content Archives - DigitalMarketer Thu, 04 Jan 2024 18:25:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 content Archives - DigitalMarketer 32 32 Disruptive Design: Raising the Bar of Content Marketing with Graphic Design Thu, 04 Jan 2024 18:25:21 +0000 What if I told you that your content marketing strategy is only half as effective without using graphic design? It's like serving a gourmet meal on a trash can lid - the quality is there, but the presentation is all wrong.

The post Disruptive Design: Raising the Bar of Content Marketing with Graphic Design appeared first on DigitalMarketer.


What if I told you that your content marketing strategy is only half as effective without using graphic design? It’s like serving a gourmet meal on a trash can lid – the quality is there, but the presentation is all wrong.

Imagine that you’re scrolling through your favorite online platform – what stops your thumb in its tracks? Is it the lengthy posts, or the visuals that tell a story without even a single word? I think that answer is more obvious now than ever. As a digital marketer and graphic design veteran who has witnessed the evolution of the industry over the last 17+ years, I’ve come to a realization: in our rush to improve the process of content creation, most creators often underestimate the profound influence that graphic design has on their content.

Every marketer knows that we live in a digitally dominant era where content is king, but what is missed is that it’s the visual elements that truly command attention, and get the coveted click.

Along my journey, from creating award winning brands to crafting successful marketing strategies, I’ve observed a pivotal shift in the way content marketing is done. Content marketing is not just about polarizing words on a screen; it’s about the powerful interplay of text and visuals.

So, I want to pose to you an often overlooked but crucial question: Is our content truly engaging people without graphic design to breathe life into it?

In this article I want to dive deeper into the often-underrated role of graphic design in the content marketing world, and discover how it’s not just complementing, but revolutionizing the way we connect and build value with our audiences online.

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In observing strategies employed by industry leaders like Chris Do, Gary Vee, Mark DeGrasse and many
others, it’s really obvious that graphic design is at the forefront of today’s most engaging content marketing tactics. A great example is how we’ve seen a huge surge in the use of image carousels, which not only capture attention but also tell a captivating story through a sequence of 2 to 10 visual slides.

These are more than just a graphic; they’re chapters of a bigger narrative, each slide enticing the viewer to keep swiping, leading usually to a call to action at the end of the Carousel. Equally impactful are the cleverly crafted memes that have become a staple in not just social media but all digital communication.

These aren’t just jokes or passing trends; they represent a brilliant form of graphic design that combines humor, relatability, and sharp commentary, making them irresistibly shareable.

True story, when I first came back into contact with my now wife, the way our relationship rekindled after over a decade of being out of touch was through animated meme’s many of us know as GIF’s. Whether it’s to express a feeling, make someone laugh, or even piss someone off, meme’s and animated Gifs are one of the most disruptive pieces of content marketing we’ve ever seen.

It’s a blend of storytelling and visual appeal that sets apart mundane content from the articles and posts that go viral, driving home the point that graphic design is no longer just an aesthetic choice – it’s a strategic one. I’m using thoughtfully designed images in my stories, my LinkedIn Posts, my Facebook and Circle group, on my Google Business Profile, landing pages, and even on my YouTube Channel.

These days, just about anyone can create images that make people stop scrolling and take notice. It hasn’t always been this easy, though. The rise of user-friendly design tools, like Canva, has significantly changed the game in content marketing. With Canva, and tools like it, creating attractive content isn’t just for professional designers anymore, even my wife uses Canva for her business constantly. Now, almost anyone can put together visually appealing designs, it’s opened up a whole new world of possibilities for how we create and share our messages.

Canva’s emergence as a serious contender to Adobe’s suite highlights a growing trend: graphic design is no longer the exclusive domain of professional designers. With user-friendly interfaces and an abundance of resources, these platforms empower even non-designers to create visually appealing content. However, this ease of access has presented a new challenge.

The online space is now saturated with visually appealing content, making it increasingly difficult to create graphics that not only grab attention but also compel the viewer to click and engage. As a result, the bar for what is deemed ‘eye-catching’ design is constantly being raised.

This oversaturation draws attention to a critical area of my expertise: in an era where high-quality design tools are at everyone’s fingertips, the true differentiator is no longer just about having visually appealing content. It’s about crafting designs that are not only visually stunning but also uniquely tailored to cut through the noise and resonate with your target audience.

It’s a delicate balance of aesthetics and strategic thinking, where understanding the nuances of your brand and target avatar or audience’s preferences becomes as important as the design itself. This is a far cry from the early days of content marketing, so let’s journey back a bit in time to understand how we transitioned from a text-heavy approach to one where visuals are not just complementary but central to our messaging.

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It’s important to look back at how this fits into the bigger picture of content marketing’s evolution. This shift from detailed text to striking visuals didn’t happen overnight. It’s a change that’s been brewing for a while, driven by our audience’s growing preference for quick, visually engaging content over long, text-heavy posts.

We’ve come a long way from the days of text-dominated marketing, I can still remember writing my first long articles on Blogger trying to build my personal brand. Everyday we are moving more towards a world where vibrant images and graphics do most of the talking and at least give the first impression, good or bad.

The Evolution of Content Marketing: A Visual Journey

So let’s dive deeper. In the beginning, the internet was a frontier of mostly text. Content marketing was
primarily about words, like articles, blogs, and emails. There was no social media, it was a world dominated by lengthy web pages filled with paragraphs of information, where visuals played a minimal role, often just an afterthought. The primary aim was to inform and educate, with businesses and marketers relying heavily on written content to reach their audience.

Graphics and images were used sparingly, primarily due to technological limitations. Slow internet speeds and less sophisticated web design tools meant that visuals were often basic and not the focal point of content.

The art of marketing was more about telling than showing, with the emphasis placed on the power of words to paint a picture. This text-heavy approach aligned with the audience’s expectations of the time, as they were accustomed to receiving information primarily through reading.

As the digital landscape began to evolve, so did the tools and platforms at our disposal. The introduction of more sophisticated graphic design software marked a turning point in content marketing. Suddenly, creating amazing visuals wasn’t just for the pros. Tools that were once complex and inaccessible began to transform, becoming more user-friendly and widely available.

This popularization of design tools coincided with the rise of broadband internet, making it easier to upload and share high-quality images, graphics and even videos.Websites became more visually appealing, and the audience’s expectations began to change as well.

Around the same time, the birth of social media platforms added fuel to this growing fire. Platforms like
Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter were not just about connecting people; they were (and still are) visual
mediums at their foundation. They allowed for the sharing of images and videos, leading to a more dynamic form of engagement.

Content that included compelling visuals or eye-catching graphics started to see higher engagement rates. Consumers began to crave and expect a visual component in their online interactions, gradually moving away from the text-heavy content of the past.

This period was a game-changer for me and as a creative person. It wasn’t just about the availability of better tools or faster internet; it was a shift in consumer behavior. People started to prefer quick, visual snippets of information over lengthy textual content. The quick consumption of information became the norm, and content marketing had to adapt.

Visuals were no longer just an embellishment; they became essential to capturing and retaining our audience’s attention. This transition phase has set the stage for a new era in content marketing, one where visuals are not just important but often the main attraction.

In today’s digital marketing landscape, the prominence of visual content creation is unmistakable. Tools like Canva and Midjourney have not only simplified the process of creating visually appealing content but have also raised the bar for what audiences expect. Canva, with its user-friendly interface, empowers even those with little to no design skills to create professional-looking graphics.

Midjourney, takes things even a step further by harnessing the power of AI (artificial intelligence), allowing creators to bring complex visual ideas to life quickly and easily, simply by typing in a text command of what you want. These tools are more than just conveniences; they represent a fundamental shift in how content is created and consumed. They enable brands to produce high-quality visuals quickly, ensuring that their digital presence is both vibrant and engaging.

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The visual shift is most evident on social media platforms, where the battle for attention is fierce on these free to use sites. Platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, and TikTok thrive on imagery and video content, pushing brands to think visually first. This visually-driven approach isn’t just about making designs that look pretty; it’s about communication and true connection.

