Julia McCoy Tue, 21 Mar 2023 18:48:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 https://www.digitalmarketer.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/gearsNew-150x150.png Julia McCoy 32 32 What Is AIO? The New Model Revolutionizing Content & Predictions About AI https://www.digitalmarketer.com/blog/what-is-aio/ Fri, 17 Mar 2023 16:42:37 +0000 https://www.digitalmarketer.com/?p=164603 When you can generate long-form SEO content that’s fully original and well-written inside of five minutes or less, you’ll never go back.

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In 1936, the creator of Turing Machines predicted that a machine would one day be able to think like a human, if not even outperform the human. 

It’s 2023, and we’re officially here.

82% of marketers believe that AI will be the future of marketing—in fact, many of them already believe AI writes better than a human (Capterra study).

Well, with ChatGPT flying past 100 million users in just two months…we’re living in the future.

AI is revolutionizing the way we work, think, and create. 

I joined Content at Scale as the VP of Marketing this January in a bold move of ‘adapting or die’ for my career in content—one month in, what I’m seeing, learning, and facilitating for marketers and teams is blowing my mind. Let’s talk about it.

Reduce Content Overhead Costs and Frustrations by 5x-25x With the AIO Model

It’s now the Stone Age to sit at your computer and drum up 2,500 words for an SEO post from a blank slate.


When you can generate long-form SEO content (2,500 words or more) that’s fully original and well-written inside of five minutes or less, you’ll never want to go back. 

On average, I’m seeing a 5-25x reduction in associated content creation costs (which is mind-boggling!), and a time savings of 5-10x. (My full-time writer at Content Hacker went from 7 hours per post to one hour per post after we adapted this model.)

Here’s the AIO model I’ve built out reflecting the difference of what you can do in your business and marketing by replacing the human blank-slate writing with AI blank-slate writing, based on hundreds upon hundreds of use cases from Content at Scale clients:

“AIO”, Artificial Intelligence Optimization, is the term I’ve created to properly define the new way we’re seeing hundreds of marketers and teams create content:

  • Artificial Intelligence as the baseline writer (replacing the human writer and blank slate)
  • The human writer as an optimizer of the AI baseline content

And—it’s working.

With the time and money savings, it’s an absolute no-brainer to switch to AI as the baseline.

The Human Process Involved In AIO

While we see AI perfectly capable of writing an entire 2,500 word blog from scratch, with a single keyword and one-sentence prompt:

We also see the need for the human optimization process pre-publish more necessary than ever.

Without your unique story (or client case studies/testimonials) woven in, the human touch of adding statistics, double-checking facts and cutting the fluff; AI-written content simply won’t stand out. It won’t set you apart in the content sea; it won’t drive customers and loyal fans in droves to your email list. So, the human touch is necessary.

My C.R.A.F.T. framework within AIO defines the steps writers should take to make the AI content more human and personalized once you take it from AI and get it ready to publish (from AI to O):

1.     Cut the fluff

2.     Review, edit, optimize

3.     Add images, visuals, media

4.     Fact-check

5.     Trust-build with personal story, tone, links

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Humans are needed for the optimization side, and for that human touch that must be applied to the content AI generates. Content itself will never be a fully automated, 100% AI process; but AI can remove hours and hours of painstaking work from the content creation pipeline, which will save countless amounts of energy and dollars in the coming months and years when marketers adapt in full force.

 Predictions About the Future of Content & AI

This year, Capterra surveyed almost 200 marketers using AI in their marketing. 82% of them said that the content written by AI was just as good if not better than human-generated content.

One of the first Generative AI experts in the world, Nina Schick (founder of Tamang Ventures, and creator of Substack project ‘The Era of Generative AI’), has told Yahoo Finance Live that she believes ChatGPT will completely revamp how digital content is created, and by 2025, software built with ChatGPT will enable us to reach 90% of all online content now being generated by AI. She said: “ChatGPT has really captured the public imagination in an extremely compelling way, but I think in a few months’ time, ChatGPT is just going to be seen as another tool powered by this new form of AI, known as generative AI,” she said.

