Joshua B Lee Fri, 07 Jul 2023 20:58:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Joshua B Lee 32 32 12 ChatGPT Tips to Boost Your Content Marketing Strategy Fri, 07 Jul 2023 15:39:36 +0000 These 12 ChatGPT tips are literally just the tip of the iceberg. The more you use ChatGPT, the more you'll discover how you can leverage its power and use it to boost your content marketing strategy.

The post 12 ChatGPT Tips to Boost Your Content Marketing Strategy appeared first on DigitalMarketer.


As a marketing mogul, you’re probably no stranger to the importance of creating content that stands out and keeps your reader hooked. However, brainstorming ideas, crafting and editing content, and promoting it can be time consuming, overwhelming, and let’s face it: you’d rather outsource it or, at the very least, get some help. 

You may have heard of it (in reality, who hasn’t?), but let me reacquaint you with ChatGPT, everyone’s new favorite AI-powered content marketing assistant. 

How ChatGPT Works 

If you know me well enough (and if you’ve started to follow me on LinkedIn), you’ve seen me talk about ChatGPT like it’s Jarvis to Tony Stark—because, hey, it really is! 

ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, uses machine learning algorithms to produce human-like text based on your prompts. It’s a game-changer for anyone creating some form of content. Just input a prompt and let ChatGPT work its magic! 

How to Maximize ChatGPT for Content Marketing 

But, like every other tool, not everyone fully understands or grasps exactly how to use it—which is why most of the time, a lot of business owners tend to give up and question why people rave about this tool so much. 

Well, take this as your Crash Course to ChatGPT 👏 

6 Strategic Ways to Effectively Integrate AI Into Your Marketing Strategy: 

1. Identify Your Objectives  

Be clear about what you hope to achieve with ChatGPT – maybe you’re aiming for increased website traffic or social media engagement. 

Whatever it is, you need to be crystal clear about WHY you want to use ChatGPT in the first place. This’ll help you figure out what prompts to use and what type of content you’d like it to help you write. 

(Key term here is: help) 

2. Decide the Type of Content You Want to Create 

Whether it’s blog posts, social media captions, email newsletters, or video scripts, ChatGPT has got your back. Looking to captivate readers? ChatGPT generates brilliant ideas for engaging articles. (goodbye writer’s block) 

Need attention-grabbing captions? ChatGPT whips up creative wording that stops the scroll. (as long as you know what prompts to give it 😉) Eager to connect with subscribers? ChatGPT crafts persuasive subject lines and captivating content. 

Dreaming of visually stunning videos? ChatGPT can help you write scripts with compelling narratives and outlines captivating scenes. 

3. Set Up a Schedule for Using ChatGPT 

Plan how often you want to employ the tool in your workflow. Take control of your content creation process by setting up a schedule that works for you.  Determine the frequency of how often (or seldom) you plan to use it and integrate it seamlessly into your workflow. 

4. Experiment with Various Prompts & Settings  

ChatGPT is flexible and customizable, so don’t hesitate to test different prompts and see what brings the best results. I always tell my readers and clients: review, revise, and refine. This doesn’t just go for the content you actually write, but it also applies to the prompts you give ChatGPT.  

5. Monitor & Track Your Results  

Don’t just create content and hope for the best, take charge and monitor your results like a boss.  AKA – stop “winging it”. Your insights will serve as your content marketing compass to show you if the content you’re putting out there is working or not. 

Content Marketing Certification

Want to get certified in Content Marketing?

Leverage the tools and channels to predictably and profitably drive awareness, leads, sales, and referrals—EVERYTHING you need to know to become a true master of digital marketing.​ Click Here

Utilize powerful tools like Google Analytics to track and measure the impact of your ChatGPT-assisted content. Stay informed, make data-driven decisions, and watch your success skyrocket. 🚀 

6. Integrate ChatGPT Into Your Overall Marketing Strategy

Aim to make ChatGPT a core part of your comprehensive marketing plan—aka, turn it into your very own Virtual Writing Assistant. You can still have copywriters and editors and integrate ChatGPT as one of the steps in crafting your content. 

Always remember: ChatGPT + Human Element = GOLD. 

Prompting ChatGPT the Right Way  

It gets more exciting, because here are 6 types of prompts you can use to leverage ChatGPT in your content marketing, complete with detailed prompts and breakdowns  

1. Brainstorm Blog Post Ideas 

Engage ChatGPT in a brainstorming session to come up with blog post ideas. This can save you hours of guessing what to write about next (writer’s block is a normal thing, and I totally get it. When you write for a living, your creative juices run out eventually. This is where ChatGPT can definitely help!) 