Brands are now telling their stories through images, infographics, meme’s and videos, creating content that is not only visually captivating but also Emotionally impactful. I believe this trend has set a new standard in content marketing, the ability to convey a message through compelling visuals is just as important as the message itself. The transformation of content marketing from its text-dominated beginnings to the visually-rich experience we see today is a clear indication of how audience preferences have evolved. In the current landscape, content is evaluated not just on the information it conveys but also on its visual presentation.

Brands that acknowledge and adapt to this evolution, utilizing tools like Canva and Midjourney to craft engaging, visually appealing content, are the ones that truly stand out. As we forge ahead in the dynamic world of digital marketing, our ability to effectively communicate through visuals has become a fundamental skill.

This move towards a more visual approach in content marketing is a signpost of future trends, making it critical for every brands to stay current and embrace this change to make a meaningful impact. Brands that stay ahead of the curve and integrate this change into their strategies are the ones that will make a lasting mark in the marketplace and digital world as a whole. By embracing these evolving trends, companies can ensure they remain relevant, compelling, and connected with their audiences.

Simply put, the key to success in this era is clear: embrace the visual, and let it amplify your brand’s voice in the digital conversation.

Graphic Design: The Unsung Hero of Content Engagement

At the heart of every successful content marketing strategy lies an often-overlooked hero: graphic design. Beyond mere aesthetics, graphic design has a profound psychological impact on an audiences engagement. It’s not just about looking good; it’s about feeling right. Visuals can evoke emotions, stir memories, and influence decisions, making them a powerful tool in capturing and maintaining your audience’s attention.

Studies and statistics reinforce this concept. For example, according to Forbes, content with relevant images gets 94% more views than content without images. On top of that, social media posts with visuals see significantly higher engagement rates than those without. These figures highlight a simple truth: in the realm of digital marketing, a picture doesn’t just complement your message; it can be the message.

But what makes a graphic design so effective in content marketing? It’s more than just choosing the right images. It’s about having a deep understanding of color psychology, typography, imagery, and layout design. Each of these elements plays a role in how your content is perceived and received. For example, color can influence mood and brand perception, while typography affects readability and the tone of your message.

A well-designed piece of content can tell a story, create a mood, and convey a message in a way words alone can just can’t do. A compelling infographic can simplify a ton of complex information, while a well-crafted social media graphic will make your content shareable and memorable. As we explore these elements, we’ll see how graphic design is not just supporting content but is often driving its success.

In wrapping up this exploration of using graphic design to increase content engagement, it’s clear that its role is pivotal. From the way colors and typography influence our emotion and perception, to how layouts and images drive interaction and shareability, graphic design is at the heart of effective communication. It’s not just about making content look cool; it’s about making it resonate with your audience on the deepest level possible.

As we continue to navigate the evolving landscape of content marketing, the importance of understanding and leveraging these design elements cannot be overemphasized. The brands that do this well will not only capture massive attention but also create lasting connections with their audience which turn into massive ROI. Graphic design in content marketing is more than just an aesthetic choice; it’s a strategic necessity.

Graphic Design & Brand Identity: Telling a Brand’s Story

Moving beyond content engagement, graphic design also plays a fundamental role in shaping and
communicating your brand’s identity. It’s a powerful tool that goes beyond visual aesthetics, encapsulating a brand’s values, personality, and story. In our over saturated digital marketplace, where consumers encounter countless new brands daily, graphic design helps brands distinguish themselves.

Take, for example, Apple. Their minimalist design approach, with clean lines and a sleek, monochromatic color scheme, isn’t just about looks. It conveys elegance, simplicity, and innovation, which are core to the brand’s identity and it’s that identity that has created a cult-like following, people that will blindly buy anything that Apple makes. Their design philosophy extends beyond their products to their advertising, website, and even retail spaces, creating a consistent and powerful brand experience that’s instantly recognizable.

Another notable example is Coca-Cola. Their use of bold reds and the dynamic ribbon, along with the classic typography of their logo, creates a sense of familiarity and nostalgia. These design elements are consistent across all of their marketing materials, reinforcing their brand identity as one that’s timeless yet always current.

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Alongside the commercial brands, consider America as a brand itself. This might seem unconventional, but America, or the United States of America, stands as one of the most globally recognized and powerful ‘brand’ entities. Its brand identity extends far beyond just a name; it embodies concepts of freedom, prosperity, and opportunity. This brand image isn’t a product of mere coincidence or financial might; it’s a result of carefully crafted symbols and narratives.

From the iconic red, white, and blue colors symbolizing valor, purity, and perseverance to symbols like the bald eagle, the American flag, and the Statue of Liberty, each element tells a part of the American story. These elements resonate with people not just within the country, but around the world. They are visual reminders and representations of the values the brand ‘America’ stands for.

Just like Apple and Coca-Cola, America’s brand strategy highlights the importance of a cohesive narrative in design, where every visual element contributes to the overall identity and message of the brand.

Graphic design from the perspective of brand identity is about more than creating a visually appealing logo or choosing the right colors. It’s about weaving a visual narrative that tells your brand’s story at every touchpoint, engaging all of the 5 senses. It’s the subtle nuances in design that communicate a brand’s ethos and values to the consumer, building a relationship beyond the product or service.

Graphic design is a key player in the storytelling aspect of brand identity. The brands that excel in this are the ones that understand the power of visual storytelling and harness it to build a strong, cohesive, and enduring identity. As we progress in the digital age, our ability to tell a compelling visual story will become increasingly crucial in establishing and maintaining a robust brand presence.

The Synergy Between Graphic Design & SEO

While it’s super clear that graphic design is crucial in telling a brand’s story and engaging audiences, there’s another, often overlooked aspect where it plays a vital role: Search Engine Optimization (SEO). At first, graphic design and SEO might seem like distant cousins, but in reality, they work hand in hand together to boost a brand’s online presence. Good design isn’t just about catching the eye; it’s about being found in the massive red ocean of the online marketplace.

I want you to consider the role of user experience in SEO. Search engines, like Google, favor websites that provide a positive user experience, and graphic design is at the heart of this. A well-designed website with intuitive navigation, responsive layouts, and engaging visuals keeps visitors on the site longer, reducing bounce rates and signaling to search engines that your site is valuable.

This is where mobile-friendliness comes into play. With the majority of online browsing happening on mobile devices now, having a mobile-responsive design isn’t just nice to have; it’s crucial. According to Forbes As of Q2 2022, 58.99% percent of all web traffic came through mobile phones Websites that aren’t optimized for mobile viewing suffer in search rankings and performance overall, but you probably already know that unless you’ve been living under a rock.

Then there’s the power of infographics. Infographics are SEO gold – they present information in an easily
digestible, visually appealing format, making them highly shareable. A well-crafted infographic will earn
backlinks, a key factor in SEO, as other websites use it as a reference. This not only increases your site’s
visibility but also establishes your brand’s authority in your field. Are you using infographics on your website?

To optimize your visuals for search engines, start with the basics: ensure all your images have descriptive, keyword-rich file names and alt text. This helps search engines understand and index your visuals, improving your content’s visibility. Also, keep an eye on image file sizes. Large images will slow down your site, negatively impacting user experience and, by extension, your SEO.

Bridging the gap between graphic design and SEO may seem challenging, but it’s a connection that will
elevate your content marketing strategy to a new level. By integrating thoughtful, SEO-friendly design elements into your digital presence, you not only enhance user experience but also improve your chances of ranking higher in search results, making your content more discoverable, impactful, and most importantly profitable.

The Future of Graphic Design in Content Marketing

As we’ve explored the dynamic relationship between graphic design and SEO in reshaping our approach to content marketing, it’s essential to turn our gaze to the horizon, and to what lies ahead. As I’m reflecting on themes from my previous article about the future of design, the influence of AI on graphic design and content marketing is undeniably profound. We’re stepping into a new era where technology meets creativity, opening exciting new possibilities for both marketers and designers.

The role of AI in graphic design is already making waves, with tools that create impressive visuals and layouts with little human input. But this is just the beginning.

Looking forward, AI is expected to revolutionize not just how we create designs but also introduce a new level of personalization and interaction in content. Imagine having content that morphs according to the viewer’s preferences or interactive infographics that evolve based on user interaction – this is the potential that AI and emerging technologies are bringing to the forefront.