Google Trends shows a HUGE jump in interest and traffic around the term “ChatGPT:”

Search traffic shows that the interest in AI is the highest it has ever been. The previous peak was in January 2012:

375 million jobs obsolete in the next ten years. In the next three years, it’s predicted that 120 million workers around the globe will need to be retrained and re-skilled for this new world.

Newer and better-paying jobs in AI will come on the scene, but they won’t replace the amount of jobs lost; so without retraining and reskilling, and learning how to adapt, average people will have difficulty finding new work.  

Are You Ready to Join the Future? 

I’m excited to see just how much AI will revolutionize human efficiency and optimization. 

We’re in new times.

Are you ready to join the future of marketing and learn about all things AI?

I know I am. 

See you on the other side!

The post What Is AIO? The New Model Revolutionizing Content & Predictions About AI appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

How to Produce Content 3 to 10 Times Faster https://www.digitalmarketer.com/content-series/product-content-faster-ai/ Mon, 27 Feb 2023 18:02:59 +0000 https://www.digitalmarketer.com/?p=164387 Julia McCoy explains how AI can save both time and money when it comes to producing written content.

The post How to Produce Content 3 to 10 Times Faster appeared first on DigitalMarketer.


Julia McCoy explains how AI can save both time and money when it comes to producing written content.Show less

The post How to Produce Content 3 to 10 Times Faster appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

Hiring the Perfect Content Writer with Julia McCoy [VIDEO] https://www.digitalmarketer.com/blog/hiring-content-writer-julia-mccoy/ Mon, 01 Aug 2022 16:46:00 +0000 https://www.digitalmarketer.com/?p=161470 Finding a good writer for your content is so important, not everyone’s styles will match your brand voice, not everyone has the same skill set, not everyone is what you’re looking for!

The post Hiring the Perfect Content Writer with Julia McCoy [VIDEO] appeared first on DigitalMarketer.


Finding a good writer for your content is so important, not everyone’s styles will match your brand voice, not everyone has the same skill set, not everyone is what you’re looking for!

1. Make sure you’re searching on platforms with a wide reach.

2. Ditch interviews! Give them a project from your editorial calendar, and see what they do with it!

3. Make sure your guidelines are crystal clear! Give them some direction on the content you’re having them write.

Julia McCoy is the creator of The Content Transformation System and The Content Hacker. Starting at 19 years old, she built a brand from $75 to over $5 million in gross revenue. She’s also a six-time bestselling author and host of The Content Transformation podcast.

The post Hiring the Perfect Content Writer with Julia McCoy [VIDEO] appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

Want to Build a Content Marketing Career Path? Here’s What to Do https://www.digitalmarketer.com/blog/content-marketing-career-path/ Fri, 01 Jul 2022 19:16:19 +0000 https://www.digitalmarketer.com/?p=161082 In search of a content marketing career path? You’ll join an exploding industry with massive room for growth. Read our guide to learn how to build marketable skills.

The post Want to Build a Content Marketing Career Path? Here’s What to Do appeared first on DigitalMarketer.


What Does a Content Marketing Career Path Look Like?

Are you looking to pursue a content marketing career path? You’re in a good place. Content marketing is blowing up, set to be worth $600 billion in 2024 (Technavio research).

What’s more, 89% of companies that hire content marketers plan to either continue or increase their current investments throughout 2022.

If you have natural writing ability, a knack for creativity, and are driven by data, content marketing may just be your dream field.

But, what does it take to be successful in content marketing? Are there specific hard skills you need to have? Let’s take a closer look.

Why Choose a Career in Content Marketing?

For starters, it’s a growing field with a lot of opportunities. Additionally, it allows you to be creative and work independently – two things that are increasingly important in the modern workforce.

Growth Industry

Content marketing continues to grow as an industry for one main reason; it works. In a recent Semrush survey, 73% of companies who increased their content marketing spending from 10% to 70% of their total marketing budget were very successful.

In addition, 72% of companies have stated they plan to increase their content marketing budget in 2022. As the industry continues to grow, the need for individuals in the field also increases.


While having a career that feeds your creativity can be rewarding, the paycheck is a significant factor.

As a content marketer, you can create a stable and solid income. The average base salary for a content marketer in the United States is $56,036. Not too shabby for an entry-level position.