ChatGPT prompt: “Generate 10 blog post ideas about digital marketing trends in 2023.” 

2. Craft Compelling Social Media Posts 

Of course, ChatGPT can help you draft your posts. (if it can help with blog posts, why not social media captions too, right?) Some additional tips: make sure you specify what platform you’re writing it for. You can even throw in the tone of voice, as well as the word count you’re aiming for.  

ChatGPT isn’t perfect, and sometimes it won’t nail these things on the first try. This is why I highly recommend being patient and going through the iterative process to eventually nail your post. 

ChatGPT prompt: “Write a LinkedIn post introducing our new online course for small business owners. Here is landing page for the course: [Add your link here]” 

3. Develop Email Marketing Campaigns 

ChatGPT can help you develop email marketing campaigns, from creating engaging subject lines to drafting the body of the email. While the prompt below isn’t as specific as you’d like it to be, you can definitely experiment and add more details.  

And if you really want to amplify your email marketing, you can use other tools in your arsenal like CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer, which could help you craft catchy email subject headers to boot. 

Content Marketing Certification

Want to get certified in Content Marketing?

Leverage the tools and channels to predictably and profitably drive awareness, leads, sales, and referrals—EVERYTHING you need to know to become a true master of digital marketing.​ Click Here

ChatGPT prompt: “Draft an email announcing a flash sale on our new product. Get details about the product here: [Add your link here]” 

4. Script Video Content 

If video content is part of your marketing strategy, ChatGPT can help write scripts or create outlines for your video content. You can also include how long your video is going to be and add an outline of what you’d like to talk about.  Again, specificity is KEY 🔑The clearer you are with your prompts, the better ChatGPT’s outputs are going to be. 

ChatGPT prompt: “Create an outline for a YouTube video on how to use our product. Here as some steps to consider: [Add your steps here]” 

5. Write Out Content for Landing Pages & Sales Pages 

You can also employ ChatGPT’s assistance to generate compelling copy for your landing pages and sales pages, improving conversion rates. 

If the product or service you’re selling deals with a lot of information (say, you’re writing a sales page for a health supplement), bear in mind that the free version of ChatGPT’s knowledge base only goes as far as September 2021. Make sure you double check the details you’re including on your landing page so that you feed readers and potential buyers accurate info! 

ChatGPT prompt: “Write a persuasive landing page copy for our new e-book. Here are the topics discussed in the ebook: [Add in details here]”

6. Churn Out Ideas for Video Scripts & Outlines 

Like I said, as creatives and marketers, we can only churn out enough ideas for content—and that includes video. If you’re leveraging video content in your marketing, ChatGPT can generate ideas for video scripts and outlines, saving you precious brainstorming time. 

ChatGPT prompt: “Generate 10 different ideas for a video script about the benefits of our service. Here is my website: [Add your website here]” 

These 12 ChatGPT tips are literally just the tip of the iceberg. The more you use ChatGPT, the more you’ll discover how you can leverage its power and use it to boost your content marketing strategy. 

The number 1 tip I could leave you is this: The key to unlocking ChatGPT’s full potential is by being clear and specific in your prompts. The more precise you are, the better the output! 

Ready to level up your content strategy with AI?  

Stay in the know and never miss out on the latest AI-driven tips, trends, and strategies in the world of content marketing. Join my newsletter, Dopamine Dose, and get ahead of the game with artificial intelligence. Subscribe here. 

The post 12 ChatGPT Tips to Boost Your Content Marketing Strategy appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

Linkedin is Supercharging with AI: What It Means for You Tue, 23 May 2023 15:18:22 +0000 If you’re looking for the perfect place for marketing, networking, and reaching your audience as a thought leader in your field, LinkedIn would be THE platform for you.

The post Linkedin is Supercharging with AI: What It Means for You appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

If you’re looking for the perfect place for marketing, networking, and reaching your audience as a thought leader in your field, LinkedIn would be THE platform for you.

Another day, another article, you might think, from some “random” on the internet preaching about
marketing and artificial intelligence. But I’m not here to give you fluff and generic knowledge about what
you could easily Google online. 

Hi, I’m Joshua B. Lee, and you might know me as the “Dopamine Dealer on LinkedIn”. In the past two decades, I’ve built 16 businesses, authored a book called Balance is Bullsh*t, and I’ve had clients like MySpace and Google managing nearly a billion dollars in advertising spends.

While working with companies that are larger than life, I realized one thing: The digital landscape became
quite “noisy”. AKA, there were too many automated things, robotic language, and SELL SELL SELL energies online, and the human touch got lost in the mix.