Augmented reality (AR) is another thrilling area to watch. AR in content marketing could drastically alter how brands engage with their audiences, offering immersive, interactive experiences beyond the conventional screen. Visualize a scenario where consumers can virtually interact with a product, or where storytelling extends beyond traditional media to become an immersive encounter.

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Another groundbreaking example of where design meets futuristic technology is in the use of augmented reality (AR) by glass companies to create ‘Smart Glass.’ This innovative application is transforming the retail experience, particularly in fashion storefronts. Imagine walking past a store and seeing a display window equipped with Smart Glass.

As you look into the glass, AR technology projects clothing from the store onto your reflection, allowing you to see what the outfit would look like on you, without ever stepping into the store or trying on the clothes.

This interactive experience is not only engaging and convenient for customers but also opens up new avenues for brands to showcase their products in a personalized and interactive manner. By integrating AR with graphic design, retailers can create a dynamic and immersive shopping experience that blends the physical and digital worlds, offering a glimpse into the future of retail marketing.

The move towards personalized visuals is expected to accelerate. Where customization reigns supreme, the capability to tailor content to individual tastes and behaviors is crucial. This means crafting graphics and visuals that not only appeal to a broad audience but also connect intimately with each individual viewer.

For those of us in content marketing and graphic design, it’s crucial to keep pace with these trends and begin weaving them into our strategies. The future of graphic design in content marketing is ripe with opportunities for groundbreaking innovations and deeper connections with our audience.

Embracing these emerging trends and experimenting with novel technologies will help us craft content that is not just viewed but deeply experienced in completely new and exciting ways.

Disruptive Graphic Design: Thinking Outside the Box

Let’s dive into some real-life examples where audacious design choices made a real difference. Imagine a campaign that boldly went against the grain, perhaps using a strikingly unconventional color scheme or an offbeat layout to make a statement. For instance, ‘Lions Not Sheep’, founded by Sean Whalen, transcends being merely a clothing line; it embodies a lifestyle.

Its success lies not in intricate designs but in its straightforward, bold messaging with army-style lettering. Phrases like ‘Lions Not Sheep’, ‘Free Man’, and ‘Free Woman’ have driven millions in merchandise sales monthly, proving how simplicity paired with a strong message can captivate an audience.

Another example of such disruptive design is Robinhood, the stock trading and investing app. By deviating from the complex interfaces of traditional stock platforms, Robinhood offers a simple user-friendly app with a clean, intuitive design. This approach not only disrupted the stock brokerage industry but also made investing more accessible, highlighting how innovative design can simplify and transform user experience.

Adopting a trailblazing approach in your design work means stepping into uncharted territory. It’s about
experimenting with bold contrasts, innovative layouts, or unique imagery while staying true to your brand’s essence. Striking the right balance is key.

Test out new ideas, seek feedback, and be ready to refine. It’s not just about being different; it’s about being authentically you, in a way that connects with your audience on a deeper level. This journey is about finding that sweet spot where your brand’s voice and unconventional design meet.

Wrapping up, the essence of standout content marketing often lies in the courage to be different in your design approach. For me, disruptive graphic design is an invitation to challenge the status quo, to be boldly creative, and to stretch the limits of what’s possible.

As you integrate these ideas into your marketing, remember that the most memorable designs often emerge from a willingness to be bold and original. I want to encourage you and your team to break the mold, to experiment fearlessly, and to embrace the exciting possibilities that come with innovative design. It’s in this space of creativity and daring where your brand can truly make its unique mark in the digital landscape.

Integrating Graphic Design in Your Content Marketing Strategy

My mentor Nicholas Bayerle says that “information plus application creates the transformation”, integrating graphic design isn’t an afterthought; it’s a necessity. As we’ve seen through my examples, the impact of well- thought-out design can elevate content from ordinary to extraordinary. This integration isn’t solely about making content look good; it’s about enhancing your message and engaging the audience more effectively.

Effective collaboration between content marketers and graphic designers is pivotal. This synergy can be
achieved when both parties understand and appreciate the strengths of the other. Content marketers should communicate the core message and target audience clearly, while designers need to bring these narratives to life visually.

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Regular meetings and brainstorming sessions will help align these two creative processes. Using collaborative tools and platforms can also streamline the process, ensuring that both design and content complement each other seamlessly.

A big step in integrating graphic design into your content marketing strategy is to conduct an audit of your existing content. Evaluate your current assets and identify where design can play a more significant role.

Does your blog have appealing featured images? Are your social media posts scroll stopping? Look for opportunities to incorporate more graphics, such as infographics in blog posts or visually rich stories on social media. Remember, the goal is to enhance and not overshadow the content’s message.

Actionable Tips for Stronger Design Integration

To effectively integrate graphic design, consider these actionable tips:

  1. Consistency is key – maintain a consistent design language across all platforms to strengthen brand
  2. Understand your avatars – design with your target audience in mind, ensuring the visuals resonate with
  3. Use design to clarify and enhance your message – visuals should complement and elevate the content,
    not confuse or distract.
  4. Keep up with design trends – but only adopt those that align with your brand’s voice and message.
  5. Test and get feedback – use analytics and user feedback to understand what works and refine your
    approach accordingly.

Different content types require different approaches. For instance, social media posts might benefit from bold, eye-catching graphics, while whitepapers will need more subtle, informative visual elements. Videos can be enhanced with branded animations and motion graphics. It’s about finding the right visual approach for each content type while ensuring it aligns with your overall branding and strategy.

Integrating graphic design into content marketing is more than just a combination of words and visuals; it’s the creation of a cohesive, compelling narrative that speaks to your audience. By effectively blending these two elements, you can elevate your content marketing strategy, making your message not only seen but also felt and remembered. It’s this synergy that will set your content apart in the digital realm.

As we wrap up our journey through the multifaceted world of graphic design in content marketing, it’s clear that design is much more than just an aesthetic element. From the evolution of content that prioritizes visuals to the innovative integration of AI and AR, graphic design has proven to be vital in engaging and resonating with audiences. The demand for disruptive design further illustrates our need for creativity and boldness in an increasingly competitive online world.

The fusion of graphic design with content marketing is not just a trend but a fundamental shift in how we
communicate and connect with our audience. Whether through the seamless collaboration of designers and content creators or the strategic use of emerging technologies, integrating graphic design effectively can dramatically enhance the impact of your content.

As you move forward in your content marketing efforts, I encourage you to view graphic design not just as a tool, but as an essential partner in storytelling. Audit your current content, identify opportunities for stronger design integration, and dare to experiment with unconventional approaches. Stay abreast of the latest trends and technologies, and remember that in the realm of digital marketing, the most powerful content is that which can captivate both visually and narratively.

In closing, ask yourself this: how can you further intertwine the art of design with the science of marketing to craft content that is not only informative but also visually compelling? The future of content marketing is a canvas awaiting your creativity, and graphic design is the brush with which you can paint a story that leaves a lasting impression.

In the digital arena, it’s not just about creating content; it’s about designing experiences that resonate and engage.

The post Disruptive Design: Raising the Bar of Content Marketing with Graphic Design appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

TikTok vs. Facebook Advertising: Which One is Right for Your Business? [VIDEO] Mon, 17 Jul 2023 17:49:14 +0000 Join Maxwell Finn, President of Unicorn Inventions and DigitalMarketer's TikTok Marketing Expert, to see if TikTok or Facebook is right for your business.

The post TikTok vs. Facebook Advertising: Which One is Right for Your Business? [VIDEO] appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

Excerpt from the TikTok Ad Masterclass

Creating effective ad creative is crucial for successful marketing campaigns on different social media platforms. While it may seem convenient to transfer Facebook creative directly to TikTok, this approach often leads to failure.

TikTok requires a unique strategy and tailored content to maximize return on investment (ROI). By understanding and implementing these elements, businesses can optimize their TikTok ad campaigns and connect with their target audience more effectively.

Ad Creative

The biggest mistake taken is when coming from Facebook, people will take their Facebook creative and just copy it over to TikTok, this includes the size ratio and trends – this fails. If you focus your efforts on cracking TikTok ad creative, the ROI on that creative is substantially higher than if we focus just on Facebook creative. It’s a one way street, not a two way street.

