms.

The post 5 Essential Skills to Include on Your Digital Marketing Resume appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

3 Simple TikTok Tips to Grow Your Business Fri, 15 Jul 2022 16:17:06 +0000 TikTok operates much differently than Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, or Instagram. It has a unique culture, its own rules, and niche best practices and cadence.

The post 3 Simple TikTok Tips to Grow Your Business appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

TikTok Tips

If you’re reading this, you’re most likely seeking some answers on how social media works. I may have found the key to growing a following on TikTok. 

In 2020, I started my journey as a Dallas Realtor helping locals buy, sell, and lease through the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex. The real estate market in Dallas Is HOT and as a realtor, you have to source your own leads. I joined TikTok at the beginning of 2022, in hopes to use this platform to find new clients. Joining a new platform was terrifying and I was very resistant at first. I started posting on January 1st, 2022 and have posted every day since.

TikTok is different for everyone, but here are a few tips that have helped me grow my following. 

1. Consistency is Key

As challenging as consistency is, you have to post every single day. Yes, every day. Ive gained over 5 thousand followers showcasing stunning luxury apartments and homes in just 6 months. It only takes one viral post to change your life. 

2. Timing Matters

When creating content, try to keep your videos under 30 seconds and, when appropriate, add a voice over. This will help your audience engage and get to know who’s behind all the magic. You have 3-5 seconds to hook your followers, SO DON’T FLOP NOW! 

3. Show Off Your Creativity

Get creative, and most importantly be intentional with your hooks and you should have no problem getting some good engagement with your followers. Following the trends is great, but not every audience wants to see you do viral dances. Use the trending sounds and show off your creativity based on your customer avatar. 

After posting daily, keeping your content short and sweet, and utilizing your creativity you’ll have a clear vision of what performs well and what doesn’t. 

Bonus Tip

On top of that, I use the app Splice for all my editing and record all my videos on my iPhone using a Gimble that I purchased from Amazon, which is a hand held stabilizer for smoother content. We all know that video is becoming the number one source of content, so make sure yours is high quality and easy to look at. 

Push yourself because it will be uncomfortable at first, but if you follow these few tips you should see similar success and be on the road to becoming the content boss you are. My business is thriving and 100% of my leads come from social media. I am forever grateful for this platform!

The post 3 Simple TikTok Tips to Grow Your Business appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

What is Digital Advertising? Tue, 08 Feb 2022 14:30:00 +0000 Welcome to the fun world of digital advertising, where everyone starts off with the same question: What even is digital advertising? Don’t worry. We’ve got the answer right here.

The post What is Digital Advertising? appeared first on DigitalMarketer.


Welcome to the fun world of digital advertising, where everyone starts off asking the same question:

What even is digital advertising?

If you’re not Steve Jobs and didn’t realize how important digital advertising was going to be in building a company in 1984 (the year Apple’s iconic commercial launched), this is your OFFICIAL invite into the club.

Let’s be honest, none of us got the memo as quickly as Jobs did. Yet, we can all learn a valuable lesson from him.

Digital advertising can catapult a business, like Apple, into success and create raving fans from your customers (this is advice from a company that reached a $1 trillion valuation in 2018).

What is Digital Advertising?

Digital advertising is a strategy that promotes a product online. This promotion happens on social media platforms, search engines, websites, or even in your inbox. Essentially, digital advertising is promoting your product or services to people on the Internet.

And (just to drive home the point) it’s a huge part of the marketing industry right now.

In 2018, Facebook made $55 billion in advertising revenue. That means that marketers paid them a cumulated sum of $55 billion to advertise their products on the Facebook platforms.

Like we said, digital advertising is kind of a big deal.

It can also be referred to as “online advertising” or “paid media.” All of these terms just mean that you’re promoting a product online with the hope of starting conversions (i.e., users to sign up for your email list, people to buy your product, etc.).

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How Does Digital Advertising Work?

When Apple ran their iconic ad in 1984, everything was pretty simple. While they had to wait until 2000 to be able to run a Google ad for their products, there wasn’t much competition trying to steal their customers online when they could finally launch online ads.

Which is the total opposite of what digital advertising is today. Customers in 2020 have a lot of options when it comes to who they want to buy their products from, and this rise in options has made online advertising a bit more complex than it used to be.

But, don’t worry. At DigitalMarketer we have blog posts and courses that will teach you the most up-to-date information about paid media as it stands today. While this may seem overwhelming, it all starts to make sense the more you learn about it.

For example, digital advertising requires you to have a traffic campaign and it all starts with your customer.

To create an online advertising strategy that works, you have to create the right ad for your audience. It needs to be something that makes them stop scrolling and think, “Wow, that’s exactly what I need.” That ad is going to make your prospects convert—remember, this is marketing lingo for getting users to sign up for your email list, people to buy your product, etc.

And if this were 2000 again, you could stop there. But…digital advertising requires a bit more effort now. 

Part of this strategy also involves building relationships with your audience by giving them free value and showing them that you’re the business they want to buy from. It also involves doing audits on your ads to find ways to improve them and increase your conversions.

You’ve most likely spent the majority of today looking at different forms of digital advertising (we’ll explain how in the next section). Let’s look at some examples!

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Examples of Digital Advertising

If you’ve spent anytime online today chances are that you’ve seen some form of advertising. That’s because it’s really…everywhere.

For example, Mazda is using Twitter to promote their new model, MazdaCX30 (as you can see by the “Promoted” text in the bottom left-hand corner):

A Mazda Twitter profile with the headline, "The first-ever #MazdaCX30. Engineered like nothing else, to feel like nothing before. #FeelAlive

Industrious HQ, a coworking space located in Los Angeles, is running paid media on Instagram (notice the Sponsored text under their name):

IndustriousHQ's Instagram ad with a photo of one of their modern offices with white walls and light wood accents with caption, "Like what you see? It could be your new office. Book a tour today.

DigitalMarketer is running ads on Facebook (again, notice the Sponsored text under our name) Also, is anyone else hungry?

DigitalMarketer's Facebook ad with the headline, "Want the inside(r) scoop on everything that's working RIGHT NOW in DigitalMarketing...absolutely free?" and a attention-grabbing close up of ice cream on a cone with hot chocolate dripping off

And even Office Depot is running ads on websites, like Forbes:

An ad for Office Depot in the above-the-fold content of Forbes with headline: A suite of services to help your business succeed

So, unless this article is the first piece of Internet content that you have touched since you woke up this morning, chances are you’ve spent a lot of time looking at digital advertisements—whether you realized it or not.

And that’s because business owners, agencies, and marketers are now on the train that Apple hopped on over 3 decades ago.

It’s is a huge market (obviously). Businesses around the world have figured out that with digital advertising’s ability to target specific audiences they can create more customers and double their business.

And that’s a really big deal.

(NOTE: Need a helping hand with your digital marketing efforts? Or maybe you just want proven, actionable marketing tools, tactics, and templates to implement in your business? Check out the latest deal from DigitalMarketer, and you will be on your way to helping your business grow.)

The post What is Digital Advertising? appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

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