Human connection was obliterated, and too many people focused a lot on monetization for profit’s sake. I’m a consumer myself, so I saw a gap that could be fixed and asked, “How can I bring back the heart in this digital universe? How can I help people see beyond the screen and build genuine

Enter Standout Authority, my baby since 2014. We’re all about helping folks (like you, who’s reading
this) bring the human back to your brand.

And we’ve chosen to zero in on LinkedIn—the Avengers’ HQ of business platforms—to build authentic
relationships and clients.

Why LinkedIn?

Perhaps this number will sum it up for you: as of April 2023, LinkedIn has 922.3 million active members
on the platform.

So if you’re looking for the perfect place for marketing, networking, and reaching your audience as a thought leader in your field, this would be THE platform for you.

And as LinkedIn turns 20 this year, it’s making a huge push towards AI—quite the HOT topic everywhere,
regardless of the niche/industry.

Here’s what’s coming to a LinkedIn profile you want to get going:

LinkedIn’s Drive to Embrace AI and Transform Content Creation 

LinkedIn continues to push the boundaries of AI-powered transformation, making your content creation
more engaging, entertaining, and downright amazing.

Here are some of the bold moves LinkedIn has been making towards AI: 

  • Ever since LinkedIn joined forces with the latest AI technology, ChatGPT, the platform has been on a roll (If you didn’t know yet, Microsoft invested $10 billion into OpenAI).
  • Since then, they’ve released a series of helpful tools such as “Smart Replies” and “Resume Assistant”— just a couple of examples of how LinkedIn has harnessed the power of AI to streamline your messaging and job-hunting experience.  
  • LinkedIn has created Collaborative Articles, a feature that allows multiple creators to work together on a single AI-generated article, offering diverse viewpoints on a given topic. 
  • AI isn’t just great for writing; it’s also an amazing helper when it comes to insights and analytics. LinkedIn is launching Content Insights, an AI-driven tool that provides data on article performance. You can’t know if your marketing is going in the right direction if you don’t know your numbers. 

LinkedIn’s AI revolution aims to foster collaboration, amplify top voices, and help creators get their high-
quality content in front of the right audience.

LinkedIn’s Supercharged Move to AI

Within 3 months, LinkedIn’s AI team managed to roll out new ChatGPT-based tools. These AI-gasmic
features are designed to make your LinkedIn experience more seamless and efficient than ever.

Let’s dive deeper:

LinkedIn + ChatGPT: A Dynamic Duo

LinkedIn is looking to encourage us to use ChatGPT to write posts. Enter up to 30 words, click Draft
Post,” and instantly have a draft to review, edit, or post as is. In beta testing, this will be a premium

And being the Dopamine Dealer and Top Voice of LinkedIn has its perks… I’ve gained access to the beta
for the Generative AI tool (ChatGPT-4 based), and I’m one of the first to test it out. While it’s initially
available as a premium feature, the benefits it offers are bound to be worth every penny.  Think of Draft
using AI as your virtual writing assistant—the Jarvis to your Tony Stark, or the Alfred to your Batman.

It can help you:  
→ Save time. 
→ Enhance your productivity.  
→ Ensure your posts are polished to perfection.

Turbocharged Content Moderation: The AI Shield

Let’s face it, we’re constantly scrolling through an abundance of user-generated content, so it’s no
surprise that effectively managing and curating content on your brand’s online platforms can be an
overwhelming task.

Fortunately, there’s a solution: AI-powered content moderation is poised to revolutionize this process. By
leveraging artificial intelligence, content moderation can be automated, allowing for efficient classification, flagging, and removal of harmful content.

Here are three ways you can harness the power of AI for content moderation: 

  • AI Content Moderation for Texts: Utilize AI to analyze the tone, categorize content, and
    monitor brand and competitor mentions through natural language processing and entity
    recognition techniques. 
  • AI Content Moderation for Images & Videos: Tap into the potential of Computer Vision
    (Visual-AI) to identify undesirable or harmful content. With the integration of natural language
    processing, AI can even detect suggestive content within images. 
  • AI Content Moderation for Voice Recordings: Explore the realm of voice analysis
    technology. AI-powered tools can transcribe voice recordings into text and analyze tone and
    intent using natural language processing algorithms. 

Thanks to the extraordinary capabilities of ChatGPT, LinkedIn’s AI-driven content moderation has been
turbocharged, making it more powerful and effective than ever before.