Ad Fatigue

Ads on Facebook tend to last longer whereas TikTok creatives fatigue significantly faster. With TikTok you’ll need to dramatically increase your creative output and produce way more ad creative. A way to fail on TikTok is simply by not making enough creative and giving up.

Content Type

It’s important to know the content types that work well and that don’t work for each platform. Where images and animations may work on Facebook, that will not always convert the same success on TikTok. You want to make sure you’re as native as possible with your ad content.

Screen Real-Estate

Many mistakes happen you you don’t leverage the 9:16 ratio on TikTok. Avoid this mistake by taking the extra time to convert the content properly into TikTok as not to keep the black bars on top and bottom of your ad, that’s a missed opportunity for ad space. TikTok is giving you the full screen, use it!


Sound is not top of mind when scrolling through Facebook, with TikTok, sound is a huge component on connecting with your audience. Audio is part of the culture of the app and can make or break your content.

Length of Content

Understanding the importance of content length will also determine your success with the platform. What may work for Facebook will not always translate and work on TikTok. The culture of content is different on each platform so shooting accordingly will make a difference.

The post TikTok vs. Facebook Advertising: Which One is Right for Your Business? [VIDEO] appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

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Best SEO Strategies For Ecommerce Websites in 2023 Thu, 13 Jul 2023 19:48:36 +0000 If you're looking to dominate the ecommerce space, then this is the guide for you. Learn the best SEO strategies for ecommerce websites in 2023!

The post Best SEO Strategies For Ecommerce Websites in 2023 appeared first on DigitalMarketer.


Are you a business owner looking to build a successful ecommerce website?

If so, then SEO should be at the top of your list.

Search engine optimization can make or break an online store – optimizing for search engines is essential for any ecommerce website if you want to stand out from the competition and increase traffic.

This ultimate guide to SEO for ecommerce websites in 2023 will give you insights into how SEO works, what are the best SEO strategies for ecommerce websites, and how to create an effective SEO strategy for ecommerce websites that will help grow your business.

Let’s get started with the burning question, “What is ecommerce SEO?”

What is Ecommerce SEO, & How Does It Work?

Ecommerce SEO is the process of optimizing your online ecommerce store for search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

This means taking all the necessary steps to make your website appear higher in search results when users search for related keywords.

SEO for ecommerce site involves optimizing your website’s written and visual content, as well as its structure and technical aspects. This makes it easier for search engine robots to crawl, index, and understand your website and ultimately rank it higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

What does “indexing” mean?

Indexing is like registering your website on Google’s directory or database.

If your website is not indexed, users won’t be able to see it, which means you can’t rank on search engines.

How Does Search Engine Optimization Work?

SEO is a combination of on-page and off-page optimization strategies.

On-Page SEO

On-page optimization involves optimizing elements on your website, such as the design, content, coding, and URL structure.

Some of the basic on-page optimization tasks include:

  • Writing keyword-rich website content, titles, and meta descriptions
  • Setting up an internal linking structure
  • Enhancing page speed and mobile-friendliness
  • Optimizing images with alt text
  • Using structured data (Schema markup)
  • Adding quality external links

All of these factors help search engine robots understand the purpose and content of your website so they can compare it to other ecommerce sites in organic search results.

Off-Page SEO

Off-page optimization, on the other hand, involves activities outside of your website, such as building links from other websites, using social media to promote your content, and submitting your website to directories and webmaster tools like Google Search Console.

These activities all help to increase your website’s visibility and authority in the eyes of search engines.

These on-page and off-page factors are generally known as ranking factors in technical SEO language.

But what exactly is the purpose of ecommerce SEO besides boosting search engine rankings?

Let’s have a quick rundown of the benefits of SEO for ecommerce website.

Benefits of An Ecommerce SEO Campaign

SEO for ecommerce site is essential because of the following:

1. Boost In Website Traffic & Search Visibility

One of the most obvious benefits of ecommerce SEO is that it increases the visibility of your ecommerce site and promises better engagement chances with potential customers.

Doing so builds your digital presence, drives more traffic, and increases customer conversion rates.

2. Minimize Paid Ad Costs

Investing in your ecommerce SEO campaign could mean a significant reduction in your paid advertising budget.

But, thankfully, it would still offer a higher ROI.

Why? and HOW?

Because “53.3% of all organic traffic comes from organic search.” (Source = Ahrefs)

This means more than half of the users ignore paid ads and click on organic search results.

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So, cut your paid marketing costs, and double down your investment in SEO tools.

3. Enhance Brand Image

Customers are likely to trust and buy from top stores on search engine results pages simply because they are seen more often.

4. Sit Above Your Competition (Literally)

Ranking higher in search engine results not only puts you above competitor ecommerce sites on Google, but it also gives you the edge when it comes to capturing leads.

The higher your website appears in the SERPs, the more likely customers are to click through to it and make a purchase.

5. Improve Your Retargeting Campaigns

Retargeting campaigns involve targeting previous website visitors with personalized ads in order to remind them about your products and win back potential customers.

SEO can help you with this by providing you with data that lets you know how many people are visiting your website and which pages they’re viewing.

This data will allow you to better determine the right retargeting campaigns and optimize them for maximum ROI.

6. Better Usability & Customer Experience

Good ecommerce SEO practices mean that your website is optimized for usability, which in turn enhances the customer experience and makes it easier for visitors to find what they’re looking for.

This can lead to more satisfied customers and higher conversion rates, making SEO a great investment.

All in all, ecommerce SEO is one of the smartest investments you can make for your online store. It doesn’t just help you to rank higher in search engine results; it also helps you grow in every aspect and emerge as a trusted brand.

Now that we’ve covered the working and benefits of ecommerce SEO, it’s time to dive into the ecommerce SEO best practices you should be using.

12-Step Proven & Effective Ecommerce SEO Strategy (+1 Bonus Step)

Here is what a comprehensive ecommerce SEO strategy should include:

1. Registering Your Ecommerce Site On Search Engines

The very first step to kick off your ecommerce SEO campaign is to submit your website on Google, Bing, and other search engines.


Registering your website with search engines will ensure that your website is visible to search engine spiders and crawled more frequently.

Moreover, it will send you notifications about any technical issues related to crawling or website usability in general.

How to register your website with search engines?

By adding your website’s URL to the respective search engine’s webmaster tools.

For Google, it’s Google Search Console, and for Bing, it’s Bing Webmaster Tools.

2. Setting Up & Optimizing Your Website Structure

Optimizing your site architecture is one of the key ecommerce SEO tools to benefit from. A well-organized and structured website tells search engines that your ecommerce site is easy to crawl and index.

Moreover, a well-structured website appeals to customers and helps them find the information they are looking for quickly and easily.

So, you need to optimize your website structure for both.

How to optimize ecommerce site architecture for search engine bots?

It’s easy. Simply add your sitemap file to Google and Bing using the respective webmaster tools.

A sitemap is basically a visual representation of all the pages on your website that you want search engines to crawl. This should essentially include all of your product pages, category pages, blog posts, and other content.

What does a sitemap do?

It helps search engine bots crawl and index all the pages of your website. Plus, it also helps users see how your website is organized and where they can easily find the information they’re looking for.

You can create a sitemap yourself or take advantage of automated solutions such as Google’s Webmaster Tools. XML and HTML are both used for sitemaps, but HTML sitemaps are a user-friendly option.

How to optimize ecommerce site architecture for website visitors?

Besides adding a sitemap, make sure that all major pages of your ecommerce store aren’t far away from the homepage.

Users like it when a product or category page is easily accessible within three clicks from the home page, as this lets them navigate your website easily.

So, have a clear navigation system with well-defined categories and properly labeled product pages. But avoid adding unnecessary layers of pages; it could make customers feel lost.

Also, add an easy-to-spot search bar somewhere on the page (preferably in the header area). This will allow customers to quickly search and find what they’re looking for on your website.

Bonus Tip: Want to build more trust with your visitors?

Add an About Us and a Contact Us page so customers know who you are as a brand and where they can reach you.