It only goes up from there. According to PayScale, the median base salary for a management position is $70,332 and $168.183 for an executive-level role.

Continued Learning

One thing a career in content marketing won’t be is stagnant. The way people consume content is constantly changing, meaning the way you create it will also shift. You’ll need to stay updated with the latest trends and best business practices.

The learning doesn’t end there. Depending on your role, you may be creating content for various industries. This means you may have to educate yourself on topics you have no experience in.

The more you increase your knowledge, the more room you have for personal and professional growth.

If you consider yourself a lifelong learner, this is an excellent career.

What type of marketer are you?

What Does a Content Marketing Career Path Look Like?

The content marketing industry is a sprouting field with many opportunities for those willing to invest time and effort. While a bachelor’s degree may help you start on the right foot, it’s not a surefire ticket into the industry anymore. Instead, think of building skills that clients and employers will immediately hire for.

There are specific skills that are vital to your success in content marketing.

6 Key Skills You Need to Succeed in a Content Marketing Career

This rapidly growing field will require essential hard skills to land jobs. While this may slightly vary depending on your specific role, we found the skill set listed below as being necessary for all positions within content marketing:

  1. Writing skills: This is a must. The majority of content marketing is writing, so it is vital that you can craft compelling copy that draws in your target audience.
  2. Knowledge of SEO: To ensure you create the content your audience wants to consume, you need a basic understanding of search engine optimization.
  3. Data & analytics skills: This is essential in determining the success of the content; whether it’s measuring engagement, subscriptions, or clients, you need to be able to quantify your success.
  4. Social media literacy: You may need to craft and distribute content for a range of platforms, knowing how to leverage multiple channels will set you apart in the industry.
  5. Research skills: Depending on your role, you may be crafting content for several industries. You need to know how to find reliable and factual information no matter the field.
  6. Time management skills: Your content is only strong if it’s still relevant. Adhering to deadlines is crucial so employers can publish on time, in season.

Seem to be missing one or two skills from your portfolio? Don’t get discouraged. We offer a wide range of resources that can set you up for success, such as our Head of Marketing Bootcamp.

While the knowledge mentioned above is going to be key to getting you into the door you can’t forget about some essential soft skills.

To truly enjoy your career and continue to grow in your field, the additional skills below are another essential set to add to your content marketing toolkit:

  • Curiosity
  • Persuasion
  • Creativity
  • Good intuition
  • Growth mindset

Content Marketing Roles

A career path in content marketing can look different for everyone. In fact, content marketing is a pretty broad term, and you’ll have your pick from various roles within the industry.

Typical roles within a content marketing team include:

  • Community Manager: The middleman. The community manager acts as the brand voice through content distribution, community support, and digital engagement.
  • Social Media Manager: Responsible for creating and distributing content across social media platforms. This can also include content strategy, analyzing analytics, and digital campaigns.
  • Video Marketing Manager: Helps brands tell their story through engaging videos to connect with potential customers on a deeper level.
  • Brand Journalist: Produces a variety of written content that communicates the capabilities and values of the company. They grab the attention of potential clients and turn them into customers.
  • SEO Specialist: A research and analytical guru that uses search engine optimization to create strategies and in-demand content.
  • Graphic Designer: Responsible for the visual aspect. From websites to logos, the graphic designer creates engaging visuals that are brand and captivate the audience.
  • Copy Editor: Ensures all written content is in tip-top shape before distribution.
  • Managing Editor: Also known as a content manager, this individual often oversees designers, writers, and researchers to ensure the success of all visual and written content.
  • Director of Editorial: The boss of the boss. This editor manages a team of producers, along with creating and implementing strategies and upholding vendor relations.
  • Chief Content Officer: This is the top dog. The CCO oversees all content creation and distribution, ensuring it is on par with the company’s brand.

Start Your Content Marketing Career

In today’s digital age, content is king. The best way to succeed in content marketing is by producing high-quality content that engages your audience.

If you want to start a career in content marketing, we can help. We offer courses and training that will give you the skills you need to succeed. Check out our Content Marketing Mastery course to start your content marketing career path.

The post Want to Build a Content Marketing Career Path? Here’s What to Do appeared first on DigitalMarketer.