Job & Career Support Right at your Fingertips

We’ve all been there: that squeamish ordeal of job-hunting:

Scrolling through hundreds of companies, writing different cover letters, and tailoring your CVs to help
yourself stand out. With LinkedIn’s integration with ChatGPT’s natural language understanding, job-
hunting transforms into something you no longer have to hate.

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Here’s what’s in store for you:

Hyper-personalized job recommendations that match your unique profile, skills, and passions. It’s like
your personal matchmaker who finds you the perfect career fit every time. Single. time.

Curated selection of job recommendations that are tailor-made for you. You’ll find yourself thinking,
“How’d they know this is exactly what I’m looking for?”

Networking not your favorite way to market yourself? You might change your mind. The platform will now
have the ability to suggest conversation starters (introverts would probably love this the most),
recommend events, and identify shared interests. Way to break the ice—easily.

Going beyond helping you with job searches, LinkedIn’s got your back for your career as well, so you can
ace those interviews and land the job of your dreams.

It can now give feedback on your resume, as well as offer coaching and guidance for your interviews. It’s like your very own pocket career coach that you
can take anywhere.

As LinkedIn’s AI revolution continues to excite us and evolve in ways we can’t imagine, I can fully understand if you’re curious about the future of professional networking and its potential impact on
marketing and tech.

If you’d like to stay on top of the latest LinkedIn news and all-things-AI, follow me on LinkedIn where my
network gets first dibs on some of the newest AI updates and features out there.

The post Linkedin is Supercharging with AI: What It Means for You appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

The Intelligent Content Revolution: How AI is Driving the Next Wave of Marketing Wed, 22 Feb 2023 11:07:18 +0000 You’ve probably seen it all over the internet… making waves on just about every social media platform out there.   Artificial intelligence, let me rephrase that – CHATGPT3. The monster that has awakened Microsoft to invest $10 billion. But why? Does Microsoft truly believe that AI will change the way we consume information and produce it?  Or the […]

The post The Intelligent Content Revolution: How AI is Driving the Next Wave of Marketing appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

How AI is impacting Content Marketing

You’ve probably seen it all over the internet… making waves on just about every social media platform out there.  

Artificial intelligence, let me rephrase that – CHATGPT3. The monster that has awakened Microsoft to invest $10 billion.

But why? Does Microsoft truly believe that AI will change the way we consume information and produce it? 

Or the even bigger question… Will artificial intelligence replace us as humans in the content marketing world? 🌎

Well, stick with me for a sec, because the answer isn’t as simple as “yes you should be afraid of AI replacing humans” or “you shouldn’t worry about your job.”  

What is AI Anyways?

Researchers in the field of AI strive to create systems that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence.  

These tasks include visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and language understanding.  

Using AI, computers are trying to be creative like humans as much as they can, given the constraints.  

Will AI Replace Human Creativity? 

To compare AI with human creativity would be a good place to start. 

While humans might find it challenging and tedious to understand the target market, things have become easier thanks to AI. 🤖

This technology lets companies personalize their marketing efforts, improve targeting and segmentation, and automate repetitive tasks.  

How is that even possible? Well, advanced machine learning algorithms and natural language processing analyze customer data and generate insights that can be used to develop an excellent strategy in much less time.  

Interestingly, the emergence of AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants is excellent for businesses as they interact with customers in real-time, providing personalized assistance and recommendations.  

Overall, AI is helping companies engage with customers and increase sales more effectively. This has massive implications for entrepreneurs, as they won’t need unnecessary labor for tedious tasks. 

On the other hand, human creativity is essential for developing and executing effective marketing campaigns. Humans can think outside the box, come up with new and innovative ideas, and connect with consumers on an emotional level.  

Artificial intelligence excels at analyzing large amounts of data and identifying patterns, which can help target specific demographics or predict consumer behavior. It can also automate email marketing or social media management tasks, allowing marketers to focus on more strategic tasks. 

Using AI for Marketing 

Understanding your audience in marketing is an absolute must for creating compelling campaigns and driving human connections.  

Using AI, you can identify the most effective channels to reach your audience, such as social media, email, or traditional advertising.  

Ultimately, the more you know about your audience, the better equipped you will be to create marketing campaigns that resonate with them and drive conversions. 

But AI creativity only completes part of the picture. The limitations in understanding human sentiments bring us to the power of human creativity in comprehending emotions. 

Building Deeper Human Connections With AI 

Human intelligence and sentiments play an essential role in decision-making. It is used to understand consumer behavior and preferences, which can inform effective marketing strategies. 📊

For example, if a company finds that consumers have negative sentiments toward a particular product, it may discontinue or rebrand it.  