3. Performing In-Depth Keyword Research

The next step to setting up an effective ecommerce SEO strategy is keyword research.


Because keywords are the foundation of any successful search engine optimization campaign.

They help you understand what people are searching for when they look up something related to your business and the products you offer.

So, how do you find keywords?

Two of the most effective methods are:

Use a Keyword Research tool:

There are plenty of free and paid keyword research tools available online. Ubersuggest, Answer the Public, and Ahrefs Keywords Explorer are some of the popular ones.

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These tools will provide you with a list of keyword suggestions related to your business and products, their search volumes, CPCs, keyword difficulty scores, and more.

Or, you can use a free tool like Google Keyword Planner. It’s a great way to find relevant and popular keywords for your website.

Bonus Tip: You can use the auto suggest feature on Amazon, Etsy, and other platforms to find more relevant keywords.

Google’s Autosuggest:

Another easy way to find keyword ideas is through Google’s auto suggest feature. All you have to do is type a keyword into the search box, and Google will automatically suggest related terms.

For example, if you type ‘running shoes,’ it’ll give you a list of related keywords such as ‘best running shoes,’ ‘running shoes for women,’ and so on.

These keyword suggestions will give you a better idea of what people are searching for, allowing you to create targeted content and campaigns.

Plus, you’ll uncover excellent long-tail keywords with high buying intent — which brings us to another aspect of ecommerce keyword research.

4. Understanding Search Intent & Creating Relevant Content

Search intent refers to the intention behind search queries: the reason why people are searching or looking up a particular keyword.

Identifying search intent and optimizing your content accordingly is the key to driving more organic traffic and conversions.

For example, if someone is searching for ‘running shoes,’ their search intent could be learning about features, pricing, and different options available in the market.

You can optimize your content around this intent and write product-review articles, comparison articles, or guides, including informational keywords.

On the other hand, if someone’s searching for “running shoes for men under $200,” it means they’re almost ready to spend that amount. You can create website pages targeting those keywords and include relevant calls-to-action in your product pages, category pages, and product descriptions.

The key is to understand what people are searching for and create content that aligns with the search intent. This will surely help improve your SEO rankings.

5. Optimizing Your Website

Once you’ve done your keyword research and identified search intent, the next step is to optimize your existing website content.

Add Keywords

Include your keywords in the following:

  • Title tags, meta tags, and meta descriptions on your home page, ecommerce category pages, product pages, and blog posts.


Because users see these tags and descriptions first when they search for a keyword on Google, so it’s important to make sure they are optimized.

However, you would want to stay away from keyword stuffing and place them naturally throughout your content.

  • URLs.

Write descriptive URLs including your primary keyword, to get an edge over your competitors.

Having keywords in the URL helps you stand out in the eyes of both the search engine and visitors.

  • Alt tags (or alt text).

This is the text you add to images to serve as an alternative text for search engines. This gives Google the ability to read what your image is about, giving you an extra boost in rankings.

Tip: Adding modifiers such as “Coupon,” “Discount,” and “Free Shipping” in your meta description can increase clickthrough rate (or CTR), which is a strong ranking factor in the eyes of Google.

Focus On Link Building

Link building is an indirect ranking factor, but it can make a huge difference in your SEO rankings. There are two sides to it:

Internal links – Link to other pages on your website. This helps Google better understand the structure and content of your website, which can help boost rankings. Moreover, it also helps visitors stay on your site for longer.

External links – Link to other relevant websites and blogs. This helps Google verify that your content is valuable and trustworthy, thus boosting rankings.

But make sure you only link to relevant and credible websites and don’t link to irrelevant or low-quality sources. Not only is it bad for SEO, but it also ruins user experience and reflects poorly on your reputation.

Also, try not to link to direct competitors, as it will give them free traffic and a possible ranking boost to outrank your website.

6. Creating High-Quality Backlinks To Your Ecommerce Website

Backlinks are one of the most powerful ranking signals for Google and an excellent way to strengthen your SEO strategy for ecommerce website. The more high-quality backlinks you have, the higher your website will rank in search engine results pages (SERPs).

You can get high-quality backlinks from authority websites in your niche. Consider guest blogging, directory submissions, and leveraging social media to get some relevant backlinks. You can also reach out to influencers in your niche to get them to link to your website or products.

Lastly, make sure the backlinks are from credible sites and use relevant anchor text to increase the chances of getting a higher ranking.

7. Enhancing User Experience

Google uses a number of factors to determine the quality and relevance of content, one of which is user experience. It looks at how long users stay on a page and whether or not they find the information useful.

A good user experience is essential for ecommerce SEO success, so make sure your website is easy to use, and navigation is simple.

Here are a couple of things you can do to improve user experience.

Have a Responsive Design:

Make sure your website is optimized for mobile devices and has a responsive design. This will ensure that users on all types of devices have a good experience navigating your website.

Reduce Page Load Speed:

Page load speed is one of the most important factors for user experience and SEO. If your website takes too long to load, users will quickly leave, and it will hurt your rankings.

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Make sure the page is optimized for speed by using caching, compressing images, and minimizing scripts.

Add a Search Bar:

Adding a search bar to your website makes it easier for users to find what they’re looking for. This helps reduce bounce rate and keeps users on your website for longer.

Create User-Friendly Checkout:

The checkout process should be simple and straightforward. Make sure the checkout process is easy to navigate and keep distractions to a minimum.

Also, provide features like guest checkout and payment options such as PayPal and credit card to ensure customers have a smooth checkout experience.

Following these tips will help you make your ecommerce website more user-friendly and help visitors stay long enough to convert into paying customers. It will, in turn, signal Google to rank you higher than websites with poor design and high bounce rates.

8. Having An Optimized, Simple URL Structure

Having a simple URL structure is super important from an SEO perspective. Why?

Because it simplifies navigation for users and helps search engine crawlers understand the structure of your website more easily.

Here are a few URL tips to keep in mind:

Your URL should be short. 50 to 60 characters is the recommended limit.

  • It should be easy to read and understand.
  • Include your target keyword in the URL.
  • Don’t use stop words in URLs, such as “the,” “and,” “of,” and “a.” This will help keep your URL short.
  • Also, make sure you use hyphens (-) to separate words instead of underscores (_).

For example, a bad URL structure would look like this:

On the other hand, a simple URL structure would be:

9. Using Schema Markups To Facilitate Google And Users

Schema markup is a type of structured data that helps search engines understand the content on your website. It’s basically a code added to your HTML that provides additional information about what’s on the page.

Using schema markup can help search engines display your website’s information in the form of rich snippets, like product markup snippets and review snippets. These snippets help users spot useful information faster and easier.

The most common ecommerce schema are:

  • Product schema: For displaying product-related information like price, availability, and images. This extension also allows more efficient displaying of product ads.
  • Review schema: For displaying review ratings and summaries on the search result page. Users can see the reviewer’s information and verify if the review is credible.
  • Video schema: For displaying videos in search results. This extension helps search engines understand the type of video and its content.
  • Price schema: For displaying pricing information of products. It is often used to display price ranges for product variations.

Using schema markups will help you get more visibility and clicks from search results, which eventually leads to better SEO rankings (and more sales).

10. Tackling Duplicate Content

Duplicate content is when one page has the same or similar content as another page, which is a common issue for ecommerce stores.

Having duplicate content on your website is bad for SEO because it creates confusion for search engines and makes it difficult to determine which page should be ranked higher in search engine results pages.

You can avoid this by using canonical tags. These tags essentially tell search engines which page is the original or “master version” and that all other pages with similar content are to be ignored.

Or, you can use the Robots.txt file to block duplicate content from being indexed.

Both methods work, but the canonical tag is preferable since it offers more control over duplicate content.

By avoiding duplicate content, you will be able to improve your SEO for ecommerce site and get better SEO rankings.

11. Monitoring & Tracking Your Ecommerce SEO Efforts

Finally, you should monitor and track your ecommerce SEO efforts to measure their effectiveness.


Google Analytics is one of the best ecommerce SEO tools out there, and it can be used to track your website’s performance. By setting up goals and tracking metrics like bounce rate, time on page, and click-through rate (CTR), you can get insights into how well your SEO efforts are working.