Emotions can also be used to understand customer feedback and create personalized marketing campaigns. 

The question is: can AI understand human emotion?

That is an interesting matter, as AI and neuroscience researchers are currently developing algorithms for AI to understand human emotion. 

For now, we as humans have the upper hand when it comes to creating real and authentic content.  

Will AI Replace Human Jobs? 

The answer here would be yes, but that’s if you’re not willing to adapt to the current technological revolution we are living through.  

And NO if you are willing to keep an open mind about how artificial intelligence can help you become better at your job. 

👉 AI and human ingenuity can complement each other in business processes, such as marketing, as the combination can create compelling and engaging strategies. 

👉 Artificial intelligence can analyze data and help identify patterns and insights we might not notice.  

👉 Exploring data can help inform and guide creative decisions, but creating and executing marketing campaigns often still requires human intuition and expertise.  

👉 AI can automate repetitive tasks, freeing time for us to focus on more strategic and creative work. 
What are your thoughts on AI? Do you think it will eliminate certain jobs in some industries? Let me know in the comments. 👇 

The post The Intelligent Content Revolution: How AI is Driving the Next Wave of Marketing appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

5 Tips You Can Use to Improve Your LinkedIn Marketing Strategy in 2023 Sun, 08 Jan 2023 14:12:00 +0000 To get the most out of LinkedIn in 2023, you need to understand the key pillars required to create a winning LinkedIn marketing strategy.

The post 5 Tips You Can Use to Improve Your LinkedIn Marketing Strategy in 2023 appeared first on DigitalMarketer.


LinkedIn is a fantastic medium for extending your reach, positioning yourself as a thought leader, and building your personal brand.

However, to get the most out of this platform this coming year, you need to understand the key pillars required to create a winning LinkedIn marketing strategy. And that’s what this article is all about– here are 5 actionable tips you can integrate into your 2023 LinkedIn marketing strategy to make it stronger and more effective.

1. Original Content Over Links

Whether it’s a completely new post or something you’re repurposing from your website, original and fresh information is how to get an engaged audience that keeps coming back.

You want to avoid simply regurgitating links and info that’s posted outside of LinkedIn. For one, most social media platforms want to keep people on their sites. And second, it shows you’re a thought leader in your industry.

If you want to get a feel of how this works, take a look at your favorite brands and personalities on the site to see the type of content they post. Heck, you can even check out my page for examples.

LinkedIn gives you all the tools you need. There are a variety of content types you can post to the platform, including blog posts and articles, video content like live sessions and interviews, case studies, and more.

2. Show Your Personality

Part of my philosophy is humanizing your marketing so you can create authentic relationships that translate to success and growth. LinkedIn was originally conceived as the “social media for professionals,” and, sure, it still is. However, that doesn’t mean you should trap yourself in a box where your content comes off bland and boring.

For your marketing strategy to be effective, it needs a relatable approach so your audience can connect with your brand on a personal level. If you have a funny bone and some wit, show it off!

Of course, you want everything to align with your marketing messaging and your personal brand voice.

3. Leverage LinkedIn Analytics

As mentioned above, LinkedIn gives you plenty of solutions so you can be creative and post content through various mediums– blogs, videos, etc.

But LinkedIn also provides you with the tools to see how that content performs through LinkedIn Analytics. It gives you invaluable data such as how much engagement a post gets, how different times affect the post’s performance, whether or not your content is getting leads, and more.

With this info, you can see how your marketing strategy is working and if it’s time to go full steam ahead or pivot and rethink your approach. And you should be constantly assessing the performance of your content and evolving your campaign so your marketing strategy is as effective as possible.

4. Figure Out Your Optimal Post Frequency

As with any social media platform, post consistency and frequency are key components for growth and success. Plus, the time of day when you post plays an important role in engagement too.

For example, brands that post regularly find that they see the most engagement from users typically during the morning or early afternoon. If you’re representing a large company, you can get away with a few posts a week. And if it’s your personal page, you can post every day if you want.

Regardless, finding the right groove will take time and testing to get right.

5. Engage With Platform

Yes, you’re busy but don’t just post your content and go on about your day. Take some time to be active on the platform. Respond to comments on your posts, participate in discussions, and share info and resources with the rest of the community. When people see you’re an active member, they’re more apt to return the favor or remember you as someone with valuable info to share.

I know these 5 tips will take your 2023 marketing game to the next level on LinkedIn! 

Thanks for reading,

Joshua B. Lee

The post 5 Tips You Can Use to Improve Your LinkedIn Marketing Strategy in 2023 appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

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