You can also use other tools like Screaming Frog, DeepCrawl, and Ahrefs to audit your website and track changes in the backlinks.

You should also use A/B testing to determine which changes have a positive impact on your SEO rankings.

By tracking your ecommerce SEO efforts, you will be able to identify areas where you need improvement and make the necessary changes. This will help you achieve better SEO rankings and more organic traffic in the long run.

12. Keeping Up With SEO Trends

SEO trends are constantly changing, and you need to stay up-to-date if you want to keep up with the competition.

You can do this by attending SEO conferences, reading industry blogs, and staying up-to-date with the latest Google updates.

You should also keep an eye on your competitors’ SEO strategies and use tools like Ahrefs to monitor changes in their backlinks.

By keeping up with SEO trends, you’ll be able to create effective SEO strategies for ecommerce websites, stay one step ahead of the competition, and stay on top of the SERPs.

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And now for some more value, here is a BONUS that most ecommerce brands ignore.

13. BONUS = Leveraging The Power Of Pinterest SEO

Did you know that Pinterest is a search engine in itself?

People search on Pinterest just like they would on Google or Bing.

However, instead of delivering traditional results like Google, it offers visuals.

So, when someone enters a query in the Pinterest search bar, it will work to find the most appropriate (read: optimized) pins for that individual’s needs.

This means with a proper Pinterest SEO strategy, you can increase your profile’s visibility and get more website traffic from this unique search engine.

Here are a few actionable tips to optimize for Pinterest SEO:

  • Get a Pinterest business account, as it has more optimization features.
  • Use relevant keywords in the pin description and post titles.
  • Create visually appealing pins optimized for Pinterest.
  • Include links to your website in the pin description.
  • Incorporate rich pins into your strategy.
  • Optimize the board titles and descriptions for keywords related to the content you are sharing.
  • Use keyword-rich headlines on your blog posts and link them to corresponding Pinterest boards.

Follow these simple tips to improve your SEO for ecommerce website, drive more traffic, and increase your overall visibility online.

Build Your Way To Success With Ecommerce SEO

Following the above-listed strategies will surely help you build a successful ecommerce website that ranks well and drives more sales.

But remember, ecommerce SEO is an ever-evolving field, and staying up to date with the latest trends can be a challenge.

This is where an Ecommerce Marketing Mastery Certificate can help – it will equip you with the most up-to-date knowledge and competencies to make your ecommerce business succeed.

Or consider having an expert team that understands SEO strategies for ecommerce by your side to implement the latest tricks of the trade.

No matter which way you decide to go, your ecommerce business will surely benefit from the power of SEO.

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12 ChatGPT Tips to Boost Your Content Marketing Strategy Fri, 07 Jul 2023 15:39:36 +0000 These 12 ChatGPT tips are literally just the tip of the iceberg. The more you use ChatGPT, the more you'll discover how you can leverage its power and use it to boost your content marketing strategy.

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As a marketing mogul, you’re probably no stranger to the importance of creating content that stands out and keeps your reader hooked. However, brainstorming ideas, crafting and editing content, and promoting it can be time consuming, overwhelming, and let’s face it: you’d rather outsource it or, at the very least, get some help. 

You may have heard of it (in reality, who hasn’t?), but let me reacquaint you with ChatGPT, everyone’s new favorite AI-powered content marketing assistant. 

How ChatGPT Works 

If you know me well enough (and if you’ve started to follow me on LinkedIn), you’ve seen me talk about ChatGPT like it’s Jarvis to Tony Stark—because, hey, it really is! 

ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, uses machine learning algorithms to produce human-like text based on your prompts. It’s a game-changer for anyone creating some form of content. Just input a prompt and let ChatGPT work its magic! 

How to Maximize ChatGPT for Content Marketing 

But, like every other tool, not everyone fully understands or grasps exactly how to use it—which is why most of the time, a lot of business owners tend to give up and question why people rave about this tool so much. 

Well, take this as your Crash Course to ChatGPT 👏 

6 Strategic Ways to Effectively Integrate AI Into Your Marketing Strategy: 

1. Identify Your Objectives  

Be clear about what you hope to achieve with ChatGPT – maybe you’re aiming for increased website traffic or social media engagement. 

Whatever it is, you need to be crystal clear about WHY you want to use ChatGPT in the first place. This’ll help you figure out what prompts to use and what type of content you’d like it to help you write. 

(Key term here is: help) 

2. Decide the Type of Content You Want to Create 

Whether it’s blog posts, social media captions, email newsletters, or video scripts, ChatGPT has got your back. Looking to captivate readers? ChatGPT generates brilliant ideas for engaging articles. (goodbye writer’s block) 

Need attention-grabbing captions? ChatGPT whips up creative wording that stops the scroll. (as long as you know what prompts to give it 😉) Eager to connect with subscribers? ChatGPT crafts persuasive subject lines and captivating content. 

Dreaming of visually stunning videos? ChatGPT can help you write scripts with compelling narratives and outlines captivating scenes. 

3. Set Up a Schedule for Using ChatGPT 

Plan how often you want to employ the tool in your workflow. Take control of your content creation process by setting up a schedule that works for you.  Determine the frequency of how often (or seldom) you plan to use it and integrate it seamlessly into your workflow. 

4. Experiment with Various Prompts & Settings  

ChatGPT is flexible and customizable, so don’t hesitate to test different prompts and see what brings the best results. I always tell my readers and clients: review, revise, and refine. This doesn’t just go for the content you actually write, but it also applies to the prompts you give ChatGPT.  

5. Monitor & Track Your Results  

Don’t just create content and hope for the best, take charge and monitor your results like a boss.  AKA – stop “winging it”. Your insights will serve as your content marketing compass to show you if the content you’re putting out there is working or not. 

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Utilize powerful tools like Google Analytics to track and measure the impact of your ChatGPT-assisted content. Stay informed, make data-driven decisions, and watch your success skyrocket. 🚀 

6. Integrate ChatGPT Into Your Overall Marketing Strategy

Aim to make ChatGPT a core part of your comprehensive marketing plan—aka, turn it into your very own Virtual Writing Assistant. You can still have copywriters and editors and integrate ChatGPT as one of the steps in crafting your content. 

Always remember: ChatGPT + Human Element = GOLD. 

Prompting ChatGPT the Right Way  

It gets more exciting, because here are 6 types of prompts you can use to leverage ChatGPT in your content marketing, complete with detailed prompts and breakdowns  

1. Brainstorm Blog Post Ideas 

Engage ChatGPT in a brainstorming session to come up with blog post ideas. This can save you hours of guessing what to write about next (writer’s block is a normal thing, and I totally get it. When you write for a living, your creative juices run out eventually. This is where ChatGPT can definitely help!) 

ChatGPT prompt: “Generate 10 blog post ideas about digital marketing trends in 2023.” 

2. Craft Compelling Social Media Posts 

Of course, ChatGPT can help you draft your posts. (if it can help with blog posts, why not social media captions too, right?) Some additional tips: make sure you specify what platform you’re writing it for. You can even throw in the tone of voice, as well as the word count you’re aiming for.  

ChatGPT isn’t perfect, and sometimes it won’t nail these things on the first try. This is why I highly recommend being patient and going through the iterative process to eventually nail your post. 

ChatGPT prompt: “Write a LinkedIn post introducing our new online course for small business owners. Here is landing page for the course: [Add your link here]” 

3. Develop Email Marketing Campaigns 

ChatGPT can help you develop email marketing campaigns, from creating engaging subject lines to drafting the body of the email. While the prompt below isn’t as specific as you’d like it to be, you can definitely experiment and add more details.  

And if you really want to amplify your email marketing, you can use other tools in your arsenal like CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer, which could help you craft catchy email subject headers to boot. 

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ChatGPT prompt: “Draft an email announcing a flash sale on our new product. Get details about the product here: [Add your link here]” 

4. Script Video Content 

If video content is part of your marketing strategy, ChatGPT can help write scripts or create outlines for your video content. You can also include how long your video is going to be and add an outline of what you’d like to talk about.  Again, specificity is KEY 🔑The clearer you are with your prompts, the better ChatGPT’s outputs are going to be. 

ChatGPT prompt: “Create an outline for a YouTube video on how to use our product. Here as some steps to consider: [Add your steps here]” 

5. Write Out Content for Landing Pages & Sales Pages 

You can also employ ChatGPT’s assistance to generate compelling copy for your landing pages and sales pages, improving conversion rates. 

If the product or service you’re selling deals with a lot of information (say, you’re writing a sales page for a health supplement), bear in mind that the free version of ChatGPT’s knowledge base only goes as far as September 2021. Make sure you double check the details you’re including on your landing page so that you feed readers and potential buyers accurate info! 

ChatGPT prompt: “Write a persuasive landing page copy for our new e-book. Here are the topics discussed in the ebook: [Add in details here]”

6. Churn Out Ideas for Video Scripts & Outlines 

Like I said, as creatives and marketers, we can only churn out enough ideas for content—and that includes video. If you’re leveraging video content in your marketing, ChatGPT can generate ideas for video scripts and outlines, saving you precious brainstorming time. 

ChatGPT prompt: “Generate 10 different ideas for a video script about the benefits of our service. Here is my website: [Add your website here]” 

These 12 ChatGPT tips are literally just the tip of the iceberg. The more you use ChatGPT, the more you’ll discover how you can leverage its power and use it to boost your content marketing strategy. 

The number 1 tip I could leave you is this: The key to unlocking ChatGPT’s full potential is by being clear and specific in your prompts. The more precise you are, the better the output! 

Ready to level up your content strategy with AI?  

Stay in the know and never miss out on the latest AI-driven tips, trends, and strategies in the world of content marketing. Join my newsletter, Dopamine Dose, and get ahead of the game with artificial intelligence. Subscribe here. 

The post 12 ChatGPT Tips to Boost Your Content Marketing Strategy appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

How To Win Your Customer’s Attention & Provoke Action [VIDEO] Fri, 26 May 2023 20:49:43 +0000 Discover the secret to winning your customer's attention and provoking action with the first ingredient in our 5-part sales formula.

The post How To Win Your Customer’s Attention & Provoke Action [VIDEO] appeared first on DigitalMarketer.


Discover the secret to winning your customer’s attention and provoking action with the first ingredient in our 5-part sales formula.

Utilize this ingredient to agitate your customer’s pain point or speak to their aspirational state in such a way that they are compelled by the message where they… Stop. Read it. And move on to take action from there.

Ultimately, learn how to show your customers that you know them better than anybody else and become a mind readers who speaks directly to those little nuances that only your customer would know about.

Using Hooks in Your Messaging

Hooks are used in marketing messaging to agitate a pain or passion point that will stop your customers in their tracks, because you “read their mind,” and spoke to something they are experiencing that they want to change.

Hooks are all about your customer’s undesirable situation, or aspirational state, and not about the business.

“When it comes to creating your ecommerce sales pitch, your pitch happens on your product page, on your home page…”

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How to Drive Customer Success With Interactive Content Thu, 25 May 2023 15:04:58 +0000 Believe it or not, customer success is the best strategy to boost customer happiness. And as we all know, happy customers always lead to growing business.

The post How to Drive Customer Success With Interactive Content appeared first on DigitalMarketer.


What if I say your company’s success relies on someone else’s success? 

Yes… you read it right!

Growing your business is possible if your products or services are good enough and help users reach their goals. 

Today’s market is customer-centric, and the top-performing organizations are those that focus on customer success more than their competitors do.

Believe it or not, customer success is the best strategy to boost customer happiness. And as we all know, happy customers always lead to growing business. 

Considering the significance of customer success, today we’ll discuss how to drive customer success with interactive content. So, let’s get started from the basics and understand more about it. 

What is Customer Success?

Customer success is meeting customers’ requirements when using your products or services. 

This may imply deploying your team as strategists, thought associates, and the customer’s advocate internally to meet those demands. 

However, customer success is more than just fulfilling customer needs. It’s also about focusing on customer relationships. 

Customer success management includes proactively predicting customer questions or challenges and actively providing resolutions.

Customer Success vs. Customer Support 

Customer success and customer support- are both essential functions within a business that aim to provide excellent customer experiences, but they have different objectives and methods of achieving them.

Let’s break them down further in a definitive list: 

  • Approach: Customer success proactively examines and strategizes, while customer support acquires and replies. 
  • Goal: Customer success operates to acquire preferred business results with the customer journey. On the other hand, customer support concentrates on problem resolution and prevention. 
  • Talents & Disciplines: Customer success is consultative and can expand to various disciplines and industry expertise. Customer support experts have skills corresponding with marketing, engineering, and operational teams. 

Both roles demand practitioners be resourceful issue solvers, empathetic, and thoroughly familiar with customers. 

  • Metrics: Customer success concentrates on metrics associated with business impacts, like customer retention, growth, and lifetime value.

Customer support metrics estimate the quality of the service delivered, solution times, and overall customer satisfaction

  • Business Impact: Customer success is usually a value-added business process, driving revenue and development.

On the other hand, customer support is vital to operating a business since customer questions always need to be answered. 

Why Is Customer Success Important?

The worldwide customer success platform market will grow from $850M in 2020 to $3417.5M by 2026, expanding at a CAGR of 26.10% within 2023-2028.

There is a reason why the demand for customer success platforms is increasing gradually. 

Customer success allows organizations to unlock the value of their resolutions and get an exciting ROI. With customer success, companies can help achieve their business goals, and it: 

  • Develops trust
  • Amplifies the relationship
  • Brings higher satisfaction

Moreover, customer success interactions assist firms in collecting valuable consumer insights that are advantageous to the whole organization. 

The more teams understand their clients and their requirements, the better they can provide quality experiences and form a healthier customer lifecycle.

Satisfied, loyal buyers generally become brand advocates and praise your business through social media posts, product reviews, and word-of-mouth suggestions.

How Does Customer Success Work? 

There are three core elements required for customer success to be compelling. These comprise a customer success strategy, a solution, and a team and supervisor of a customer success workforce.  

Select a Customer Success Solution

To proactively handle all communications with users, you’ll wish to deploy a customer success resolution on your team — implying customer success tools. A good customer success solution can assist you in the following:

  • Understanding your customer’s requirements and pain points
  • Monitoring their satisfaction levels
  • Engaging with them in a manner that is personalized and relevant 

Some typical features of customer success solutions are customer relationship management (CRM) software, communication tools (e.g., email, chat, and phone), analytics and reporting capabilities, and more.

Hire & Train a Customer Success Team

You’ll require an individual (or, perhaps, a team) to excel in customer success. The managers and representatives in your customer success team will depend on your business size and available resources. Expanding your team as your business grows is crucial to proactively help your customer base.

Create a Customer Success Strategy

Your customer success strategy depends on the type of product you offer and what your buyers want from you. Nevertheless, here are a few proven steps to building it for your business:

  • Deploy the proper customer success tools.
  • Recognize your customers’ end objectives (and why they require customer success).
  • Build a shot and long-term roadmap for victory to demonstrate your business’s anticipations and goals.
  • Share and execute the method on your team. Also, ensure everyone understands what’s expected of them separately and as a team.
  • Examine your outcomes and discover whether your buyers have the software and support they want to succeed.
  • Make changes to your strategy and the team with your growing business and user base. 

Why Is Interactive Content a Gem for Customer Success?

Talking about customer success without including interactive content is just like talking about a pizza without cheese. It is a helpful tool for customer success since it provides many advantages that can enhance the customer experience and offer better results.

Let’s look at some benefits of interactive content for customer success: 

  • Improves Engagement: Interactive content facilitates customers to vigorously engage with the material, forming the experience more pleasant and memorable.
  • Enhances Retention: By breaking down complicated concepts into shorter, more digestible chunks, interactive content can enhance customers’ capability of remembering and applying what they’ve discovered.
  • Personalizes the Experience: Personalized online shopping experience is what customers look for in a brand these days. Businesses that use advanced personalization notice a return of $20 per $1 spent.

And interactive content lets you do that. With it, you can cater to each user’s needs and interests. 

  • Delivers Instant Solutions: Last but not least, you can provide real-time value and solutions to your customers through interactive content like quizzes and calculators.

8 Ways to Help Customers Succeed with Interactive Content

1. Offer Personalized Solutions with Quizzes

70% of customers spend more with businesses that provide fluid, personalized, and smooth customer experiences.

Interactive content types like quizzes help you accomplish multiple goals, including engagement, lead generation, and personalization. And these ultimately convert to customer success. 

You can create various types of quizzes according to your target audience and business objectives.  

  • Regular Outcome Quizzes: These quizzes provide customers with personalized outcomes based on their answers. These could be a personality quiz, scored quiz, or a trivia quiz. 

For instance, if you’re a clothing brand, you can create a quiz like “Which F.R.I.E.N.D.S Character Are You?”. This will attract users to take this personality test. And once you’ve engaged them, you can show them products related to that character. This would increase conversion rates for your brand. 

  • Social Media Quizzes: These quizzes have recently become popular among businesses. Social media quizzes are usually fun and viral in nature. This is why they are one of the best content pieces to generate leads and increase engagement on social media.

For instance, a travel firm could create a quiz asking users about their travel choices and share the outcomes on social media. This can generate relevant leads and increase brand awareness.

  • eCommerce Recommendation Quizzes: eCommerce recommendation quizzes are created particularly for eCommerce sites. They can assist customers in finding products that fit their tastes and increase their chances of purchasing. You can simply list all your products and show the users options that fit them the best. 

Quizzes are powerful interactive content that engages customers and delivers personalized recommendations. 

By tailoring queries to their interests and choices, you can provide a more customized experience and expand the possibilities of customer satisfaction and loyalty. 

To make the entire process of creating quizzes fast, you can opt for easy to use no-code tools that come with pre-made templates. 

2. Educate with Infographics & Videos

Infographics and videos are incredibly engaging and visually attractive methods to educate customers and boost customer success. 

Infographics utilize charts, graphics, and other graphical resources to deliver information in digestible parts. On the other hand, videos demonstrate how to use a service or product, offer educational content, or share customer reviews. 

The key to customer success is providing information at every step of the buyer’s journey. And videos and infographics are apt for that.

3. Offer Real-time Value with Calculators

Customers are 2.4 times more likely to adhere to a business when their issues are solved quickly. 

Calculators, a crucial interactive content type, can offer buyers real-time value effortlessly. They just have to fill in their requirements and are good to go. 

For instance, a mortgage lender could make a calculator that allows customers to calculate their monthly mortgage expenditure based on their interest rate, loan amount, and other aspects. 

With real-time value, you can establish yourself as a reliable and helpful resource for their users. Here are a few quick tips to aid you in building calculators that offer real-time value:

  • Recognize your target user base and their exact requirements before making your calculator.
  • Ensure your calculator is easy to navigate and user-friendly. 
  • Use concise and clear language, and avoid technical jargon.
  • Make sure that your calculator offers factual and up-to-date outcomes.
  • Test your calculator totally before releasing it to guarantee it works effortlessly.

4. Test Knowledge Using Tests & Assessments

Tests and assessments can be extremely compelling to help your customer succeed. They help to gauge your customers’ knowledge and recognize any learning gaps. 

Testing your users’ knowledge and industry expertise allows you to acquire beneficial insights and modify your training sessions accordingly. 

Besides, giving prompt feedback and resolutions lets your customers comprehend the correct o

Lanswers and feel an emotion of accomplishment.

5. Address Queries or Issues with Chatbots

Chatbots are tools that can communicate with users with voice or text commands. They can assist customers in finding information, responding to common questions, and resolving problems.

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Implementing chatbots can lower response times and enhance customer success rates. Besides, they can free up customer service associates to tackle more complex problems, leading to cost savings.

Ensuring it is easy to use and can control a wide range of queries is crucial when building a chatbot. It should understand natural language and should be capable of human-like interactions. 

6. Engage Your Audience with Live Q&A Sessions 

Another fantastic tactic to increase customer success is live Q&A sessions. Q&A sessions allow attendees to discover more about a topic or even talk with someone they would never generally have access to. 

These are the perfect forums to foster debates, exchange ideas, and share knowledge. This could be the opportunity to meet with your users one on one and get to know them and their challenges, feedback, and future requirements. 

You can conduct these sessions on social media channels or via webinars. 

7. Get Instant Feedback with Surveys & Polls

Using customer surveys and polls helps you determine areas to develop and capitalize on what you’re doing well. 

What’s the best way to know what users think and need? It’s to simply ask them. Getting first hand opinion also cultivates a more positive association with your users. 

Requesting, examining, and executing customer feedback is critical to enhancing your business and guaranteeing customer success. And a good form builder can help you get started!

8. Create Valuable Content Using Interactive E-books & Blogs

Interactive blogs and e-books help establish your firm as an industry leader. But how can you make a blog or ebook, which are types of static content pieces, interactive? Well, you can embed interactive content like quizzes and polls in your blog to make users engage directly with you. 

This strategy can enable customers to make good decisions by offering them useful information. This can draw new users and also boost existing customer loyalty. 

Blogs and e-books are the best ways to educate and engage your users. And turning them interactive can only make things better!

5 Helpful Customer Success Tools for Every Budget 

  1. Hubspot 

HubSpot is a flexible customer success management software offering numerous customer-facing operations features. It provides software like SEO, social media marketing, content management, etc. 

Key Features:

  • It allows building forms that adjust to users’ browser history.
  • Lets you put reminders for duties and follow-up activities. 
  • Sends automatic follow-up emails to customers.
  • Has a built-in data analytics engine.
  • Incorporates well with Salesforce, SugarCRM, Netsuite, etc.

2. Outgrow

Outgrow is a no-code tool to boost your customer success efforts with tools like  calculators, quizzes, forms, polls, chatbots, giveaways, etc. 

You can create an interactive tool within minutes and embed it on your website, blogs, or email newsletter. Outgrow also offers several premade templates optimized for your mobile, tablet, and desktop. This ensures you serve your customers without much effort. 

Key Features

  • Customize the design as per your brand guidelines.
  • Make beautiful quizzes and surveys with a drag and drop builder. 
  • Generate leads and deep customer insights. 
  • Integrate with 1000+ apps. 
  • Analyze the performance of your tools. 
  • Get around-the-clock chat support.

3. Zendesk 

Zendesk, a cloud-based help desk management solution, offers customizable utilities to develop customer service portals, online communities, and knowledge bases. It provides a customizable front-end portal, integration with apps like Google Analytics and Salesforce, and live chat features. 

Key Features: 

  • An all-in-one customer services and lead generation platform.
  • Perform email, chat, phone, and social media altogether.
  • Offers a lot of customization choices.
  • Comprehensive, robust reporting and analytics.
  • Supports several languages.

4. Front 

Front is a customer interaction platform that allows teams to consolidate texts across channels, drive them to the right individual, and get visibility into what’s occurring with every customer.

Key Features:

  • Automatically aggregates & routes user conversations from your channels, guaranteeing every message reaches the right person.
  • Calculate team performance and customer happiness.
  • Live chat support for quick assistance.
  • Strong analytics and reporting to measure success.

5. Helpjuice 

Helpjuice concentrates particularly on allowing users to build a customizable knowledge base to be utilized by both internal workers and their buyers. Such customization permits users to modify the look and feel of their brand’s internal and customer-facing knowledge base. 

Key Features:

  • Provides centralized knowledge repository.
  • It has an intuitive, customizable, and user-friendly interface.  
  • Enables instant content updates and edition control.
  • Provides strong search functionality to find appropriate information. 

Final Thoughts

With customer expectations expanding continuously, customer success is a focus that can compel long-term business growth.

In this blog, we revealed 8 actionable strategies for achieving real customer success. We dived in further to find out 5 tools that help you get started on this journey.  

It’s vital to note that customer success is not a one-time project but a constant process that needs ongoing effort and dedication. If you liked the tips we shared with you or have any questions, mention them in the comment section below. 

All the best for your customer success journey!

The post How to Drive Customer Success With Interactive Content appeared first on DigitalMarketer.
